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Advice needed on clinics in Northern Europe

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This is my first actual post after many years of contemplating hair transplants and medical treatments. The most important thing for me is my health and well being and I think having hair is a big part of looking the part. I find myself in need of some guidance regarding my hair restoration journey. After thoughtful considerations and planning I never went on the medication route, knowing full well that the Norwood reaper would pluck my head free of hair and making my once youthful look disappear.  But I have accepted this and began shaving my head 2 years ago. Today at 31 years of age my I feel like my hair loss has halted significantly, whether it is from less stress, less DHT or better lifestyle, nonetheless making for a more stable base for a HT.


To hopefully receive valuable feedback, I've attached images of my current hair loss situation to this post. I believe that I’m a Norwood 4 or close to it, balding in the same pattern as my father and grandfather.


Now, the main reason for my post today is to seek recommendations on clinics in Scandinavia or at least some warnings on clinics where not to go to. I live in Finland and most if not all the clinics here seem too expensive to the received quality and graft count.


I'm considering two options from Sweden currently: Akacia Medical and Nordic hair Clinic. Maybe someone can recommend a clinic in Estonia also?

I haven’t found any experiences from any Scandinavian clinics here and I would like to use these clinics close to my home country Finland.  What would you recommend in my situation? My budget doesn’t stretch to very expensive clinics in central Europe and I would like to stay as close as possible to Finland.

Recommendations and experiences will help me in many ways to decide what's best for my specific case. And any help on the number of graphs that I would probably need, would be great!


BTW, the pictures with short hair are recent and the pictures with the "long" hair are from December 2020. In my opinion nothing dramatic has happened in three years (except the shaving lol).










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There are some excellent options in Northern Europe. Hattingen in Switzerland, Dr. Munib in Netherlands. Of course, Belgium has many great docs, as well as the UK.

Here’s our full list curated over 20+ years of reviews and research.


I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

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Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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I don't know anything about the doctors/clinics you asked opinions on so i can't comment on that.

But I regret to say that your approach for selecting a surgeon may not be the most effective. Relying solely on their location could unnecessarily limit your options. It would be wiser to seek a skilled surgeon without being overly constrained by location preferences, as that will open up more options/choices to select from.

The most crucial aspect of this process is the surgeon's competence, and you may be doing yourself a disservice by narrowing your choices with the approach you are following.

I recommend giving greater priority to the quality of the surgeon over location preferences in order to access a more extensive pool of expertise.

I hope this helps you. Best of luck with your search.

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3611 FUE Grafts With Dr Kongkiat Laorwong | Norwood 5 | 2nd May 2023 




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Going by the pics you have supplied it appears that you have lost a lot of hair. Are you able to grown your hair for a couple of weeks at least to get a better idea of your Norwood pattern? Pictures from above, the front, behind and the sides would give us more information. If those hairs on top have miniaturized then you could be Norwood five or even six? 

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I agree…a longer hair length will provide a better basis to assess Norwood class and how much diffusing is taking place.


Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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