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My other side effects of Propecia!!


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I have tried Propecia on 3 separate occations. Each time I took it for about 2 to 4 weeks. At this 2-4 week time period I had these symptoms: extreme grumpyness, very fatigued, trouble breathing, very gassy(sorry do not know the proper medical term), and over all I felt horrible. I also noticed my hair loss had almost completely stopped after a period of heavy shedding. This went on for about 5 days at which point I discontinued taking the medication . In each of the 3 time I have tried it I would discountinue use and the symptoms would go away completely in about 3-5 days. Is this normal and if so how in the world can someone get through this. The feeling is really bad and I can hardly operate at work. I have heard Propecia can mess with hormone cycles. Is there anything out there I can take with it to off set the side effects? Any advice or knowledge is appreciated.


I have no know alergies except maybe dust and pollen. I have no health problems. I am very healthy. I eat right and execise almost evey day.


Thank you

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I have tried Propecia on 3 separate occations. Each time I took it for about 2 to 4 weeks. At this 2-4 week time period I had these symptoms: extreme grumpyness, very fatigued, trouble breathing, very gassy(sorry do not know the proper medical term), and over all I felt horrible. I also noticed my hair loss had almost completely stopped after a period of heavy shedding. This went on for about 5 days at which point I discontinued taking the medication . In each of the 3 time I have tried it I would discountinue use and the symptoms would go away completely in about 3-5 days. Is this normal and if so how in the world can someone get through this. The feeling is really bad and I can hardly operate at work. I have heard Propecia can mess with hormone cycles. Is there anything out there I can take with it to off set the side effects? Any advice or knowledge is appreciated.


I have no know alergies except maybe dust and pollen. I have no health problems. I am very healthy. I eat right and execise almost evey day.


Thank you

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I knew Propecia can cause sexual side effects, but yours are totally different storry. Are you sure the problems are related to Propecia? You definitely need to consult with your doc on this one. I have been on propecia for almost a year now, and haven't noticed any side-effects (I got a little lazy - but I don't think that's propecia related).


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Dude, that sucks that you had to go through all that. If I were you, I'd just stay off Propecia. More hair is supposed to make you happier. If the treatment is actually making you less happy or even depressed, then it isn't worth it. Who needs hair if you are miserable all the time?

Your side effects are rare, but not completely unsurprising. You are messing with your body's hormonal system. With some people, this is no big deal because their bodies naturally produce too much DHT or convert a higher than average percentage of testosterone into DHT. So Propecia actually helps "correct" this slight abnormality programmed into your genetic code.

In your case, I theorize that the side effects of this DHT blocker is extra estrogen production or something of that sort. There is some estrogen in a man's body, but not that much. There is a lot of chemistry involved.

Sounds like you took a risk with Propecia -- one I took as well -- and it just isn't in the cards for you.

Try minoxidil. It won't mess with your hormonal system and it too is proven to regrow hair.

Again, I know this really sucks but what can you do? You can see a doc, but my bet is his advice will be the same as mine: get off Propecia and try a different approach.

Best of luck and I hope this helps.



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  • Senior Member

You could try taking a half-dose of Propecia, and see if you get side effects on that.


A half dose can still be effective. Try splitting your tablet in half with a tablet splitter.

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I have tried different doses with the same problem. I think it may be associated with increased estrogen production. If any doctors reads this, would an estrogen blocker help?

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  • Regular Member

I'm no doc, but I this may help, no offence but do you have man tits? Those are caused by too much estrogen, if that is the case then maybe you are on the right track and an estrogen blocker, if there is one would correct both problems, but I don't think estrogen would cause hair loss, but maybe I am wrong.




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