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Telephone Man 10Mos

Telephone Man

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Telephone man,


That looks to be a great use of 2,140 grafts. You went from "nearly bald" to "a bit thin." Congratulations, buddy. A little Toppik and/or Dermatch and, voila! you have a full head of hair, i bet.


Happy Growing and Happy New Year!





Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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Telephone Man,


I am grateful to you for the pics you posted.


Naturally, I am glad for you to see the great results of your HT. Like Robert said, you go from being noticeably bald to merely thinning a bit.


But it also excites me because you are the first person to have been at my approximate state of baldness and to have received about the same number of grafts I did to post pics so far into the process--at ten months. It's the first reasonably good picture of what I can hope to expect in my case.


I'm fourteen weeks into my HT and I have good early growth, but I've got a long way to go--and of course, I keep wondering what the final result will be. There were some differences between you and me. I was a Norwood VI--balder in the crown and less residual hair on top than you. On the other hand, I got slightly more grafts (2,600) and settled for more recessed temples at the hairline to accommodate putting more of the grafts into the crown.


Nevertheless, allowing for those differences, your pics give me a good idea of what my result will be, and I thank you for that. If, in ten months, my hair looks anything like yours does now, I will be tickled to death.


Thanks for the encouragement!

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T. M.,


Dr. Cooley did my work. If you run his name through the search engine here, you will find nothing but sterling comments on his work and professionalism.


I, too, intend to have a follow-up HT to increase density--I have about 3,000 grafts viable in my remaining donor hair. So I can, in essence, "double up".


But that won't be for some time; I don't like dipping into my disposable income again so soon after my first HT. So I was hoping that the results of my first HT would be sufficiently satisfactory to let me live with it for a couple of years. From what your results show, it probably will be.


Thanks, again.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Senior Member

Hi TM,


You look like a completely different person now! The pics on your other post were very good in displaying total views, even from the top.


I noticed your surgeon placed more grafts in the front forelock area and coronet area of crown. Are you very tall? If so the mid-range or bridge area does not typically need as many grafts since that area is not well seen by others. I saw the singles in the hairline just above the frontallis area so I think the placement looks very natural and compliments your face symmetrically speaking. Your more narrow color contrast is also helping.


Another pass would be awesome for density if that's what you want. You must be getting alot of compliments! Are you planning on posting some pics at 12-14 months? Take care!


Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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Thanks Gillenator


I am 6'1' so I see your point. I appreciate the feedback, I was not sure about more grafts, I have a good donor area so it will be possible, strongly considering it!!


I am very happy with the results, did not expect to get the coverage I did considering my loss! You seem very well versed in the HT world are there pictures of your procedure on the site, also what are the details.



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WOW Telephone Man! Those pictures look awesome!


Dr. Distefano did an excellent job!


Congratulations on your HT and thanks for sharing the photos!

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You lucky bastard! icon_smile.gif Looking great TMan and I hope it keeps coming on stronger! Dr. D did good my friend and I hope I get similar results with my 1938 grafts. So far so good, hitting it hard with the "Big 3"...Keep posting your pics, you are providing a ton of encouragment to many of us!


Thanks David

Dec. 2004 - 1938 Grafts via Strip

Feb. 2009 - 1002 Grafts via FUE

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  • Senior Member

Here are the first posts I have done, 10 mos post op with Dr. Distefano, NW5 2140 grafts. Let me know what you think!!!


Looks like some nice growth, I would do 1 more 2000 session for density & then call it good.



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