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Very Scared of Upcoming Procedure

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Hi everyone. I'm extremely scared of my upcoming procedure with Couto. I dont know how its gonna turn out and I'm scared of flying. Hope you guys can convince me or give me some encouragement as I really need it big time now.

Edited by wprevil
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I've always thought that for elective cosmetic surgery that the patient needs to bring a minimum threshold of mental health and centeredness before proceeding.  It is not fair to the surgeon and his staff if they have to deal with someone irrational and questioning this late in the process.  Even when the surgery and results go as they should, such candidates can continue to agonize of their choice and have regrets.

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11 hours ago, AB2000 said:

I've always thought that for elective cosmetic surgery that the patient needs to bring a minimum threshold of mental health and centeredness before proceeding.  It is not fair to the surgeon and his staff if they have to deal with someone irrational and questioning this late in the process.  Even when the surgery and results go as they should, such candidates can continue to agonize of their choice and have regrets.

Obviously in a ideal world this will be the case, it would be beneficial if everyone was compliant enough when seeking a service of any kind and is educated/mentally prepared in what they are purchasing.

But we don't live in a ideal world, at the end of the day a hair transplant procedure is a surgical procedure, same thing you would call a heart transplant, kidney transplant etc. People will be wary/afraid because of the connotations of that umbrella term, I certainly was as I never had a proper surgery before.

OP, Just know that Couto is one of the greats, I feel like there are many doctors that are good, or even very good, but Couto fits in the category of great and I'm actually very envious that your through the waiting list if its close.

As for flying, just google "safest form of travel" and you will see that flying is literally the first thing you see.

12+ Months Finasteride + Minoxidil

3872 FUE w/ Dr Hasson | November 2022

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Hi wprevil,

As a pilot I have accumulated a bit over 11.000 Hours now on different airplanes, so my general advice to you is ask for a seat in the forward part of the plane - there is generally less turbulence felt and also less noise from gear, hydraulics, flaps etc which is usually located on the central part of the plane. On your flying day, ask to see the Captain and say hello, thats what I usually tell my pax. It works as a bit of appraisal of the situation and make you relax. Remember all the crew have families at home and will want to return safely home just like you. Dont worry, you will be absolutely safe. Good luck

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13 hours ago, wprevil said:

Hi everyone. I'm extremely scared of my upcoming procedure with Couto. I dont know how its gonna turn out and I'm scared of flying. Hope you guys can convince me or give me some encouragement as I really need it big time now.

First of all I've been in your spot months ago. 

Second of all you have nothing to fear, you did your due diligence and went to one of the best. 

Thirdly if you can try and contact the airlines and ask for flight assistance on wheelchair. 

I managed to get one and was very very very useful since I was doing pitstop among flights. It was extremely helpful to get home without hitting my head anywhere on board. When they send you for help you can explain that you need to be careful with your recently implanted head and it can't touch any surface. They will help you get through checkpoints, etc. 

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Shift your mentality from seeking problems in your life... to seeing things as opportunities for success. 

It's much easier to come up with scenarios where things can go wrong, and we often succumb to these emotions. The reality is you have an issue which you've identified the solution to, you've clearly spent the time researching it correctly because you've chosen among the very best surgeons. This doctor and his team have operated on THOUSANDS of ppl and have as many successful reviews, you are not special. If other people have consistently gone to him and came out very satisfied, then there is nothing to suggest that you won't get the same outcome. 

As for your first time travelling, I understand the anxiety of flying. But again, look at it as your first time flying and being outside of the US! that is amazing.. 

It is a privilege that you'll get to be in Spain even if it is for a little while, and hopefully it is the beginning of many more trips and aventures for you in your future. Trust the process. Good luck!

Edited by TorontoMan
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20 hours ago, wprevil said:

Hi everyone. I'm extremely scared of my upcoming procedure with Couto. I dont know how its gonna turn out and I'm scared of flying. Hope you guys can convince me or give me some encouragement as I really need it big time now.

Hair transplant is sometimes a gamble, but you chose one of the best surgeon in the game to do it. I was also scared myself, the surgery itself is not that scary, you are 0 risks. What can be scary is the 'what if' but trust me, the more you will worry about it the more you may be disappointed with the results.

I am not even thinking about anything negative, I know it will look great because I went to Dr.Couto. Peace of mind, no stress, enjoy the journey

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Very normal to be scared especially when it’s your first.


the pain levels are quite tolerable and recovery for fue is not too bad. The part that tests your patience is waiting out the full results. Flying should be fine. Just make sure to get a window seat to avoid anyone/anything bumping your head.

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