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Trying to choose a clinic in Turkey.

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On 2/6/2023 at 8:50 AM, Gook said:

PEKINER he surprised me. "...

Dr. Pekiner analyzed your case and thinks your current situation is not ideal for a FUE hair transplantation. He noticed that you have diffused thinning on all the androgenetic areas (front mid scalp and crown). You are currently around Norwood 4 class of male pattern baldness but ongoing miniaturization is clearly pushing towards 5 to 6. A hair transplant is safe and logic to be planned only on a stable situation, otherwise you will lose more hair behind and around the transplanted one after some time. Pharmaceuticals such as oral Finasteride (staple medication) and Minoxidil are the preferred treatments in these cases, as well as supplements integration. Obviously you will not regain a full head of hair but you will hopefully strengthen your miniaturized hairs and avoid further worsening of your androgenetic alopecia pattern...."

Hi @Gook! Thanks for posting your experiences with contacting these doctors. Have you made a final decision on what doctor you will be going to for your HT? I have similar hair type to yours! Blonde/fine/straight.

I’ve been seeking a HT to cosmetically correct my hereditary “M” hairline to close the temples (hair has never previously grown hair in this area) and thicken the density to the center island of hair, which has had a thinned/diffused look in density since I’ve been a teenager. Thankfully, my hair loss has been isolated to that area and has only shown an extremely minimal amount of thinning over the past 30 years. Fortunately, I have not experienced any noticeable hair loss as of yet on my sides, crown, back of head/donor, etc. I’ve personally never been on any oral HL medications, as the minimal amount of thinning I’ve experienced to the center island of hair over the past few decades has not been a concerning difference for me to consider oral medications. I previously used topical Minoxidil for the forelock island of hair as an experiment for a period of time, but did not see any difference, so I discontinued it.

I, too, had a similar experience contacting Pekiner for HT. After a long wait (40+ days), I had yet to receive a reply to the pictures I sent for evaluation to Pekiner’s assistant, Alex, so I wrote him again to follow up and promptly received this same kind of rejection copy and paste email. Only with my Norwood adjusted to a personalized 3 to 4 in the description. Other than that, it’s pretty much word for word.

Likewise, I was surprised with the rejection from Pekiner. In obtaining many evaluations & quotes from various doctors, he is the only so far that has rejected my case and made a requirement of being on *both* oral Finasteride and oral Minoxidil to be even be considered for a HT. His assistant said I could be “revaluated” after 6 to 8 months, only if I agree to go on both medications and the results are deemed satisfactory for Pekiner. Have you received this similar prerequisite from any other doctors? So far, Pekiner is the only one I’ve encountered this issue with.

I know many users on this forum that take oral Finasteride with safe results (which is great!) but I also know a handful along with several friends who have experienced awful side effects taking oral Finasteride. From E.D. to depression. I’m not willing to take the risk of going on a medication I do not believe I require at this stage of my journey (or will yield much of a result, as hair loss is not the issue, in my particular case). The risk seems to outweigh the theoretical reward.

I asked his assistant if it would be satisfactory to Dr. Pekiner if I took just oral Minoxidil and Biotin supplements for further consideration, given the circumstances. He replied back stating that, no, I would have to agree to take both oral Finasteride and oral Minoxidil. No thanks! Obviously, I declined to agree to those terms and will continue to search for a surgeon who is more suitable for what I’m looking for.

Who have you been most impressed with in your search for hairline construction?

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Thanks for your interest in my topic.
Yes, I chose.
And...... (drumroll) I did.
Just got back yesterday.
I will publish a new post next week. Everything went great in my opinion. I chose Dr. Demirsoy.
Please give me some time, I'll write a post with photos. I'm on my third day now.


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13 minutes ago, Gook said:



Thanks for your interest in my topic.
Yes, I chose.
And...... (drumroll) I did.
Just got back yesterday.
I will publish a new post next week. Everything went great in my opinion. I chose Dr. Demirsoy.
Please give me some time, I'll write a post with photos. I'm on my third day now.


Nice, he is a great doctor. Look forward to your future updates. Good luck with the healing process!

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  • 3 weeks later...
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On 3/19/2023 at 8:10 AM, Metreon80 said:

Nice, he is a great doctor. Look forward to your future updates. Good luck with the healing process!



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On 2/7/2023 at 4:47 AM, Fue3361 said:

Pekiner for me is the best in Turkey.  He's not on the recommended list on this forum, but I don't think I've seen many doctors even anywhere else internationally that are as good as him on hairlines, graft survival, etc.  Just saw a case of his on the HT Reddit, fantastic work as always.

That said, he seems to not want to take your case.  IDK if you're on medication or not, but if you're not, he's absolutely right, and you do want to see how much ground you make up first on medication before going down a HT scenario.  

Hi, you stated grafts survival with Dr Pekiner is good, do you have any insight, would he be as good as Bisanga and H&W for Follicules survival and Yield growth. What about Dr Yaman and Dr Bicer ?

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13 hours ago, Maballack said:

Hi, you stated grafts survival with Dr Pekiner is good, do you have any insight, would he be as good as Bisanga and H&W for Follicules survival and Yield growth. What about Dr Yaman and Dr Bicer ?

We're comparing apples and oranges.  H&W is mostly a tech clinic with great techs (techs do a lot of the work, but not to be confused with a hair mill), whereas Pekiner is more hands on.  That said, H&W is a great clinic, because the techs are excellent, and they've been doing it a long time.  Yeah, I'd say Pekiner's graft survival rate is elite tier, right up there amongst the best.  

I think Pekiner's hairlines are top 5 easily for me in the world.  The only negative would be that I see some multies escape here and there in hairlines (not enough to ruin the hairline, but they do appear sometimes).  It has been brought to my attention though that this also happens to most surgeons who are considered very good.

What about Bicer?  I think Pekiner is simply superior.  I think Bicer is decent, but in my view, Bicer's value has been inflated due to being very recommended on this forum.  

Check out my journey here:


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3 hours ago, Fue3361 said:

We're comparing apples and oranges.  H&W is mostly a tech clinic with great techs (techs do a lot of the work, but not to be confused with a hair mill), whereas Pekiner is more hands on.  That said, H&W is a great clinic, because the techs are excellent, and they've been doing it a long time.  Yeah, I'd say Pekiner's graft survival rate is elite tier, right up there amongst the best.  

I think Pekiner's hairlines are top 5 easily for me in the world.  The only negative would be that I see some multies escape here and there in hairlines (not enough to ruin the hairline, but they do appear sometimes).  It has been brought to my attention though that this also happens to most surgeons who are considered very good.

What about Bicer?  I think Pekiner is simply superior.  I think Bicer is decent, but in my view, Bicer's value has been inflated due to being very recommended on this forum.  

Hi thank you for your answer.

I am not looking for esthetic, I juste want coverage, the most important thing for me is a Docotor who the work from A to Z or mostly done by him and that I am sure we are minimizing grafts trauma and trasection rate. I am looking for the best doctor in terms of Yields and growth not necessarily esthetic hairline

Would you consider Pekiner to be as equal to Bisanga and Mwamba or a tier below.


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  • 5 months later...
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On 2/7/2023 at 9:02 AM, A_4_Archan said:

First of all start medication asap...try topical or oral version of minoxidil and finasteride ...and preserve ur existing grafts ..u may evn consider taking prp therapy ...jst do this for 6-8 months and thn consider ur transplant ...

Hi Archan,

I am using topical minoxidil but seeing little improvement.
I am thinking of using topical fin as it has less side effects than the oral.
But is the topical fin as effective as the oral one? 



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On 3/18/2023 at 10:15 PM, Metreon80 said:

Hi @Gook! Thanks for posting your experiences with contacting these doctors. Have you made a final decision on what doctor you will be going to for your HT? I have similar hair type to yours! Blonde/fine/straight.

I’ve been seeking a HT to cosmetically correct my hereditary “M” hairline to close the temples (hair has never previously grown hair in this area) and thicken the density to the center island of hair, which has had a thinned/diffused look in density since I’ve been a teenager. Thankfully, my hair loss has been isolated to that area and has only shown an extremely minimal amount of thinning over the past 30 years. Fortunately, I have not experienced any noticeable hair loss as of yet on my sides, crown, back of head/donor, etc. I’ve personally never been on any oral HL medications, as the minimal amount of thinning I’ve experienced to the center island of hair over the past few decades has not been a concerning difference for me to consider oral medications. I previously used topical Minoxidil for the forelock island of hair as an experiment for a period of time, but did not see any difference, so I discontinued it.

I, too, had a similar experience contacting Pekiner for HT. After a long wait (40+ days), I had yet to receive a reply to the pictures I sent for evaluation to Pekiner’s assistant, Alex, so I wrote him again to follow up and promptly received this same kind of rejection copy and paste email. Only with my Norwood adjusted to a personalized 3 to 4 in the description. Other than that, it’s pretty much word for word.

Likewise, I was surprised with the rejection from Pekiner. In obtaining many evaluations & quotes from various doctors, he is the only so far that has rejected my case and made a requirement of being on *both* oral Finasteride and oral Minoxidil to be even be considered for a HT. His assistant said I could be “revaluated” after 6 to 8 months, only if I agree to go on both medications and the results are deemed satisfactory for Pekiner. Have you received this similar prerequisite from any other doctors? So far, Pekiner is the only one I’ve encountered this issue with.

I know many users on this forum that take oral Finasteride with safe results (which is great!) but I also know a handful along with several friends who have experienced awful side effects taking oral Finasteride. From E.D. to depression. I’m not willing to take the risk of going on a medication I do not believe I require at this stage of my journey (or will yield much of a result, as hair loss is not the issue, in my particular case). The risk seems to outweigh the theoretical reward.

I asked his assistant if it would be satisfactory to Dr. Pekiner if I took just oral Minoxidil and Biotin supplements for further consideration, given the circumstances. He replied back stating that, no, I would have to agree to take both oral Finasteride and oral Minoxidil. No thanks! Obviously, I declined to agree to those terms and will continue to search for a surgeon who is more suitable for what I’m looking for.

Who have you been most impressed with in your search for hairline construction?

This is common with Dr Pekiner unfortunately. He runs his service when he wants to...When in need of extra cash! He doesn't run it like an actual clinic.

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