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Looking to regrow my thinning hairline.

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Hi, I'm new to this site & hoping to be able to reach out & get some questions answered. I'm 34 yrs old. As far as I know my hair has been thinning since I was 27/28. Wasn't really sure what to do about it but it always bothered me. Luckily,I have always been able to hide my thinning hairline & go on about my day. However, Through the years I have definitely suffered the emotional/psychological/insecurity issues on the inside.Once I hit 33 it started to really bother me again because it has become harder & harder for me to hide my thinning hairline. Finally at 34 i have decided that I'm ready to take the steps to do something about it.


I'll admit I'm a little skeptical. I went in for a hair consultation a while back & didn't feel very comfortable doing it. It felt like I was being trying to be convinced/SOLD to use their products/procedures as opposed to just being helped. I'm also skeptical of a lot of the products out there because there are so many & the idea of being dependent on a chemical bothers me.


In the end, I just want to talk to someone about my thinning hairline who isn't trying to SELL me, but who will listen, understand my problem and offer some good advice. Before I consider any kind of treatment options I would like to talk to a professional hair specialist or someone whom I feel I can trust & get a good consultation.


I live in Los Angeles, does anyone have any recommendations on why to go for an honest,professional,educational,& trustworthy hair consultation?



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  • Regular Member

Hey Healthyhair,

I'm close to your age and have beein dealing with hairloss for 12 years, so I totally hear you there. Where on your head are you losing hair? Some things are easier to hide for a while than others with products like Topick or Dermatch. A hair transplant is a permanent change, so you need to decide if you are at a stage where you need that, for whatever reason.


I just had my HT with Dr. Hasson after literally 7 years of research. This site has a list of surgeons that are all recommended, some near you, others quite far away. I would suggest you read the reviews section of the forum, take some pictures, and send them to 2-3 drs that you're most interested in. If you could find one in LA, schedule a visit to consult in person.


My advice, and I think everyone here will agree, is to not panic and take your time. The sad reality is that while there are many doctors that perform HTs, there are only a handful of truly great ones. Figure out what your needs are, determine the expense, and make your decision from there. I would just say don't rush or compromise, because if you do there's a chance you'll be unhappy with the result.


Good Luck!

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Well you've come to the right place to begin your research. We are an educational and support community for hair loss sufferers like yourself.


Let me say right off the bat that it's good that you are skeptical. There are a number of so called miracle cure products out there that promise the world and deliver nothing but disappointment. If you follow some of the links in my signature, you'll read all about my hair loss journey and what I finally did to restore my hair (at least, as much as I possibly could).


We're all about developing REALISTIC expectations in this community since there's no real way to recover a full youthful head of hair prior to any signs of hair loss - that is, unless you have very minimal loss.


Put frankly, Propecia and Rogaine are the only two FDA approved proven treatments to stop the progression of pattern baldness. But only surgical hair restoration can grow hair in completely bald areas.


There is no perfect solution to hair restoration. But for some, combining proven medical treatments and hair transplant surgery can help restore a natural looking head of hair over time.


For more information, feel free to consult with one of our prescreened hair restoration physicians. To see a list of physicians we recommend in CA, click here.


I hope this helps you get you started on your research.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for your response. Currently, my hair is thinning and not balding. My hairline has reseeded on the sides and my crown is thinning. However, I am able to hide it by brushing & styling my hair. Unfortunately, as my hairline continues to thin it's becoming harder to hide. This is why I wanted to consult a physician first because I'm not sure what is the best option to consider first. I will definitely take your advice and look into all the different doctors here on this site before making a decision & taking action.




Originally posted by Michael Philly:

Hey Healthyhair,

I'm close to your age and have beein dealing with hairloss for 12 years, so I totally hear you there. Where on your head are you losing hair? Some things are easier to hide for a while than others with products like Topick or Dermatch. A hair transplant is a permanent change, so you need to decide if you are at a stage where you need that, for whatever reason.


I just had my HT with Dr. Hasson after literally 7 years of research. This site has a list of surgeons that are all recommended, some near you, others quite far away. I would suggest you read the reviews section of the forum, take some pictures, and send them to 2-3 drs that you're most interested in. If you could find one in LA, schedule a visit to consult in person.


My advice, and I think everyone here will agree, is to not panic and take your time. The sad reality is that while there are many doctors that perform HTs, there are only a handful of truly great ones. Figure out what your needs are, determine the expense, and make your decision from there. I would just say don't rush or compromise, because if you do there's a chance you'll be unhappy with the result.


Good Luck!

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  • Senior Member

Great advice, as usual, and it's great to see that you're getting it at the best possible time! In the event you're a diffuse thinner, I'd look into Nanogen, too, which is a concealer that can work a virtual miracle on diffuse thinners.


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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  • Senior Member

I'd spend at least a year trying out Propecia nad Rogaine before even thinking about any surgical options (not that you are) Its best to go slow, I had my first HT at 22 and it didnt go aswell as I would of liked. I'm the same age as you now and still have a lot of hair, so an HT wasnt nessasary.


I started taking Propecia in 2002 and it halted my hairloss, I havent lost any hair since then, so its definatly worth trying.

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