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Posts posted by RCWest

  1. I've been on Finasteride for 2-1/2 years, and Avodart for close to 2. No ED here! No reduced ejaculate, watery semen, etc. Once you are on the medication for a while your body should become used to it.

  2. That is awesome! Thanks for sharing. Just like building a house, you should bring the guys donuts or breakfast every now and then. It's a real spirit lifter.


    Do I believe techs should be tipped? I see why not, especially when they are finishing up your head way after closing or placing extra grafts over the quote.

  3. Corvettester, you have Robert Pattinson hair now! LOL! You are lucky in that your loss was limited, and that you found a great surgeon. Your hair looks amazing and I am impressed with the results so far. Even more impressive is the fact that you aren't on any medical treatments. Consider yourself lucky in the genes department!!

  4. Dr. Wesley, you are really charging to the front of the pack in terms of dense, quality results!! That, along with your research in the hair transplant field, put you in some elite company.


    This result looks extremely natural. I know the patient is thrilled! Also it seems as if his rate of hair loss is very slow, or he is responding to Finasteride if he is taking it.

  5. Finasteride works in women with genetic hair loss. As long as you don't plan on getting pregnant you should be fine.


    Are you using Minoxidil also?


    Androcur isn't available in the U.S., but is available everywhere else. It works similar to Spironolactone. I use Spironolactone and it seems to have had added benefits to everything else I also take.


    I am actually very happy to hear it is genetic loss. That means you should respond well to the meds. A lot of women have diffuse loss on the whole scalp, so it's good to hear that yours is in a pattern and that your donor hair is safe!

  6. Some physicians prescribe Finasteride to women who are either post menopausal or can't have or won't have children. But they must first make sure it is genetic hair loss caused by DHT for it to even work.

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