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Rogaine Half Life/Dose


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I have read several accounts stating that Rogaine's half life may support once a day dosing. Any thoughts? The quote below is from Dr. Bernstein:


Once a day topical use of Rogaine (topical minoxidil 2% and 5%) seems to be almost as effective as using it twice a day. The reason is, that although minoxidil has a relatively short half-life of several hours when given orally, when topically applied, it has a half-life of 22 hours in the skin. This suggests that once a day dosing is a reasonable option. It is important to realize that Pfizer, the company that now makes Rogaine, specifically states that it will be less effective if used only once a day."

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I have heard this before as well. I know many who use minoxodil only once a day and it seems to be effective for them. Based on this information, it may be a good thought to start with once a day to see if it has any benefit for 4 months or so and if no benefit is seen, try 2 times a day for a few more months.



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