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Everything posted by AdamAJ

  1. Mr powers...calm down....you need to count your blessings you still have your health....hair is not nothing to get worked over with....with this economy people are homeless and starving....I woudnt even consider losing hair a problem when you compare it to those problems people are having....calm down and be thankful for everything you have now...remember things could always be worse and someone out there is always worst off then you
  2. How soon can you use it after a transplant? I read somewhere the radation and uv raylight might be bad for the hair....any advice? Does it speed up growth using it after a transplant compared to not using it?
  3. wow...28 thosuand dollars...holy cow....well wait 6 more months but if nothing changes you need to do demand a refund...no questions asked....any doctor worth getting a procedure done with usually has the growth guarantee....if any grafts do not grow they are replaced for or money back
  4. im sure there have been greats results acheived without using this technique...
  5. thank you future_ht_doc.....i will definately keep updating results....im excited...the hardest part is always the first 3 months after a hair transplant...then after that is smooth sailing since results start to come in
  6. Thank you Dr. Charles....I can't wait till the hair starts coming out....will keep everyone updated...can't wait!
  7. also congrats on joining the military...i have been in the army national guard for 8 years....just got back from iraq 3 weeks ago....boot camp will be fun! just be prepared to get screamed at lol
  8. well that be enough grafts? just for my front so far...ive had 3003 grafts
  9. not true...my dad is 46...and has thick jet black hair....one strand is thick as heck...never seen such thick hair most people cant believe hes 46 when he has longer hair and clean shaven
  10. wow that looks like a large area to cover with only 1500.....i had 1513 just to lower my hairline a tad.....just curious thats all
  11. hey...we had similiar procedures....i had 1513 grafts to redo my hairline...Jan 6....about a week ago now.....thats a good thing that you didnt shed all the hairs....best of luck to u bud!
  12. maybe you can still get it cleared up and have another ht? you probably still have enough grafts left to make a cosmetic difference
  13. just remember no doctor is perfect...I have seen average to bad results from even the best transplant doctors...just keep in mind
  14. Wow...your results are looking great for not even 5 months yet...for the number of grafts you got put in the hairline its going to be excellent....its already making a dramatic difference on your apperance
  15. i think the average is probably 6 to 8 thousand grafts a per but some people have 10 thosuand with above average density...my doctor told me I have above average density
  16. I think Dr Barusco is one of the best who actually explains everything and takes the time with the patient. I don't know if you looked at my before and after pix from the first hair transplant but the change was dramatic for me. The pricing for this 2nd ht was 4.90 a graft which 250 were free since 150 did not grow from the first transplant plus 75 free for travel since I drove about 300 miles. My expectations were to fix my hairline for the first procedure which it did if you look at the before after pics. For this 2nd procedure it is to lower my hairline to a natural looking position and add more density which I know 1513 grafts is enough to more then do that. I think it is going to look awesome. As for you your in a different postion. I am not thinning or losing hair but my hairline was to high and my temples were to big for my liking. As you can see in pix my hair has still a lot of density and not thinning. If I were you I would just buzz my hair and maybe wait till your older to see where your hairloss progresses. Like you said if you do a procedure now it will be a waste of time and money because you are going to lose more hair behind the transplant hair and its going to look funny. I am goin to post day 6 post op pix.
  17. im just taking a guess at this...ive had 2 transplants both about 1500 grafts each....total 3000....and that was just for my frontal region....so I dont know 2000-2300 would be enough
  18. not to brag but i drove home after my 1513 graft strip....3 hr drive there....4 hours drive back...just saying lol
  19. damn my face swelled up exactly like yours....i had surgery jan 6 2011 couple days ago....and like you i was suprised at it.....good luck to you....looks like you will have excellent natural looking results
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