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Anyone here that doesn't use medication after hair transplant, result/status after few years?

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I've been reading up a lot about hair transplant lately and most articles, information, doctors/surgeons say that taking medication such as Finasteride, dustasteride, minoxidil is to protect Native hair as transplanted hair are "DHT resistance". However, there are articles also saying that transplanted hair might not last for a long time nor forever.

So at this point, I dont know taking medication is mainly to protect native hair or transplant hair or both?

for context, I'm in mid 30s , I think i am a norwood 3? both temples receded with a M shape but crown/back and mid scalp are dense/with volume and good.

I think I'm against taking medication, but thinking on going for hair transplant to fix my hairline.

However, I've seen some a youtube video by mattdominance, reviewing a patient that didn't take fin or any medication after transplant.

Sometimes I'm wondering...does hair transplant/post transplant, affect our native hair? I'm not talking about temporary shock loss. I'm talking about, if it somehow affects the native hair around transplanted area, causing it to deteroriate/thinning faster/sooner/worsen than before hair transplant if without medication? There's so much about hair transplant that we don't know, or perhaps just me? The norm, the usual stuff that the doctors tell you that transplanted hair are permanent, it doesnt affect native hair other than temporary shock loss, taking medication its to protect native hair, but does anyone know for sure what's what? Other than being told by most the same thing.

So, I'm asking, are there anyone that did hair transplant, without medication , that's at least 3-4 years post transplant, how's your hair progress at the moment? How's both your native/transplanted hair status? Is it worth going for hair transplant without medication? Everyone has different progress of MPB, different people stop at different norwood stage. So Im wondering if not having medication is worth going for hair transplant if I just want to fix my hairline? Given that I'm mid 30s, besides receded hair line and M shape, all else is dense/with volume.

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Also curious about this. Are hairs in the donor zone genetically DHT resistant, or there is less DHT in the donor zone? Has there been a scientific consensus on this?

If the former is true then the transplanted hairs will stay for life without meds, otherwise they will die out over time because they are moved to a new area with more DHT.

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Primarily it is for treating native hair that is DHT receptive and in a state of diffusion.


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Yeh medication is primarily prescribed to save Native hairs but even transplanted hairs are not dht resistant ...but are less prone to dht...and specially if more grafts are harvested by fue than there is a chance that many of the grafts might have taken out from not that safe zones and they would need medication for long life...

Transplanted grafts cannot damage native hairs other thn temporary shock loss or if doctor makes any mistake during extraction or implantation and damage hairs around that .... your scalp will need more blood supply to keep all the roots alive and if your body don't provide enough blood supply to the scalp thn again you may loose them and this can be both native as well as transplanted hairs...so for all this reasons medication is prescribed ..though there are some people who are lucky and don't have progressive hairloss naturally and they would be fine without medication...so you can try without being on medication and see how it goes..if you find signs of progression than you would probably need medication...

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The hair transplant should be fine, its the remaining native hairs that will be lost. Yes, some transplanted hair thins over decades. But your native hair is what will thin in the immediate future. Hair restoration is a two-part process. Stopping further hair loss through medication, and restoring the lost hair surgically. Getting a hair transplant without treating the root cause is like bandaid on a cut that requires stitches.

I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

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