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Should I file a Lawsuit?

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After 3 unsuccessfull Surgeries from a particular surgeon, I have now decided to file a lawsuit against him. We met earlier today and I warned him of my intentions and in response, he said that he would refund the amount for one of the surgeries. I paid for two of the three, and according to him, the third surgery (free of charge) was to replace the 2nd one which I paid for.


I have suffered severe emotional trauma due to this jackass's work and now have a huge scar (2mm wide). In addition, due to his poor/unrefined work, I have been told that my scalp is too tight and there is not potentially enough laxity there for a procedure larger than 1500 grafts, whereas I require atleast 5k grafts.


Should I settle for the refund for one of the surgeries? Or continue with the lawsuit and try to get $ for the pain and suffering, loss of potential donor area, and overall decrease in the quality of my image?



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  • Senior Member

I'm very sorry to hear about this. It's a shame that situations like this still go down so regularly.


Only you can truly decide what course of action to take; however, unless the $ for the 1-surgery refund would be truly impactful to your life, my personal inclination would be to go full steam ahead and look to get *true* compensation/retribution for what you've spent, suffered, and lost.


Who's the surgeon in question, btw?


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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  • Regular Member

Sorry to hear about your situation.


First and foremost you should probably get legal advice to determine what you will have to prove if you decide to sue the doctor. It is not as simple as showing that your HT was poor or inadeqate, you will need to demonstrate negligence on the part of the doctor. This will likely require expert witnesses that address what the doctor did or did not do. How likely will other HT surgeons be willing to come forward and testify against another doctor.


Perhaps more importantly though, a lawsuit will take alot of time. Is this really what you want? I think that you should get on with your life and take the settlement from the doctor, or perhaps counter with an offer to meet him halfway.


I am so sorry that your donor is now limited. There maybe other options available to you such as FUE or BHT. Good luck.

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  • Senior Member

Contact a person injury attorney. Usually those type of attorneys do not charge anything for the initial consultation, and take cases on a contingent fee basis. You have nothing to lose by getting in touch with one, just make sure he's good and does not charge more than 33% of the settlement.

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Guest wanthairs

hey man

sorry abotu what is happeneing.....here are a few tips

write bad stuff about him on every hair loss website, describing your entire experience, keeping it truthful. Also if possible put up a website about him, register a domain name resembling his and detail your entire experience. Not only will he give you ALL the money back for everything he will do it quick, as that could wipe out his business....Go for it and good luck.

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  • Senior Member

Do NOT do what wanthairs suggested! I can't go into too much detail over this for two reasons. 1. I'm not an attorney specializing in personal injury and therefor I do not possess the requisite knowledge to give you proper advice and, 2. I would prefer not to get busted for unlicensed practice of the law for giving legal advice, because in two years I would like to be able to sit for the bar exam.


However, what I can tell you is that you should not be discussing your potential case on public forums. It will serve no purpose other than to potentially jeopardize your case. CALL AN ATTORNEY!

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I have great sympathy for patients who get less than optimal results. Whereas poor growth yield can occur due to sub-par surgical practices, sometimes unfortunate experiences are beyond a physician's control.


All patients are welcome to share their experiences on our community good or bad. Those that do may be required to provide us their full name and date of surgery. This information will be kept off the forum to protect a patient's right to privacy. However, this information may be provided to your surgeon. Furthermore, all patients may be required to give their surgeon the permission to share their side of the story. For more information on how we handle conflicts, visit "Maintaining a Fair and Safe Environment on our Forum for Patients and Physicians".


However, our community does not support or encourage patients to file lawsuits against surgeons. And we certainly don't support or host the type of agenda driven posts that "wanthairs" provided. Instead, we strongly recommend that patients resolve their concerns directly with their surgeon.


Already, I can see some members drawing conclusions without any real information (surgical details, pictures, doctor's side of the story, etc).


Since this thread was created for the sole purpose of garnering support for filing a lawsuit or securing a refund rather than sharing a genuine experience and photos, I am locking this thread. If you choose to share your experience and photos in a fair environment allowing your doctor to share their side of the story, feel free to start a new thread. If you choose to pursue legal action, that's up to you. However, we do not support nor do we host threads that encourage them.


I would like to do what I can to help you. If your doctor is one of our recommended physicians and you feel you've been treated unfairly, please send me a private message and I'll be happy to contact this doctor on your behalf. This of course, will require you to provide me with your name and date of surgery and in turn, I'll have to provide it to the doctor and get his/her side of the story.


Edit: I see that you had started a thread back in February to share your experience and photos. Honestly, your hair doesn't look bad, just a little thin. This appears to be the general consensus of other veteran hair transplant patients as well. Have you considered taking any of the advice provided by other members?


Best wishes in getting your concerns resolved.



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