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Dr. Gokhan Gur | 3000 grafts | Nov 2022 | Crown and temples | Norwood 4/5


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I want to share my results so far. I went to turkey and got a hair transplant from Dr. Gur at FUEcapilar. I paid for the VIP package where Dr. Gur does the initial extractions and channel openings, and then his technicians do the implantation. 

Here are some images before the procedure. I am totally open about getting a hair transplant.  Below is my recession about 3 months before I did the surgery.


I was basically around a Norwood 4 I would say. After the initial consultation, Dr. Gur recommended 3500 grafts, 1000 in each temple, and 1500 in the crown. We ended up just doing 3000 since my donor hair was really thick.


The procedure took the whole day (~8 hours). For me, the surgery was tough. The local anaesthesia injections hurt like hell, and although the technicians and Dr. Gur are really kind and do everything they can to make you feel comfortable, the anaesthesia started to wear off towards the end. It was partially my fault for not letting them know, but I anyway just pushed on through the pain for the last couple of hours. 

I had the crusty scabbing for the first few days. My recipient area was numb at the top, but also extremely itchy. It was unbearably itchy for about 2 weeks. It took all of my will power to not scratch it. 



By the end of the first week, most of the scabs were gone, however, it was still very itchy.




Still, After the first week, I was pretty happy with the results. (left is after, right is before)


This one, left is before, right is after.


After 2 weeks, I started using taking finasteride and topical minoxidil. I experience pretty significant shock loss, which I was hoping to avoid but whatever.



I am not at a little over one month since the surgery. I also started to experience some shock loss and thinning from the donor area. I am deep into the ugly duckling stage. 


The only side effect which I have experienced so far which I am not so sure is normal is that sometimes when I wake up in the morning (I sleep on my side), my scalp is a bit puffy. You can kind of see in one of he first pre-operation pictures that I have a little bit of (Cutis verticis gyrata (CVG). It looks pretty bad in the morning but it goes away almost entirely once I get up. It seems to only happen when I am sleeping on my side. 


Anyway, I am just at one month so I am not necessarily stressed or worried as I came into the process knowing I will probably look like crap for at least 4-6 months. I will hopefully see some improvement in a few months. I can already see many small hairs are sprouting on my crown and temples where they had previously fallen out. Hopefully the rest come soon.

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Looking good, Dr. Gur was on my short list so I think you made a soild choice. Graft count and density looks about right. Is that what was quoted in the consult? How'd you like working with him, I hear the techs are great there.

Did you travel far for the procedure? I'm always keen to know about people's travel post op.

I've never read that CVG before, that's curious. Has it been reducing day to day though? 

Cheers man and happy growing it's all up from here


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2 minutes ago, ray35 said:

Looking good, Dr. Gur was on my short list so I think you made a soild choice. Graft count and density looks about right. Is that what was quoted in the consult? How'd you like working with him, I hear the techs are great there.

Did you travel far for the procedure? I'm always keen to know about people's travel post op.

I've never read that CVG before, that's curious. Has it been reducing day to day though? 

Cheers man and happy growing it's all up from here


I did a lot of research before choosing this clinic. I traveled to Turkey from Central Europe for the procedure. I spent a couple of extra days there to explore Istanbul which is an awesome city. Everything was super cheap so I also bought a year's supply of finasteride for 20 euros and a year's supply of minoxidil for around 120 euros or something. The techs were super nice and I think they did a very good job. I just struggled a lot during the surgery but that wasn't their fault. But they did a lot to help and gave me isotonic solution by IV and stuff to make sure I was okay. My only negative was that since I am vegetarian, All they gave me was a greasy cheese pizza for lunch which was a bit disappointing. I am not super choosy but I would have been happy to have something a little healthier and less greasy.

Anyway, I also got tons of cheap online subscriptions while I was there, such as Netflix, at the Turkish price, which was awesome, since they are almost 1/5 the price or less compared to my current country.

In regards to the CVG, I've always had some wrinkles in my scalp (I'm not sure if it's hereditary but I have had them for as long as I can remember) but they were never really so noticeable. I think the surgery might have caused some inflammation which made the scalp wrinkles a bit more noticeable when I am laying down for long periods of time. But They are not painful or anything, and they pretty much go back to normal after I elevate my head. It was just a bit alarming at first with the swelling and inflammation. I will say it is still pretty itchy and I have some minor folliculitis while the hairs are growing out from the skin. 

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Dr Gur is definitely an ethical surgeon in Turkey. You are in safe hands with him.

He do also cares about his patients and you have the choice to select him to do the extractions as well except of incisions at a decent price, if I’m not wrong at 1.25 €/graft? 

Edited by Jackdaniels
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On 12/19/2022 at 8:37 PM, Jackdaniels said:

Dr Gur is definitely an ethical surgeon in Turkey. You are in safe hands with him.

He do also cares about his patients and you have the choice to select him to do the extractions as well except of incisions at a decent price, if I’m not wrong at 1.25 €/graft? 

Yes that was the price I was quoted. Anyway now I just need to wait patiently but I'll post an update in a month or two. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

2 month update. 


I am slowly exiting the ugly duckling stage. The transplanted hairs in the temple regions and frontal hairline are really starting to grow now. 




Crown is taking a but longer to grow back but it seems to also be coming along. There are a lot of small fine hairs on the crown now that are slowly thickening out as well. IMG_20230105_211614.thumb.jpg.9d6b47e27459209889f7190ae72b4b0f.jpg


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  • 3 weeks later...

Currently at about 2.5 months. I'm starting to see noticeable progress. I think I am also a good responder to finasteride and minoxidil. I had a large shed after starting finasteride and minoxidil but now the hair surrounding the transplant area that was previously miniaturized and wispy has come back incredibly thick after the initial shed. Donor area looks great again.I can barely get a comb through it now 😆. People ask me for ID at the bar again in America 😆. Needless to say I am very happy with Dr. Gur's work so far. I am just hoping the crown will continue to thicken since I only had 1000 grafts there. IMG_20230125_001152.thumb.jpg.0433acc38b34984b570c4019ff824425.jpg



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3 hours ago, antomicblitz said:

Currently at about 2.5 months. I'm starting to see noticeable progress. I think I am also a good responder to finasteride and minoxidil. I had a large shed after starting finasteride and minoxidil but now the hair surrounding the transplant area that was previously miniaturized and wispy has come back incredibly thick after the initial shed. Donor area looks great again.I can barely get a comb through it now 😆. People ask me for ID at the bar again in America 😆. Needless to say I am very happy with Dr. Gur's work so far. I am just hoping the crown will continue to thicken since I only had 1000 grafts there. IMG_20230125_001152.thumb.jpg.0433acc38b34984b570c4019ff824425.jpg



Good progress for 2.5 months. It seems like you are going a great result in the next few months. Just be patient 👍

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On 1/25/2023 at 2:06 PM, antomicblitz said:

Currently at about 2.5 months. I'm starting to see noticeable progress. I think I am also a good responder to finasteride and minoxidil. I had a large shed after starting finasteride and minoxidil but now the hair surrounding the transplant area that was previously miniaturized and wispy has come back incredibly thick after the initial shed. Donor area looks great again.I can barely get a comb through it now 😆. People ask me for ID at the bar again in America 😆. Needless to say I am very happy with Dr. Gur's work so far. I am just hoping the crown will continue to thicken since I only had 1000 grafts there. IMG_20230125_001152.thumb.jpg.0433acc38b34984b570c4019ff824425.jpg



Thick donor, good surgeon. Following. 

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Woah, I have never heard of CVG but have certainly noticed it on people. Dave Bautista has it so you’re just as bad ass as him now. Looks like a clean transplant that shall yield nice results. I imagine styling will be fun with CVG once you have a full head of hair again though. How soon after the surgery did it show up?

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On 1/31/2023 at 6:28 PM, airporteffect said:

Woah, I have never heard of CVG but have certainly noticed it on people. Dave Bautista has it so you’re just as bad ass as him now. Looks like a clean transplant that shall yield nice results. I imagine styling will be fun with CVG once you have a full head of hair again though. How soon after the surgery did it show up?

Yeah I never noticed I had it until I shaved my head. I think it was always there. I'm actually not even sure how it developed but it is symmetrical. If eventually the finasteride or dutasteride stop working or I stop caring about having hair, I would be fine being bald too, even with CVG.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Now at 4 months post surgery. It's been a month since I switched from finasteride to dutasteride and continuing with the minoxidil application. I got a shorter haircut to try and do a better comparison to my first photos. I am super happy with the results, but I wonder if maybe I should do another transplant to fill in the temples more if they don't expand more after a year. I can still cover it pretty well when my hair is grown out so I don't think it would be that noticeable, but I sometimes wish my temples were a bit more filled in. I don't know if it would look weird or unnatural if I fixed it too much. IMG_20230307_123402.thumb.jpg.6b618b1b5908564d59469a6981cd255e.jpgIMG_20230307_123358.thumb.jpg.a573cd2d8581f09704e0a4757b7c3080.jpgIMG_20230307_123404.thumb.jpg.b45e8fb5b0e6757b3e4e0dfc0478b930.jpg



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Looking excellent and its jst 4 months...you will get more and more growth from nw on...happy growing and keep updating 

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3611 FUE Grafts With Dr Kongkiat Laorwong | Norwood 5 | 2nd May 2023 




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  • Regular Member
15 hours ago, antomicblitz said:

Now at 4 months post surgery. It's been a month since I switched from finasteride to dutasteride and continuing with the minoxidil application. I got a shorter haircut to try and do a better comparison to my first photos. I am super happy with the results, but I wonder if maybe I should do another transplant to fill in the temples more if they don't expand more after a year. I can still cover it pretty well when my hair is grown out so I don't think it would be that noticeable, but I sometimes wish my temples were a bit more filled in. I don't know if it would look weird or unnatural if I fixed it too much. IMG_20230307_123402.thumb.jpg.6b618b1b5908564d59469a6981cd255e.jpgIMG_20230307_123358.thumb.jpg.a573cd2d8581f09704e0a4757b7c3080.jpgIMG_20230307_123404.thumb.jpg.b45e8fb5b0e6757b3e4e0dfc0478b930.jpg



The crown coverage looks good for only 1,000 grafts, especially at only 4 months postop. Have you noticed increased shedding since switching to dutasteride?

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  • Regular Member
22 hours ago, antomicblitz said:

Now at 4 months post surgery. It's been a month since I switched from finasteride to dutasteride and continuing with the minoxidil application. I got a shorter haircut to try and do a better comparison to my first photos. I am super happy with the results, but I wonder if maybe I should do another transplant to fill in the temples more if they don't expand more after a year. I can still cover it pretty well when my hair is grown out so I don't think it would be that noticeable, but I sometimes wish my temples were a bit more filled in. I don't know if it would look weird or unnatural if I fixed it too much. IMG_20230307_123402.thumb.jpg.6b618b1b5908564d59469a6981cd255e.jpgIMG_20230307_123358.thumb.jpg.a573cd2d8581f09704e0a4757b7c3080.jpgIMG_20230307_123404.thumb.jpg.b45e8fb5b0e6757b3e4e0dfc0478b930.jpg



Looking awesome for only 4 months. You are going to get a great final result.

Dr Gur seems to be a great doctor in Turkey at a decent price !

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  • Regular Member

Wow that’s a stunning transformation already. Plenty would be happy with that as an end result! Must feel great to know you’ve still got months ahead to progress even further. Looks like a home run cert

Gur has had some impressive stuff of late. Is he still linked to Fuecapilar?

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