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Unshaven FUE for repairs

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Hi guys...


Any of you had unshaven FUE for repair..if so could you please tell me about your experience/outcome and what Doctor you used.


As you can see from my photos I will need alot of work using FUE. The photos actually make the scars look smaller then in person....weird, I look better in pictures then in real life....wish it was the other way around lol. I have thought of getting the scar cut out and seeing what would happen, but it was already done for a second time and it did streach to the same width.


Iam guessing my only option is FUE. The top part is buzzed down to a 1/4 inch so I need to try and match the back with the top so it looks somewhat normal.


Right now some of the back is at 1 inch long...I have no option but to have it this long do to the 5 scars...looks like a mullet kinda.


I would have already started the repairs but it would really be to traumatic for me to shave the back of my head...Iam only willing to try a repair of one of my scars...I have to make sure FUE works good before I go through with 1000/2000 Fue for my repair. Iam thinking of 500 to start...as a test.


Man it would be so hard to walk around with my head shaved back there...4 scar would be way to visable.


I have been to see 3 Doctors...Robert Jones, Armani and Feller. Iam really inclined to go with Feller but right now the shaving of the donnor area I think would devastate me. I have already been through so much and givin up alot of thing in life because of this mess....most of the time I feel so hopeless, but I push on knowing someday someone will fix me up.


Anyone can add any info on Doctors that do unshaven Fue and get great results....or even what your personal opinon on the subject is...love to here what you think.



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  • Regular Member

Hi guys...


Any of you had unshaven FUE for repair..if so could you please tell me about your experience/outcome and what Doctor you used.


As you can see from my photos I will need alot of work using FUE. The photos actually make the scars look smaller then in person....weird, I look better in pictures then in real life....wish it was the other way around lol. I have thought of getting the scar cut out and seeing what would happen, but it was already done for a second time and it did streach to the same width.


Iam guessing my only option is FUE. The top part is buzzed down to a 1/4 inch so I need to try and match the back with the top so it looks somewhat normal.


Right now some of the back is at 1 inch long...I have no option but to have it this long do to the 5 scars...looks like a mullet kinda.


I would have already started the repairs but it would really be to traumatic for me to shave the back of my head...Iam only willing to try a repair of one of my scars...I have to make sure FUE works good before I go through with 1000/2000 Fue for my repair. Iam thinking of 500 to start...as a test.


Man it would be so hard to walk around with my head shaved back there...4 scar would be way to visable.


I have been to see 3 Doctors...Robert Jones, Armani and Feller. Iam really inclined to go with Feller but right now the shaving of the donnor area I think would devastate me. I have already been through so much and givin up alot of thing in life because of this mess....most of the time I feel so hopeless, but I push on knowing someday someone will fix me up.


Anyone can add any info on Doctors that do unshaven Fue and get great results....or even what your personal opinon on the subject is...love to here what you think.



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  • Senior Member

I'm no expert but I think ALL doctors require shaving for the donor. Even if they do not shave your recipient area, the fact is, it is so close to your donor I don think it would matter much if you don't shave the donor area.


Just my $0.02

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I think you should also consult with a doctor about a possible scar excision. Dr. Lindsey has posted numerous examples of scar excisions on this site. In addition, he has convinced me that scar excision is superior to placing FUE grafts into the scar. Because you have so many scars it might not be possible, but don't limit your options. If you're dead set on FUE, and you're trying to decide between the above three you mentioned, I would say go with Feller.

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Hairdew...I though I have seen some post about unshaven FUE...mabe they were all a dream lol..I'll keep checking thou.


TC17... scar excision is out of the question for me, I have had it done with no success...I dont think I will try that route again.


Iam gueesing FUE for me but it will be a great shock to me to have the donor shaved...real big shock. And trying to hide out till my donor hair grows back in is another problem.


Sometimes Iam thinking I would like to do 1000-2000 fue just to get fixed up faster....then other times Iam thinking 200 or so just to try it out. It really is a hard call to make, but geesh I have to do something soon.

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Hi Glenn--I think the scar repair approach is probably been exhausted at this point. Not to say if Dr. Shapiro saw you in person and tested your laxity --he could take some of the scar tissue out---the lower scar is a no go--- it is much too low and the best you could do is put some FUE grafts into it to disguise it.


My opinion is that you allow a buzz right up to the major scarring all the way around. It will expose the lower scar, but only for a little while. We could likely get 500-700 grafts---- put 100-150 into the lower scar, and use the rest to hit the front hairline to help with your previous poor work.


I'm thinking we could get a decent amount of grafts from right above the ears and around a bit--- we would have to be very careful and take the bare minimum from the back, but the sides look fairly thick and available.


Worst case is about 2 weeks later you have some decent stubble--you could blend just a tad of concealer to cover any spots you don't like.


My opinion of course---but I think we could help you out.


Take Care,


Go Cubs!


6721 transplanted grafts

13,906 hairs

Performed by Dr. Ron Shapiro


Dr. Ron Shapiro and Dr. Paul Shapiro are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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Thanks very much for your post B spot.


Not to sure about putting anything in to the top, but its not out of the question...I really should have added pics of that also.


I think I neeed to hit the scar on the right side first and mabe have a few left over for the two lower ones...they are a real pain trying to hide.


The two upper scars are really not that hard to conseal...but still a big pain in the arse... yes there are 5 scars in total...hard to see with those pictures.


Still thinking about my options



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