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Because we need yet more donor scar pics...

Joe HT

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So you can see the scars pretty easy at the right angle and short hair length thus far.


Faring much better than I thought.

People tell me they cannot see it. Nice people.


I see now just how badly I need the HT's and Propecia to come through for me in the crown area. icon_mad.gif


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To wrap my experience thus far up, I don't really feel like anything was done there, except occasional dryness that goes away when I got from Tricomin to using plain shampoo/conditioner once...and that's basically non-existant now.


[This message was edited by Joe HT on February 02, 2004 at 05:27 PM.]

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donor scar looks great!



details as to when the surgery was done, by who, and what number is the hair trimmed to? looks about a number 3-4 in your pics



happy growing



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Dr. Karamikian, a partner of Hitzig icon_eek.gif at the New York hair Loss Center in Rockville Center.


Mixed-graft type of deal, but I was relatively uneducated at the time. I can't say I regret it though, I don't think cheap density is so bad in what I planned on being one of at least 3 HT's in the next couple years or so. I might not even do any more strips.


I believe it was done at the end of November.

And I have no clue what number it was buzzed to...I buzzed it nearly to the skin and let it grow a bit out. I will have to look into that next time I buzz my head.


Is there typically any improvment in the donor scar area itself after a couple more months, or is the likelihood the scar will stretch just as much?

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