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Unethical Physicians, continued...

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wow sensitive..

Sorry if I have offended you, but I was not excpecting a verbal attack. It seems many people on this particular blog tend to do so when trying to make a point. This situation pertains to me, this is why..


1.) I am considering a hair transplant.

2.) I am 25 year old who is scared shitless of getting a procedure after what I have read on this forum, which is sad; considering, I am so bothered by my hair loss that I have to do weird, funky looking hair styles to cover it up.

I am applying to law school soon and worry about my appearance during interviews. My hair is very unorganized, and I often daydream about what it would be like to not worry about my hair anymore. I am sure we all can relate on this forum and have all been in the same boat.

It's not devestating to me, it is just one thing I do not want to have to worry about, my appearance.


I think it sucks that I may not take advantage of a procedure of 2k-3k grafts that will help me feel so much more comfortable in my own skin because of what I have read here. I stumbled upon this blog just researching alvi armani, and what I have read is disappointing. I really like the way his work looks and it gave me a little bit of hope.. This blog took it away.

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lungs if you are going to get a ht consult with a few drs and get their opinions .


dont limit yourself to one dr on what you`ve read


your post comes across as suspicious as you come on defending armani rather than asking for advice and opinions.


ng2gb do you never sleep

2 x strip ht`s with Norton,very poor results

1 x fue ht with DHI,very poor result

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I was raised by a pack of vicious wolves...


your in the UK right? what time is it there?


Its 3:30am here in Southern California...


I must attend to my red wine, Sinatra, and my balding 'A" ---b'--r'---etheren....



I cannot sleep....


this is a donation based busiuess I run and we depend on the contributions of members such as yourselves...


-----please give....



I have a sweet lil girl arriving shortly which will cost me many dollars...

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12.30 for me today

we drink budweiser as though it is a fizzy drink.


in scotland its 6.am


when in england you can come out for a drink anytime,all welcome. plenty of hot babes too

2 x strip ht`s with Norton,very poor results

1 x fue ht with DHI,very poor result

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Originally posted by chucky:

lungs if you are going to get a ht consult with a few drs and get their opinions .


dont limit yourself to one dr on what you`ve read


your post comes across as suspicious as you come on defending armani rather than asking for advice and opinions.


ng2gb do you never sleep



The reason why I am defending Armani is because he is the one ht doctor that I am interested in. Also, I agree

he may target a younger market, but, this is what attracts me to his work. I have been visiting his site for about 2

years now and I love the way the work looks. I can relate to his patients and this makes me comfortable in doing the procedure. I have been worrying about recession since I was 17 years old. I am sick of worrying about it.. Life is

short and we all know that time flies, and 40 is right around the corner for me.. I don't want to be stuck with

a bald head and tons of transplanted hairs in my forehead. So, basically this situation just sucks.


The work I want done, I know Armani will do, and I am positive he will do it well.


One thing I do NOT like about Armani, was the consultation I had via email. Him or whoever emailed me

quoted me 5000 grafts. Now 5000 grafts is alot, but, they could be right in quoting me that; however,

I had not even explained exactly what I wanted to have done.. This and what I have read about his aggressive

tactics made me concerned.


Also, I often wonder about how you know for certain the amount of grafts that are being tranplanted?

What if some Doctors are quoting 5000 grafts but really doing 2000..


Alot of things that make me worry about the procedure and its costs.. I know the work I want to have done,

Armani will do it and do it well; yet, my experience with them thus far makes me want to do more research and I

am sick of thinking about this bullshit. I have too much going on and this is the least of my concerns and something

I want to get out of the way.

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hi lungs where are you based as you do need to consult with other docs and if we know where you live the members on here who have had a good ht from a doc in your area can recomend them to you.


even if you just get an opinion/quote from another dr you can then question armanis quote if there is a difference.


also you have to remember it may not be dr armani doing your ht.

all in all do yourself a big favour and do more consults


cheers bigmac.

2 x strip ht`s with Norton,very poor results

1 x fue ht with DHI,very poor result

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lungs that would be great if you get some consults and report back what they recomend for you.




i`m sure she`s the babe i had in vegas,she told me you were a ht forum addict and neglected her so i took full advantage icon_smile.gif


theres plenty of nice tanned girls here all be it off a sunbed and they all feel good

2 x strip ht`s with Norton,very poor results

1 x fue ht with DHI,very poor result

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****Has it occurred to you people that maybe Dr. Armani knows something you may not know?****



I deal with a lot of salesmen, as i am a salesman myself, and i know my competitors inside out. When it is too good to be true, it is usually the case.


In terms of # grafts required, there is no secret whatsoever, it is pure mathematics. Too many grafts put at the hairline, not enough for the rest, it is quite simple.


I consulted with Armani also, and i received lots of BS from him that does not any sense. Being a skeptical and logical person, i see thru his BS quite easily. But i do understand that a 20 something desperate to get hair might believe those BS. Do yourself a favor and get as many opinions from HT doctor as possible. Try Bernstein, Rassman, Shapiro (Ron)


I am not a doctor. The opinions and comments are of my own.


HT with Dr. Cooley on Nov 20, 2008

2097 grafts, 3957 hairs

Proscar, 1.25 mg daily, skip the 5th day, started Nov 2007


My Hair Loss Blog - Hair Transplant with Dr. Cooley

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Yup you can't sell a salesman. That's why so many trusting individuals get sucked in by someone the were conditioned to trust ( DR. )under false pretences ( Abrogation ). While STAFF counts the money and the letter of ...Sorry blabla etc. Is being penned up before your out of the chair.

I wonder if there is a criminal aspect that needs to be explored. Thanks for the insight Lotus.

A hair on the head is worth two on the brush.

I don't work for commision.. I bust e'm for free. Thank me later.

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lungs,you talk like 15 years is not a long time.in hairloss 15 years is a hell of along time.i just hope at 40 your not as bald a billiard ball with borats moustache sitting 3 inches above your eyebrows!

2381 fut Dr Bessam Farjo

2201 fut Dr Bessam Farjo

2000+ fut Dr Bessam Farjo


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Bessam Farjo


challenge the unchallenged.

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Guest josh - b



Why do you think armani causes such huge debate on all forums where as you'll almost never hear a single negative thing written on h+w, feller, shapiro etc.

Leaving aside his ethics (or lack of) he is now performing fue only. The showcase pictures and results that have drawn u to him are from his strip days.

last month his new website was supposed to have been launched showcasing his fully grown out fue results. Its still unlaunched with his mouthpiece shane making excuse after excuse on the other site and still not one publicised result. Why won't the most marketing oriented clinic in the business publish these results?




The fact that you were quoted 5000 grafts without anybody asking what you wanted done speaks volumes for greedy nature of that clinic.


Do not buy into the hype.

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Well, considering armani doesnt even do fuss anymore, I probably am ruling him out. I am still a student and can't afford that.


What are my options. My hair loss is not that extreme, I just want my hair line lowered and straightened out. Also, my hair loss on my left side is strange. here are some attached pics.

I wants my hairlines straightened out and my temple angles restored.. The way I see it, it shouldnt take more than 1500 grafts..


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I don't think you need any HT. From the pictures I assume you have no hair loss on your crown. Maybe a few hundred grafts on your temples but not at your hairline.

If Armani recommended 5000 grafts based on these pictures you should block his email and erase his phone number.


If you experience excessive hair loss you should consider taking hair loss drugs. Your hair is completely normal for a 25 year old non-balding guy.

If you are not happy with the way your hair looks like at the moment I think you will never be happy.



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I am not balding. I just want to do it as a cosmetic improvement. I want my temple angles restored and a straightening out of my hair line. I agree, alvi armani quoted me high. I am starting to understand what you all are speaking about. But, he restores temple angles very artistically and this is what I want done. btw, my right temple is much worse than my left. It is strange to me the area in which the hair has fallen out. Those pics are taken in poor lighting by cell phone and my hair long give an overall thick look to it because it is nappy like afro.

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btw, will doctors do a transplant of a few hundred grafts. I may just get my temples restored without my hair line and see how I like that, then do the rest later if my recession continues. I really think the temple angles are very important in framing the face.

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