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Advice needed. Pics included.

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Hey guys, need some advice. Uploading some pics for the first time. Tried different lightings just to make sure they are upto the standards of this forum. Sorry, if they aren't. First time and all. So, I had my first procedure about 10 years ago. FUT. The hair on top are basically all the transplanted hair. 

I know it's some degree of advanced hair loss. Don't know about Norwood level. Maybe 7? My question is to get maximum coverage in one shot, do I consider someone aggressive like Dr. Pittellla? Or, maybe someone like Dr. Wong who is a great surgeon but maybe not as aggressive ? I know most of you will say they are both great surgeons and I can't go wrong with either. But, just curious who you think gives me a better shot, especially based on my degree of hair loss. 

Thanks, as always,











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You are a NW 7 and i dont think you have enough grafts for a full coverage. In your case i would focus on the harline and midscalp and leave the crown as it is. You already have a scar from the previous fut, the scar is not a problem in your case. I would proceed with an fut with dr wong for the hairline and midscalp as the first surgery. In a second procedure you can use any reserves left from your scalp donor area via fue and combine it with beard grafts to add more density on the midscalp with a doctor like pitella. In my opinion this will give you the best possible results combing fut, fue and bht in 2 procedures.

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Thanks. I agree that full coverage is a pipe-dream. However, I have seen cases where Dr. Pittella achieved near full coverage in Norwood 7 cases like mine. I just don't think I have in me to undergo two more procedures. Plus, yes I do have a scar but the idea of that scar getting bigger or a second scar also scares me. Someone like Pittella is a one shot thing. I think he will get the most out of what i have left. Not full coverage, but it will be similar to what you described with getting a FUT for front and mid scalp and second smaller FUE to fill the crown. 

Would love some more input, before I start calling these clinics and get the ball rolling. 


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Hey @zach07 and welcome. As a Norwood 7 you are definitely going to need to utilize beard grafts as a donor source. I don’t know how strong your beard is? As to another FUT what is the laxity of your scalp? Most importantly though, what are your goals from surgery? Are wanting total coverage? Frontal coverage? Someone like Dr Pittella or Dr Sethi would be best to consult with as they are experts in Norwood 7 cases. Dr Zarev is also brilliant in these cases as well. All the best. 

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Thanks @Gatsby. My expectations ? I think that I would be more than happy with a dense hairline and front. Maybe leave a small crown area as is. Funny you mention Dr. Sethi. He is actually acquainted with my brother in law. He was supposed to come to a dinner event in New York last year, but didn't materialize. Was going to pick his brains. He is definitely on my list along with Pittella. I have followed your amazing results for a while. Congrats on the life changing results ! As far as Zarev, I reached out. For one, the price is too prohibitive.  Plus, they are booked for like 3 years. Good for him. 

I think my scalp laxity is fine. I do those scalp exercises many of the surgeons recommend. But, I still worry about the second scar. Beard isn't the most dense, but its reosanbly dense, but I honestly don't know how to access that. 

Thanks for all the help guys,


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You are norwood 7. You should combine FUE with BHT (beard grafts) to have the best outcome. Your choices would be Eugenix and Dr Pittella which are clinics that  specialise to similar cases like yours.

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Beard is decent. I will take a pic in a few days when it's grown a little. Just shaved. Although, it's mostly gray. Doesn't know what if any difference that will make.

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Very challenging case and my best bet will be Dr. Sethi and Dr. Pittella. 

You need your beard grafts to achieve decent coverage. 

Have you considered other options like Hair System? 


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Are you telling me I am that far gone that I should forget about HT and look at hair systems? Respectfully, I have seen plenty of cases like mine end up with pretty decent coverage with the right surgeon. And, that's what I am hoping to do with some guidance from the brotherhood. Not a hair system. 

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  • Senior Member
2 hours ago, BaldGuy said:

You are norwood 7. You should combine FUE with BHT (beard grafts) to have the best outcome. Your choices would be Eugenix and Dr Pittella which are clinics that  specialise to similar cases like yours.



this is the best advice

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  • Regular Member
2 hours ago, BaldGuy said:

You are norwood 7. You should combine FUE with BHT (beard grafts) to have the best outcome. Your choices would be Eugenix and Dr Pittella which are clinics that  specialise to similar cases like yours.

9 minutes ago, mr_peanutbutter said:



this is the best advice

I agree with BaldGuy and mr_peanutbutter.

Unfortunately, your donor alone is not sufficient enough.

You 100% need beard grafts and maybe other body hair grafts to get decent coverage.


Best of luck Zach!🙏

Edited by Martador
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Shaving is not an option. Scar from FUT

I agree that I would need beard grafts. Not looking for full coverage. Some density and a nice hairline will be enough...I think lol. 

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33 minutes ago, zach07 said:

Shaving is not an option. Scar from FUT

I agree that I would need beard grafts. Not looking for full coverage. Some density and a nice hairline will be enough...I think lol. 


Here's a question you need to ask yourself; if it wasn't for the FUT scar, would you be happy shaving it all off? If the answer is yes then what you could do is consider having grafts transplanted into the scar to reduce it's appearance. Over the course of one or maybe even two passes you could potentially eliminate the visual appearance of the scar to the point where a tight buzz or shave would be fine and at worst only minimally display any scarring.

@Gatsbyhad grafts into this FUT/Punch graft scars. He may have some pictures with his donor quite short that would give an idea of what could be achieved.

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Appreciate the info. I think I am just not a shaved head kind of guy. Just don't think it would work for me :)

But, that's actually good food for thought at a later time. 


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Thanks guys for all the helpful info. Hair system is not an option, with all due respect to all those who wear one. Shaving is not for now. Maybe at a later date. 

Will roll the dice with HT. Hoping that someone like Dr. Pittella can offer decent coverage with FUE and beard hair without over harvesting. Will keep the forum updated with pics and progress.


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