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Am I good candidate for a HT?

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Hi all,

I have learned a lot of great information on this forum. Some background - I am 26, and noticed hair loss at about age 22. Looking back at photos it couldve started even as early as 19 , but hard to say exactly. I have been on fin for 4 years and that seemed to have stopped the loss, but as we know, hard to say if it stopped 100% of the loss.

I am considering an HT and have reached out to a few of the forums recommended surgeons (Nader, Camacho, Mwamba, Pekiner, Bernstein etc)
I am concerned about my donor though, it appears like it may not be super dense (I've never had super dense hair)
Could anyone give me an opinion?

Thanks in advance
















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Donor looks stable and healthy 

Doron Harati - Patient coordinator for HDC Hair Clinic, HT procedures are done by MD Doctors with Microscope FUE.

For consultation contact me: WhatsApp +972526542654


HDC Instegram: https://instagram.com/doronhairadvisor_hdc?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=

* All comments from this account should not be taken or construed as medical advice, all comments are only the personal opinions of the poster.

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I think my expectations are realistic. I don't expect a low or straight hairline at all.
I just want to add density where i already have a bit of a hairline and in my mid scalp. If you look closely there are still a couple sparse hairs in my temples, probably about 3/4 of an inch above the lowest point of my widows peak, i would want to add density there, no new hairs where everything's already gone.
I don't expect to do anything to my crown, I am quite tall and no one ever sees it.

Dr Nader estimated me for 2500-300 grafts , which seems a bit low to me (but I'm not a surgeon with 20yrs experience lol)

I made an appointment for an in person assessment with Dr Shaver, who seems to be Dr Bernstein's current apprentice, im sure she will be able to tell me more.

And I know I do have some redness on my scalp, I've never really looked at the back of my head before - Im tempted to chalk it up to the fact that I just got a close fade in the back, so could be haircut irritation? Anyway if it persists im sure I can ask about it in that consultation.

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  • Senior Member
4 hours ago, Doron Harati said:

Donor looks stable and healthy 

I'm not entirely sure about this, your donor appears to be sparse or the hairs are thing its hard to tell. It also looks like you have red dots on your skin, have you been checked for Psoriasis?

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