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Any complaints about Dr . Rahal or Dr. Seager


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Hey Guys,


Just wondering if any of you have heard any complains about either Dr. Rahal or Dr. Seager. I am meeting with Dr. Seager later this week and Dr. Rahal next week and just wanted to get all the info I can before I make a decision. Also, on a side note, what is the difference between FUE and Strip Surgery and which is better.


Thanks. This site has been a real help.

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  • Senior Member

If you don't know the different b/w strip and FUE you better not be making any decisions about a transplant for a good long while. Start researching here--your question reveals a lack of knowledge about the most basic distinction between types of procedure.

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  • Regular Member

The search feature on this site allows you to look up threads on the docs your wondering about to see if anyone has had experience with them or complaints. Also you can look up strip and fue procedures and about anything else. And of course you can ask all the helpfull people on this site there opinions and experience.


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  • Regular Member

Hello blues77, I just sent you a PM. I've had two sessions with Seager and I'm very happy with his work thus far. Rahal also has some very happy customers on this site, in saying that you must research, research, research. This is a big decision that changes your life forever, good luck!

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I've done a little research about the two techniques and while FUE extraction does sound attractive the one thing that concerns me is this statement.


"There is more transection of grafts with FUE and more incidences of buried grafts."


It seems to me FUE extraction is really only viable for those of us that wear their hair really sort and don't want to have a strip scar or else don't want to have as long a recovery time. I'll speak with Dr. Seager and Dr. Rahal about this when I meet with them but based on what I know currently it doesn't sound like something I would be interested in.

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  • Regular Member

Food for thought, I had surgery 7 months ago (no Trico) and just buzzed the back of my head down to a grade 2 and you cannot see the scar. Another piece of advice, make sure whoever is good with hairlines (40-50 gpi) kind of density.

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  • Senior Member

I have no knowledge of either of Drs. Rahal or Seager, aside from Dr. Feller showing me his own excellent transplant, which Dr. Seager had performed.


Regarding strip vs. FUE, in my case, all other things being equal, I had no hesitation opting for strip -- given my 4200-graft procedure, FUE would have cost phenomenally more, even at Dr. Feller's reasonable rates (it is a far more labor- and expertise-intensive procedure), and given that I never wear my hair particularly short in back nor intend to, a scar is no issue for me. Although, when I had a haircut almost a month ago, the stylist could hardly find it!


So, bottom line, I would ask one or more doctors about the comparative medical advantages of strip vs. FUE, whatever they may be.



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