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  • Senior Member

I was recently told that Propecia and Avodart taken together bears no fruit as it still blocks the same amount of DHT as Avodart alone. Could some hair restoration Doctor on the forum please tell me whether this is correct?

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Propecia blocks type II 5-alpha-reductase enzymes while Avodart blocks both type I and type II, preventing the production of even more DHT. Thus, using Propecia in addition to Avodart most likely won't have any additional benefit.


Honestly, unless you've been directed by a physician to use both medications, I'd advise against it.


Best wishes,



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  • Senior Member

Be real careful, Julius. Taking excessive amounts of fin/propecia provides no known benefit; I'm not sure if the same would be true of Avodart/dut, but I would *not* mess around with this in any way. Avodart, especially, is an extremely powerful drug that typically carries far more, and far more intense "side effects" than propecia.


Have you tried propecia? I know some guys have used Avodart because propecia for whatever reason stopped working on them, or they had bad enough sides to roll the dice with dut; but, IMO, there is no reason why anyone should not try propecia before going to avodart.


Regardless, unless I consulted directly with 10 esteemed doctors, with knowledge of hair restoration, and all 10 told me that I could take extra-avodart and that it could have a benefit, I would not mess around.


My guess would be that extra-avodart would be similiar to taking extra-propecia in terms of benefit, and that most any doctor would advise you to not take more than the prescribed amount.


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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  • Senior Member

Thaks Thana I have been on Avodart 0 .5mg for about four months now but have been taking one Propecia every third day. I got on Avodart only after hearing another forum member say that a coalition doctor recommended that they take Avodart instead of Propecia as it is more effective. My hair loss is mainly at the front and temples and Propecia did nothing to stop it in a whole year, though maybe it did slow it down. I was hoping to gradually build up my regime to taking one Propecia and one Avodart daily but I am reconsidering this if they have no additional benefit to Avo alone. I really do not want to take 1mg of Dutasteride as I am scared of gyno. I also don't want to give Propecia away as it is approved for hair loss unlike Avo and doctor Rassman seems dubious of Avodart's its effectiveness.


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