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Posts posted by alix

  1. the video in the link is better than 100 high resolution pics.

    this is an amazing transformation,I don't care were those grafts are from,or whether it was done in one session or multiple sessions,or whether it's surgical record or not! the result is what matters and it's fantastic.

    it's amazing how much a low hairline can make a man look youthful & young even at the cost of such low density,this definitely beats a high "M" shaped middle age look hairline with denser density.

  2. it's been 2 months since I started using kirkland minoxidil foam 5%,no irritation or other skin issues at all.

    but major increase in shedding, which is said to be normal in first few months of using any minoxidil product.

    dries really fast,is not greasy and does not stick the hairs like liquid versions,and actually gives some additional volume to hair making styling easy and help to hide thinning areas.based on what I read it's as good as rogain/regain brand just much more affordable.

  3. 8000 pound for a nose job sounds ridiculous and a total rip off imo.

    I have seen people done excellent nose jobs in middle east and asia for GBP500 to GBP800 with experienced surgeons resulting in excellent results.

    cosmetic surgeries are much more on demand in developing countries due bigger percentage of young people and culture .I really don't think anyone should consider uk for cosmetic surgeries.for what I've seen prices are ridiulous and not many skilled surgeons & too many complaints..

  4. I'm surprised just 0.5 mg. a week made that noticeable of a difference. I wonder what kind of improvement adding 0.5 daily would make?


    Dutasteride has a very long half life comparing to Finasteride.

    I've read about people taking low doses of Finasteride (1 MG every other day,or even 1mg twice a week) & still reporting improvement..so adding 1 Avodart pill a week (0.5mg) with much longer half life makes sense.


    I think for majority of people Finasteride won't fully stop hairloss,it will reduce it,specially for long term users the positive effects might become weaker, adding just 1 Avodart pill a week sounds safer and of course much more affordable than taking it every day.


    I'm thinking about following this regime and adding 1 Avodart a week to my normal daily 1MG finasteride regime myself to see what happens.still worry about the safety of it though.


    apparently accessing to that full study report and pictures is not free & requires registeration and paying a $35 fee, but someone on baldingblog comments section payed the fee and here is his comment:


    "The man was taking 1mg of Finasteride per day. You can purchase access to the study for $35 through the link in this posting. I did that and I must say that the picture demonstrating Dutesteride’s effect is quite remarkable. There is a picture of the mans crown prior to starting Finasteride 4 years ago. Then another picture 2 years into Finasteride therapy which shows some slight regrowth. Then another at 4 years which shows the effect of Finasteride had definitely waned as the crown appeared close to the original baseline picture. The last picture was taken 3 months into the use of 0.5mg of Dutasteride once per week combined with the 1mg of Finasteride per day. The regrowth far surpasses what Finasteride had done at the 2 year mark. It is definitely worth taking a look at the result as it is very impressive."

  5. Hey Everyone!


    Does anyone have a suggestion and/or hair product to straighten out my hair...especially my hairline. I use a glue like product now bu it still doesn't truly control the wavy/coarse hair.


    try an electric hair straightner..(there are smaller,for men models),they sort that wavy after transplant hair problem nicely.(worked for me)

  6. Lorenzo's work looks really impressive,if I were to go FUE he would be my 1st choice.

    Bisanga and Feriduni are also good.I'm not familiar with Reyes.

    like others mentioned;consultation with a few canditate surgeons + researching,browsing results is the best way to decide.it's very important to chose the best possible surgeon (regardless of distance and cost difference as much as possible) to reduce risk of disappointment.

  7. Great Video Sean... Lorenzo is like H&W when it comes to clear video results but in FUE.

    yeah I agree he is like H&W of FUE,I think he is the very best for FUE mega sessions,there are other great FUE docs but it appears they mostly do smaller session.but Lorenzo does mega sessions and appears very confident in what he does and results posted are just like FUT mega sessions of the best FUT docs.

    I myself had strip procedures before so my next procedure is going to be another strip (unless I cannot get necessary numbers in one procedure due scalp laxity),but if it was my first HT or if I wanted FUE I'd definitely go for a FUE mega session with Lorenzo.

    it would be really good if he is recommended here becuase his results and videos are really impressive.

    sadly his website and videos are in Spanish only.

  8. IMO,he made a big mistake getting this done unless he has an outstanding donor supply.

    He is 26 now,imagine how much more hair he will lose by 56?


    he was already looking super bald at 25,so I don't think he had any reason not to do the ht.

    his ht result is great imo,he was using concealers to enhance the result and in some pictures he is not using them so looks thinner,but major improvement to what he looked like before the ht.let's not forget how he looked before the ht:





    + he had FUE procedure with very little scarring and can do a buzz cut in future if needed & of course he can do a few more FUE sessions.

  9. Kaliber,

    are you sure your medication is legit?

    if you had occasional sides with finasteride,but no sides at all with dutasteride+worsened hairloss it could be that your pills are fake?? (asuming you bought them online).

    but I think you need to wait at least 6 months anyway.

    I've heard some people (few) on forums reporting hairloss worsening when switching to Dutasterie.but most people that switch from Finasteride to Dutasteride report major improvement.

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