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Posts posted by RCWest

  1. Different blood vessels and nerves can get damaged during surgery. I had a procedure done to the front 1/3 many years ago, but my crown was numb for 6 months afterwards.


    I see you had over 4000 grafts with Dr. Rahal. That is awesome! I would love to hear your experience, if you are willing to share. I also see that you are only 24. What did Dr. Rahal say your future looks like? That is a lot of grafts for someone so young.

  2. I'm glad you finally decided to pull the trigger. You definitely did your homework! Dr. Konior is one of the most impressive surgeons I've seen. I believe 1200 or so grafts will give you any kind of hairline you want. Considering you've been losing your hair for 7 years and that is all you've lost, I think you got the good side of your family genetics :).


    BTW, where in Tennessee are you? I'm in Courtland, MS. about 45 minutes from Memphis.

  3. Have you had blood work done and been checked for thyroid, DHT, and testosterone levels? That would be the first thing I do. Also get checked for PCOS or any other female problems which can cause hair loss. I've known many ladies who started losing hair because of PCOS.


    You sound like a good candidate for medical management. Dr. Limmer recommends Minoxidil, Spironolactone, Biotin, and Head and Shoulders or Nizoral shampoo 2 or 3 times a week.

  4. Rich, while your hairline may have receeded just a tad, all in all your hair looks very good. You can always see scalp with wet hair, and it will always look thin when wet, so don't let that bother you. I'm glad to see you are being proactive and using the Big 3! Try and get that Finasteride dosage up to a full 1 mg. You are doing right in tapering the dosage up slowly from a very low dose. Spex says using that method works well.

  5. I don't know if the scalp or a surgeon themselves could support 100 grafts/cm2. Bloodflow may be a problem, and if it could be done, the grafts would have to be inserted straight in instead of at their natural angles.


    There is absolutely NO need to transplant 100 grafts per cm. It's been proven that you can lose 50 percent of your hair before it is really noticeable. So, 50-60 grafts per cm/2 at the hairline if you like to wear your hair combed back, and a bit less as you go back, will really do the job fine.

  6. RCWest....I notice you take Avodart. Do you think most doctors if I explained why I would

    like to switch from Propecia to Avodart would gladly oblige and write an RX for Avodart instead?


    Many doctors, if you explain what you are trying to achieve and you explain that Avodart is like Propecia but much stronger, and studies show it does grow more hair, shouldn't really have a problem with it.

  7. Platelets help the blood clot. So does Vitamin K. Eating lots of leafy greens or other green vegetables high in Vitamin K or taking a Vitamin K supplement will help with blood clotting. I'm not sure if it will alter your platelet count though.


    Vitamin K is so powerful at thickening the blood that you are advised to avoid any foods containing it while taking blood thinners like Coumadin, Aggrenox, etc.

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