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Help with graft estimate

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Donor limitation often drives this industry, particularly when dealing with an advanced pattern.  There's typically not enough available to allow for density through the front, top and back.  It's for this reason most ethical doctors will concentrate their efforts towards the front.  It's the area you see when you look at yourself. It's also the area others see when they interact with you.  Having hair in the front will always serve you well.  It'll help frame you and give you styling options. Now the crown.

Think of the crown as a circle.  You fill it.  Because you've lost, you'll continue losing.  You go on to lose everything around the island worth of hair.  You'll have created a target and an unnatural pattern.  Retention of the native hair is imperative.  What are you currently doing to mitigate the progressive nature of this condition?

In cases similar to your own, 2000-2500 grafts.  Start in the front and go back until the doctor runs out of grafts.  Allow the non surgical modalities to help you retain towards the crown, where they tend to be the most effective.  A year later you can decide if you'd like to work farther back so as to minimize the size of the crown.  So, how do you get from these numbers to 5K - 6K? You can either do FUT and FUE at the same time, (typically a 2 day procedure), or split grafts.

A follicular unit can have from 1-5 hairs.  You could take a 5-hair graft and convert into 5) 1-hair grafts.  You would get the higher count, but lose density.  If you end up placing 1 hair grafts throughout, it would yield a diffused look, (and an unnatural one).  

Always be pattern appropriate.  Bringing attention to yourself is not a good thing.  


Patient Consultant for Dr. Arocha at Arocha Hair Restoration. 

I am not a medical professional and my comments should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions and views shared are my own. 

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You're NW5 with a strong donor, you probably can cover everything in 1 mega session surgery around 5500-6000+ grafts. without overharvesting your donor.

Doron Harati - Patient coordinator for HDC Hair Clinic, HT procedures are done by MD Doctors with Microscope FUE.

For consultation contact me: WhatsApp +972526542654


HDC Instegram: https://instagram.com/doronhairadvisor_hdc?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=

* All comments from this account should not be taken or construed as medical advice, all comments are only the personal opinions of the poster.

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  • Valued Contributor

@killbill you still have a lot of hair on top to keep and keep your donor graft count down. Are you taking finasteride or other medication for your hair loss? As your pics stand now I would say 5-6K grafts over one session or two (depending on the doctor) would give you the coverage you need. It also depends on what your goals are? All the best!

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First of all i would say if you are not on medication than you should start it after consulting a good doctor...this will make you a better candidate for HT 

From your pics your donor look good...there are many factors which effects the graft count though roughly you would need somewhere around 6k though as i said there are many factors involved in this which are 

Donor availability,Donor hair caliber , Head size , Native hair density, Native hair caliber, Hairloss Progression, Medication tolerance and responsiveness , Age ,Individual Goals ,Hair to scalp color contrast etc.






Edited by A_4_Archan

Check Out My Hair Transplant Journey

--> My Thread

3611 FUE Grafts With Dr Kongkiat Laorwong | Norwood 5 | 2nd May 2023 




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Thank you guys for the feedback. I haven't been on any medication but planning to get started with them right away (tropical Min and oral Fin). 

I am looking at the surgeon reviews on this website and have started to reach out to them for consultation and their availability towards the end of the year.

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