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Posts posted by Spanker

  1. I would like to take this opportunity the commend Dr. L for mentioning the focus issue with the camera and stating why there was a difference in photography.


    This really really impresses me.


    I have attached a link to a thread that is not very old of photos that I do NOT consider a good representation of work performed. It may not be the doctors fault as he was not the poster, but it was his clinic. Doc's, I and others should hold you responsible for the type of advertising/results you post on here. I am not saying that the linked results are bad....I can not tell, I am just saying that they are not representative of the work performed.


    Good, honest results like the above will get you much more respect. When I see an results thread by a clinic that is intentionally not showing honest results....it really really turns me off. I made a post about the difference of the linked result but no one came back to comment.


    Good job Dr. L and congrats for your honest and good results that you post.



  2. IDK. It is really hard to tell. I do see 2 crowns. I have an S swirle mine looks thinner than it is. My wife swears that there is no difference in shaft diameter. I do believe almost all Caucasian males will see more skin in the center of their crowns.


    That said the only thinner spot a really see is on the right side of your head. It is a toss up for me, cant really tell.


    If you are that stressed I would see a dermatologist and consider finasteride. It is better to treat the problem if there is one than to ignore it.

  3. Gentleman, thank you all for your excellent insight. Levrais, looking at your pictures and journal was particular helpful as well. I feel a little more at ease knowing what to generally expect. I'll post some pictures this weekend of my current hairline. Spanker, that's understandable with regard to FUE as I understand SMG is still relatively new in penetrating that market segment but I would hope their renowned reputation certainly carries over to that and that they continue to build an excellent track record there. Personally, my largest initial concern I had with FUE was the 75% - 100% survival rate of the transplanted hairs as opposed to the near 100% with the standard type.


    That is mine too. I am 32 and doubt I will want to wear my hair as short as I used to. I used to wear it very military. Now I am sporting a little longer, more layed back look so it is pushing me more to strip because of the proven track record.

  4. I did,t really think it is that uncommon....he just looks like a really far receeder to me. Secondly, I think that the pics are not a very good representation of the work done. If there had not been an immediate post op pic I would not have known there there was any work done at all, because he kinda has the forward comb over look going.


    I know that Dr. R is a very respected surgeon. I am not saying that work is poor, but I cannot acually see the final result because of the hair style that he is using.


    More transparent photos means more credibility.

  5. You are not gonna get a lot of advice on that doctor on this forum...why, I have not been specifically told but I think it is in the ethics arena. Shapiro is doing FUE for $6 a graft which might be something to consider.


    Honestly, your loss is so extensive at your age I would reconsider HT all together and just go Bruce Willis/Jason Statham. You seem to have a decent head....I would really reconsider HT. You seem NW7 bound....I would hit the gym and shave the head and buy a nice car....but that is just me.


    My head looks all jacked up or that is the look I would go for.

  6. True that! I ALMOST got scammed into a Latham's Clinic proceedure of mini-grafts. If you are new to HT and don't really really do your research there are a lot of sharks out there.



    The call this crap "remove the bald" proceedure. That is where they are taking a plug of bald out and putting a plug of hair in essentially.


    It is deffinately a dangerous world out there for HT patients that are not up to date on everything. There are probably a couple of other good forums out there but this one is my fav so far.

  7. The work that was done , although certainly not stellar, would appear to fall within the category of "standard of care", so the "suing" issue I believe may be a waste of time. The overall result wherein the grafts are placed sparsely more than likely would be the result of "filling in" as many patients request, without attention to the fact that this will be the result not if, but when further hair loss occurs. Following the previous "immature" hairline results in a mismatch between the contour design of the hairline and the density.

    As for the raised nature of the grafts as they sit on the scalp, while this is certainly less than ideal, hair that is worn at a "normal' (ie not "buzzed") length should hide this poorer result, though i can understand that as this has evolved the low density you have as a result after these years probably doesn't look too good in the "normal" longer style.

    The scar, as well, is less than ideal.

    However, it does not appear, at least to my eye, that this is not a scenario worth "giving up", although I understand your frustration. With the exception of grafts that are placed outside the curve of a mature hairline, you should, in the proper hands, be able to:

    1. Reduce the scar from the first procedure.

    2. Increase the density in the hairline and frontal forelock, and;

    3. Have the grafts outside the"mature" hairline removed, either by FUE or laser.


    I hope this is helpful for you, and I am sorry you ended up with the result you did.


    I don't know about sueing, cause any cosmetic surgery is kind of a gamble, that said, if this case is within the "Standard of Care" I feel that it doesn't say much about the hair restoration business. If this was "filling in" maybe, but you can tell, and as he stated, much of it was not filling in but was created.


    The HT community should re-evaluate what the standard of care is and openly hold accountable the doctors that produce these results. I guess that is what this website is for.

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