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Posts posted by NEWHAIRPLEASE

  1. Bonker

    I know Dr Rahal is throwing some excellent results! I'm excited. I'm gonna post a ton of pictures. What crazy is I'm excited about spending a week in Ottawa watching the snow! I guess that's from being from the south.

    The app is Countdown

    I got a countdown till my surgery, and then a countdown for 6 months post op!

  2. I've never looked into it properly but it impresses me every time i see it. What's the crack is it simply permanent tattoo ink?


    I wonder if it would help hide scars under a blade 2 buzz cut so you can keep your hair short back and sides and long on top.


    Hey bonker

    I know you've had your issues with donor shockloss, and I'm sure it will work out, however, I'm just wondering if you did any scalp stretching exercises before your surgery? I don't know if that helps, but it seems like it would.

  3. Hey Bill I have a question. I went to a derm a week back, and got a prescription for propecia. I asked him about Proscar, and he said he would give me a prescription for it, but that it would mess up my insurance premiums later. He said insurance companies would see that and assume I had some prostate problem at the age of 20! I've been on propecia for a week now, and everything's been fine. I don't think I'm shedding particularly more than before, and there are no "side effects." My question is whether the doc just lied because he did not want to write me a prescription for proscar. Also, when does the shedding period usually start? Also, if Propecia is to stop my hairloss from what point will it do so? I.e. is the hair I'm losing now (only a week in) going to come back or is gone forever?


    Well Im not Bill but Ill answer the best i can.. had a doctor tell me the samething, I figured it was still better to pay for Proscar and make it last longer than a month. Anyway, when I wnt to get the prescription filled, insurance DID pay for it...FWIW;)

  4. Spanker, I am 3 weeks post op for my first HT. I can tell you that for me the anxiety in advance and during the thinking about it process was far worse than getting the HT or the post op. Also, my surgeon and their staff made me feel very comfortable before, during and after. Now that I had it done and am just in the waiting stage, I feel so much better.



    I'm in the same boat! I know I've chosen a great surgeon in Dr Rahal, but I'm having to wait till January so I can use all my vacation. The anticipation is the worst. But it's still part of the whole process so you just have to deal with it!

  5. I think for this doctor to sit there knowing he had concealer on his head and still playing along that the results was from 3500 grafts shows you what kind of doc this guy is. I don't care how decent his result actually is, this alone should detour people from considering this doctor.


    I agree with you Cand decide! Although, for some reason I think this doctor is hot among the Hollywood elite?? Go figure!:mad:

  6. Ive had several consults with coalition doctors...some say use rogaine as early as 3 days post op..some say wait 14 days post op..all of the doctors I have spoken with recommend using it though..AND THEY ALL HAVE OUTSTANDING RESULTS! I think its just a matter of preference from your doctor. Ive never heard of the cocunut oil, Ive heard of vitamin e oil but not cocunut..again I think its best to follow your doctors instructions!

  7. Im at about 17 weeks I don't see anything so far I think that's just standard around this time unless you're one of these very lucky people who are fast growing.



    How is the shockloss doing? I know it was kinda bothering you..just wondering if its starting to come around?

  8. I did a check spot about an inch on my scar and it turned out pretty nice. The person did my scar tattoo name is Athen akarsant






    At the consultation, she told me it will take 3-5 visits to make it look super good. She seems pretty nice and honest to me.


    I would love to see pictures when you are done completely..how far apart are your sessions?

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