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Posts posted by dingdong12

  1. hi ausboy


    first thing dont panic , your 28 and are only starting to notice the signs of mpb .

    you have plenty of options to you and if can act now then you will be ahead of most in the game. (no point closing the stable door after horse bolts)


    i too was around 27/8 when first noticed thinning at the temple region luckily this didnt transfer to the crown region (still hoping) . i did nothing for about two years and it gradually got more noticeable and more upsetting for me. it really affected me.


    i was suffering from alot of stress at the time as well as the hairloss . i never went to my gp first but i would reccommend doing that first so a trained medical professional can explain the reasons and options to you. he may or may not prescribe you propecia or the like.


    i currently am only taking minoxidil as i dont like the idea of taking propecia given the possible side effects. i would highly recommend starting minoxidil immediately.


    next port of call would be to visit some local hair clinics and find out from them possible treatment options etc, it would probably be wise to give it a year or so before committing to any treatment to see if your hair loss stabilises.


    again before committing to any surgeon do your research , however you have found this site and im sure now that you have you will avoid many of the pitfalls people can make in tackling their hair loss.


    good luck and keep posting questions here and the like

  2. hi buzz


    congrats oh ht .. i also thought the techs were very pretty ;-)


    you seemed to have a great experience like me . now its the waiting game.


    i found dr saifi to be excellent from start to finsh an wroclaw a lovely city to exlplore


    i did wonder about the clinic initially but once i entered i was put at ease, the builiding itself is rather old and tired

  3. im 5 weeks post op today .


    im wondering is this growth im seeing permanent or is this due to shed do you think.


    iv noticed a bit of shedding previously but not really like the way others comment on


    is there a period of time that shedding occurs within , iv heard after a few weeks or can it go on longer?


    im hoping this is the start of my new growth althou seems awful early

  4. i am 19 days post op and my hair is very untidy at minute,


    i am wanting to get a haircut this week .


    my new transplanted hair has yet to fall out yet , should i wait until it does fall out or is it fine to carry on regardless


    ca nthe barber cause any damage to the hair either newly transplanted or around the donor area???


    my doc in his post op instruction give about 3 weeks before haircut which is about now , wanted to see what others felt.

  5. im going to keep taking my protein couldnt ive without it but i may change to whey concentrate as opposed to isolate


    the problem is when these docs make these claims it is planted in your mind and no matter what evidence there is to the contrary there is always that doubt that sways you to to maybe think otherwse

  6. what are your views on the use of whey protein and hair loss. i am a keen gym goer and protein shakes are a big part of that.


    my surgeon says that the protein is not good for suffers of mpb and that it can speed up hairloss


    he also says this of creatine


    he pointed me towards a hair shake by shapiro


    not sure if i buy into the use of protein as damaging but i can see some logic in science

  7. hi , i am heading for hotel break and would like to make use of the lovely facilities such as swimming pool on offer.


    on day of going i shall be 25 days post o


    do you think this is sufficient time to do no harm to new grafts, i dont plan on doing any strenuous swimming just chillingn inthe pool


    what do you guys think of wearing swimming cap to keep water out ??

  8. perhaps i may need more


    , howver as buzz says at least there is a affordable surgeon in europe who after speaking to prev patients performs great results and i can always go for second procedure ,


    heres hoping i dont need to and i am happy with the results

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