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Finasteride side-effects mitigated by raising Testosterone levels

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Has anyone tried implementing either exogenous T (gear) or hCG or a SERM like enclomiphene citrate while on finasteride to see if it mitigates the negative side-effects of finasteride?

If so, did it work?

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What's the logic here? That finasteride reduces DHT to a level that introduces side effects and increasing the starting levels of DHT through increasing testosterone will leave a higher residual amount?

If that's the case, I'd carefully monitor both test and DHT levels with a physician to make sure you are getting the desired results, as well as monitoring associated side effects of both.

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I do believe that general healthy lifestyle choices (eating organic food/ low sugar / low alcohol / trans fats), regular exercise + good sleep, can help reduce the chances of finasteride side effects. 

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If the side effects from Finasteride (or Dutasteride) is caused by elevated estrogen levels, then sure, taking exogenous testosterone could help. But by taking testosterone, you will also create more DHT in the body (some of exogenous testosterone will convert to DHT, you are not blocking all the enzymes. So what's the point in taking Fin/Dut to lower DHT if you are going to increase it again by going on gear? By taking exogenous testosterone you are fast-tracking your hairloss.

2500 FUE by Dr. Victor Hasson, June 2023

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Posted (edited)

Concerning gyno...

Isn't it rather because finasteride blocks the conversion of testosterone into DHT that people taking fina have an increase in testosterone, which can result in an increase in estradiol levels?

Testosterone not only produces DHT but also estrogen... and therefore as the conversion to DHT is blocked, the estrogen level increases... The conversion of testosterone into DHT is done by aromatization, so aromatization inhibitors such as aromasin are required.

Adding testosterone will amplify estrogen production and gyno ...


For other sides like anxiety or depression some say that its because finasteride decrease neurosteroids in brain like allopregnanolone ... some say supplement like PEA can help to increase allo level.

Edited by arthurSam
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Minoxidil : 5% topical 1ml/day (with Melatonin, Fisetin, Resveratrol, NMN, Ginko, Nettle root, Caffein)
DHT and Follicular androgen receptor inhibitor : {Fluridil + CosmeRNA}
Exosome Mesotherapy 1mm (See here for explanations & results) : ASCE+ HRLV AAPE for Hair secretomes + human Umbilical Chord Exosomes

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Posted (edited)

Nandrolone aka 19-nortestosterone is a testosterone derivative that behaves similarly to testosterone but not quite the same. 

I know someone who has run nandrolone as HRT, 100-200 mg per week + oral estradiol 1 mg per day. No testosterone. I certainly would not recommend this to anyone but nandrolone is extremely hair friendly and can even regrow hair in some individuals.

The mechanism behind this is as follows: nandrolone is 5-alpha reduced into a weak androgen called dihydronandrolone (DHN). Basically the opposite of what happens to testosterone. So if your only androgen is nandrolone, you will have very little androgenic activity in the scalp because nandrolone and DHN are both much less androgenic than DHT.

Since nandrolone hardly aromatizes (aromatization is the process of converting testosterone into estradiol), 1 mg of oral estradiol keeps levels within the male range (about 30 pg/mL).

He didn't experience any sexual issues like some people claim nandrolone can cause. It's still an androgen.

Like I said, not recommending this, but it's an alternative to using exogenous T and still having to contend with DHT. I don't use TRT but if I wanted hair safe HRT I'd probably use nandrolone instead of testosterone assuming I didn't have any issues on it.

Taking fin/dut would be pointless on nandrolone since 5AR makes nandrolone less androgenic (opposite of T/DHT).

Edited by TakeAction
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On 4/4/2024 at 3:00 PM, Chrisno said:

If the side effects from Finasteride (or Dutasteride) is caused by elevated estrogen levels, then sure, taking exogenous testosterone could help. But by taking testosterone, you will also create more DHT in the body (some of exogenous testosterone will convert to DHT, you are not blocking all the enzymes. So what's the point in taking Fin/Dut to lower DHT if you are going to increase it again by going on gear? By taking exogenous testosterone you are fast-tracking your hairloss.

True, but taking exogenous test also increases your estrogen so many a SERM is better.

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  • Regular Member
On 4/4/2024 at 3:00 PM, Chrisno said:

If the side effects from Finasteride (or Dutasteride) is caused by elevated estrogen levels, then sure, taking exogenous testosterone could help. But by taking testosterone, you will also create more DHT in the body (some of exogenous testosterone will convert to DHT, you are not blocking all the enzymes. So what's the point in taking Fin/Dut to lower DHT if you are going to increase it again by going on gear? By taking exogenous testosterone you are fast-tracking your hairloss.

My logic is that if the reason some people experience side effects on finasteride is because their baseline testosterone levels are low, perhaps increasing the baseline testosterone but then blocking as much DHT as possible with something stronger like Dutasteride, to block 90% of DHT, might result in lower side effects. Higher Test + lower DHT.

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