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hair transplant at young age

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hey guys, i have been on the EXT treatment using minoxidil for a little over a year and a half now. Im 19 years old, turning 20 in september. I have noticed that my hairline has receded a bit more since i started using minoxidil, and the top of my head has gotten significantly thinner, forcing me to shave my head so it looks even. I am considering a HT to restore my hairline. I just have a few questions to consider...


1. How long does the hair take to grow after the surgery? I have read it takes about 3-5 months to see results, but then how does your head look if you have no hair and scabs on your head and hair growing everywhere else?


2. Do you recommend staying on the EXT shampoo treatment?


3. Would you recommend starting propecia?


4. What are some of the risks i take when getting this treatment with the rest of my hair that i still have?


5. Do they put you to sleep during surgery? How bad do the scabs look on your head before hair starts to grow back? enough to go out in public, or stay inside like a hermit?


6. Since the top of my head is thin, if i get the spots where my hairline has receded treated with donor hair, wont those spots look alot more thicker than the rest of my head?


I also found out that i would need only 800 grafts total.


Thanks for your time.

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hey guys, i have been on the EXT treatment using minoxidil for a little over a year and a half now. Im 19 years old, turning 20 in september. I have noticed that my hairline has receded a bit more since i started using minoxidil, and the top of my head has gotten significantly thinner, forcing me to shave my head so it looks even. I am considering a HT to restore my hairline. I just have a few questions to consider...


1. How long does the hair take to grow after the surgery? I have read it takes about 3-5 months to see results, but then how does your head look if you have no hair and scabs on your head and hair growing everywhere else?


2. Do you recommend staying on the EXT shampoo treatment?


3. Would you recommend starting propecia?


4. What are some of the risks i take when getting this treatment with the rest of my hair that i still have?


5. Do they put you to sleep during surgery? How bad do the scabs look on your head before hair starts to grow back? enough to go out in public, or stay inside like a hermit?


6. Since the top of my head is thin, if i get the spots where my hairline has receded treated with donor hair, wont those spots look alot more thicker than the rest of my head?


I also found out that i would need only 800 grafts total.


Thanks for your time.

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Not another one....Do you guys see what I mean.

It is an epedmic of 20 year olds getting HT's!


Sorry j4r3d, I'll let some one eles answer.


I'm tired of trying to warn 20 year olds not to get a HT.

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Below is a re-post you might want to check out. BTW I definitely recommend you talk to your doctor about starting Propecia!



Hair transplant surgery has come a long way over the years. Not only are more natural and even undetectable results achievable, but we also have techniques available that can expand the donor area to levels that were once considered impossible. This is all good news for patients suffering with hair loss, but many of the risks associated with transplanting young patients remain. In the fog of new technologies and marketing, sometimes people lose sight of the fact that hair transplant surgery addresses a progressive disease. Since, there is no hair loss cure (aside from my handle), I feel it is healthy to periodically revisit the discussion of surgical hair restoration for young patients


Treating young patients is a delicate topic. If a patient begins hair restoration when he is too young, he may find his progressive hair loss surpasses his donor hair supply. To compound this issue, future hair loss is not easily predicted in young individuals. Many patients who begin their hair procedures too early regret this as their hair loss worsens. Some surgery patients wish they had opted for a less aggressive treatment and still others wish they had not done surgery at all. As a general rule, the younger one is at the onset of male pattern baldness, the more hair they are likely to lose. Patients with advanced hair loss in their twenties should be cautious with restoration surgery, even with state-of-the-art procedures. Young guys with lesser degrees of baldness may be good candidates, but they too must be cautious about the procedure and the potential for future loss.


Most patients should try treating his hair loss with medical therapy before considering hair restoration surgery. Treatments such as finasteride, minoxidil, etc. can slow down or stop hair loss. Hopefully these therapies may halt the progression long enough for the patient to identity the ideal solution (or simply move on as the case may be).

Notice: I am an employee of Dr. Paul Rose who is recommended on this community. I am not a doctor. My opinions are not necessarily those of Dr. Rose. My advice is not medical advice.


Dr. Rose is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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I will do my best to answer your questions...


But first, at 19 years of age, unless there are EXTREME circumstances at hand, you should not be considering an HT at this point.


If you really do need only 800 grafts, then at your age, you are NOT elligible for a transplant.


Read TheHairLossCure's post below and the below thread:


Am I Too Young For a Hair Transplant?




I WILL, however, answer your questions, even though I do NOT recommend hair transplantation to you.


1. New Hair starts to grow 3-5 months after surgery. Also read:


When will I look "normal" after a hair transplant?




2. What is the EXT treatment? Finasteride (marketed as Propecia) and Minoxodil (Marketed as Rogaine) are the ONLY proven medications to combat hair loss. You can consider combining those with Nizoral shampoo or Revita Shampoo which may help fight surface DHT.


3. If you are losing hair now, I recommend researching Propecia ASAP.


4. What treatment? Are you referring to EXT (still not sure what that is) or an HT? Yes, there are risks of shockloss:


Help, I look worse than I did before surgery (SHOCKLOSS)




5. NO, they don't put you to sleep. Regarding your other question on number 5, see the thread I posted in number 4.


6. Yes, transplanted hairs will be as thick as healty native hair, where dying hairs will become thinner.



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Being but 21 myself, and on the cusp of getting an HT done, I would still have to agree with the general concencus that its a bit too soon for you to be getting a HT.....personally, it was only after being on Propecia for 6+ months; getting the advice and consent from a noted, conservative doctor (Dr. Dorin), as well as a firm committment to a long-term approach that I decided upon getting a HT.


As well, I understood some of the potential risks and balanced that out with the most objective outlook I could have on the +s and -s of getting an HT now as opposed to "later".


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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Hi J4R3D,


i totally understand what you mean when you want to get a HT done as soon as possible, especially when we live in a world where people judge you by the way you look.


I too have a receding hairline and now at 23 i will probably need one soon as well, but am trying to hold it off as long as i can.


But if you think that you can get around fine with the way your hair is now, then you should hold it off as you can (thats what i am trying to do).


I am sure if you get a HT too soon, i am sure that you will need another not too long after the first one.

So i think the best solution for us younger guys is to have a HT held off for as long as possible (as long as you are still comfortable) and then get a HT later on.


Thats just what i think of it right now. But i hope everything works out for you.

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Originally posted by J4R3D:

hey guys, i have been on the EXT treatment using minoxidil for a little over a year and a half now. Im 19 years old, turning 20 in september. I have noticed that my hairline has receded a bit more since i started using minoxidil, and the top of my head has gotten significantly thinner, forcing me to shave my head so it looks even. I am considering a HT to restore my hairline. I just have a few questions to consider...


What is the "EXT treatment?" Is that another one of those overpriced minoxidil-and-a-laser-helmet treatment center things?



Bill did a great job answering your questions, but there's a couple of things I'd like to add about my own experiences.


1. How long does the hair take to grow after the surgery? I have read it takes about 3-5 months to see results, but then how does your head look if you have no hair and scabs on your head and hair growing everywhere else?


The scabs don't last long, they fall off in just a couple of days. The redness fades as well. I'm about as pale as they come and no one could tell that I had anything done due to redness and much less scabs.


2. Do you recommend staying on the EXT shampoo treatment?


No. And I don't even know what it is. Get yourself some Nizoral 2% three times a week and a quality shampoo for the rest of the time. I use Nioxin, but only because I think it's great shampoo. Use Prell for all I care, because Prell will help you grow hair as well as whatever that "EXT shampoo" is.


Edit: I just looked up what "EXT" is. On second thought, save your EXT shampoo to go back to the salesman that sold it to you and beat him to a pulp with it.


Then go get some Nizoral 2% and some Prell. Because you're the man.


3. Would you recommend starting propecia?



Yes, but only after talking to a doctor about it. And knowing the risk of side effects before taking it.


Here's a hint: 99% of the people that cry about Propecia side effects on the web are hypochondriacs or head cases. That's no lie.


4. What are some of the risks i take when getting this treatment with the rest of my hair that i still have?



There's a chance of shock loss, but that's VERY minimized with a great doc. Of course, you don't need a doc yet. You can stave off your future loss with an appropriate blend of medication and treatment. You want to know what it is? Look at the list of treatments I use to the left. Been using it for years. Mild side effects at one time that were easily managed. And I have hair. Don't mess with a hair transplant until you're ready to commit to a medicinal regimen, period.



5. Do they put you to sleep during surgery? How bad do the scabs look on your head before hair starts to grow back? enough to go out in public, or stay inside like a hermit?


No, you're just comfortably sedated. Take a look at my hair loss weblog for pictures of what the scabs look like directly post-op and in the days and weeks after. Not bad at all. Just take it easy those first ten days or so and you'll be A-ok.


My Hairloss Weblog



6. Since the top of my head is thin, if i get the spots where my hairline has receded treated with donor hair, wont those spots look alot more thicker than the rest of my head?


Good hair restoration physicians are just as much artists as they are doctors. A good doc will make sure that your hair is blended appropriately. But this is a moot point since you're going to start medicinal treatments for at least a year before considering surgery, right?


(You shake your head yes now)




I also found out that i would need only 800 grafts total.



It is only the rarest of cases that hair restoration surgery is worth it for only 800 grafts. if you let someone talk you into cutting into your virgin scalp for only 800 grafts, I'm going to be very very mad at you.


Do NOT do this without proper medication and ESPECIALLY not for some measly 800 grafts.


And stop using that worthless EXT crap. Throw it in the trash because that's all its worth. Wanna know how I know? Because I've been studying hair loss treatments since 2003. Extensively. That stuff is crap no matter what the slick salesman that sold it to you said it's not.





Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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hey robert, the ext treatment that i am on is a three step process in the shower, wit shampoo, scalp cleanser, and conditioner with minoxdil twice a day. I jsut got a prescrption for propecia so hopefully that will help too. What else can you tell me about this ext shampoo and conditioner and what not. From previous readings, i thought i was on the right track with reengergizing shampoo and minoxidil with propecia on the way. what else can i do?

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