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A while ago, I first seen that my front hairline is now shaped as a wide "V". am 17 years old, and my hair is very thick, but find tinning at the front.


I've looked into my familys geans of hair, and

my mothers hair is thin (naturaly) been very more thin since she's always been dyeing it.


My fathers hair is very thick and he is 50 with no pattern of baldness or gray even...


My mothers mom, her hair is still pretty thick with no baldness.


My mothers father "I think" has a little case of baldness on his forehead, but i know he does have bald spot the size of 3 eggs I guess on the crown area.


my fathers mom, in between thick and thin I suppose.


My fathers dad, well.. he still has a full head of hair at 79 (grey though) but with a bald spot on his crown maybe size of 1 egg.. sorry I couldn't of used anything better..


But anyway, I know there's a way to maybe guestamate or whatever with the information I wrote to maybe see I will go bald or not?

If somebody could do the math and post it, that would be great. Please don't make stuff up either. It's not like it matters to me anymore anyway, I'll always be depressed now.


If you need more information on it to try and guess better, I'll be happy to post it.

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A while ago, I first seen that my front hairline is now shaped as a wide "V". am 17 years old, and my hair is very thick, but find tinning at the front.


I've looked into my familys geans of hair, and

my mothers hair is thin (naturaly) been very more thin since she's always been dyeing it.


My fathers hair is very thick and he is 50 with no pattern of baldness or gray even...


My mothers mom, her hair is still pretty thick with no baldness.


My mothers father "I think" has a little case of baldness on his forehead, but i know he does have bald spot the size of 3 eggs I guess on the crown area.


my fathers mom, in between thick and thin I suppose.


My fathers dad, well.. he still has a full head of hair at 79 (grey though) but with a bald spot on his crown maybe size of 1 egg.. sorry I couldn't of used anything better..


But anyway, I know there's a way to maybe guestamate or whatever with the information I wrote to maybe see I will go bald or not?

If somebody could do the math and post it, that would be great. Please don't make stuff up either. It's not like it matters to me anymore anyway, I'll always be depressed now.


If you need more information on it to try and guess better, I'll be happy to post it.

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d-a-y -


Sorry to hear about your situation. Hair loss sucks at any age but especially when you experience it at such a young age. Have you been to a dermatologist to make sure what you are experiencing is Male-Pattern-Baldness? If not, I'd highly recommend it. You may want to seek advice and do research about Propecia and/or Minoxidil..........there is an age restriction for Propecia (I'm not sure about minox), I believe the minimum age is 19 but do some research to be sure.


As for predicting hair loss...........there is NO WAY to do this. Yes, you may get an idea of future loss from genetic history or if you favor someone in some way. Many have mentioned that you need to look to your Maternal Grandfather for your patter.....................mine died at 60 with a full head of hair, not even temple recision, while I was NW 4-5 by the time of my first HT at age 38. I heavily resemble my father who loss his hair also but his loss was from front to back while mine was from the crown forward. Again, there's NO WAY to predict this mathmatically or otherwise.


Your best bet at age 17 is to get on what loss provention alternatives that you can, stay with them and evaluate as time goes on.


I hope this helps.



1st HT 1-18-05 - 1200 FUT's

2nd HT 2-15-06 - 3886 FUT's Dr. Wong

3rd HT 4-24-08 - 2415 FUT's Dr. Wong




current regimen: 1.25mg finasteride every other day


My Hair Loss Weblog


Disclaimer: I'm not a Doctor (and have never played one on TV ;) ) and have no medical training. Any information I share here is in an effort to help those who don't like hair loss.

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  • Senior Member

Hello D A Y,

Hairbank gave you good advice. The good news is that your relatives seem to have kept a mostly abundant head of hair, even though this is not always a reliable indication it is a positive reference in your favor. Definitely go see a dermatologist AND a HT Dr., you'll hear interesting opinions, you're too young for a HT but the HT surgeon will give you an evaluation based on a different perspective from the dermatologist, and finally use this forum and read and learn as much as you can, the information you find here will be more helpful than anything else.

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Welcome to the forums. We all can certainly sympathize with you directly on losing your hair. Those who are destined to lose their hair can all start at different ages and end up at different levels. you have received great advice so far. I also recommend seeing a dermatologist to see what he recommends. Using hair loss preventiion medications can definitely help you at this point...I strongly suggest that you give them a try.



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Well, thank you for your advice guys.. but for me it may not be that easy. I live in Ontario, Canada, and the worst part about this situation is that my mom says it's nothing and won't take it seriously. I do have freedom and can do whatever I want, when I want. Just I don't if there's any dermatologist around where I live, probably is but I aint sure. I should check though.. Here theres free health care so money wouldn't be an issus if we need to pay just to see one. But I'd sure pay all the money I could if it could stop me from goin bald.


I'm still in high school for another 2 years after this year. I'm just worried if i'll get a lot worse within then. To be honest, it's not noticable at all, cause I have long straight hair little past my sholders, and the front of my hair on both sides cover it, but everyday after a shower I see it, and just scares me more and more.

As for the dermatologist though, for hair transplants it may have different laws here for that.

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