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Posts posted by dingdong12

  1. anyone any idea if the minoxidil foam is avilable under a generic name such as kirklands, im cuurentlyc using kirklands liquid but have stopped using twice a day . i only use at night now as in morning it was not feasable


    by the way is using minoxidil once a day acceptable?

  2. hi guys . for any of you irish members or any european members you should consider checking out dr saifi in Poland. i had surgery there in late january. i am extremely happy with the results so far and it is only the week 7 mark. i am extremely confident i will achieve an excellent result. if you have any questions please feel free to ask me. there are other members on here equally happy with there results.


    i shall upload some pics soon.

  3. to label doctors who dislike lllt as "good guys" infering those who dont as i guess "bad boys" seems harsh to me .


    i thought the laser comb was fda approved and as stated by an earlier post the well rescpected dr charles obviously sees it as a god tool.


    i dont know enough about lllt to comment if works or not but it is perhaps harsh to insinuate those who do believe it does as not "good guys"

  4. lol im based in belfast


    i can already see lots of growth i think iv been one of the lucky ones with not alot of shedding


    i have faith in dr saifi and reckon the result should turn out excellent but you cant help but doubt


    this forums great im able to talk to you who sat on the same chair as me and watched those sexy techs split our hair lol


    did you mention to dr saifi this site and if he considred joining???

  5. im 6 weeks post op and already have growth , i guess its some that did not shed


    do you reckon that this is overthe shedding phase,??


    there is also areas were hair was transplanted and no hair at all is visible, im hoping that this will fill in with time


    i know it takes months to grow its just that with growth already apparent i was wondering should it all be uniform


    just panicing a bit

  6. i tend to agree with new hair the ab crunches will do absolutely nothing for your weightloss except give your firmer ab muscles however these will never be seen under a layer of fat.


    concentrate on cardio and weights , interval training is the most effecient type of cardio.. i must say i started lifting heavy after 4 weeks, i may or may not have resumed to early but just couldnt take postponing any longer

  7. hi high flyer


    id say after about 4 weeks you should be able to resume normal exercise again with perhaps the exception of heavy weights so shoulnt be out of the gym too long ;-)


    i dont see a problem with the fat burners esp if its a short term thing, i wouldnt use them though as regular maintenance in keeping your weight down.


    the usual good diet and exercise is the only thing that will keep the weight of on a permanent basis. lots of high protein foods , you can pretty much eat as much like of that within reason of course and introduce cheat meals in once or twice a week. depends really what your goals are but just tweaking your diet and introducing exercise esp some weight training will do wonders


    i too have a love for junk food ;-)

  8. i also went in to ziering clinic for consultation however did not like the idea of any sort of "chain " outfit .


    it seems to commercial to me, like the tescos of the hair transplant world. and although tescos is great for everyday things it cannot compare to your local independent deli for quality and level of service. just my thoughts on the matter

  9. just watched this morning interview


    he should have mentioned that jason would need to go back for another treatment to sort out the crown however none the less i think the results are fantastic considering jason was virtually completely bald on top

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