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8 months :(


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Its been 8 months, since the procedure, and im more than I had started. This totally stinks. The bad part about is, people are now starting to notice I'm going bald. I had the procedure with Dr. Paul Shapiro, its not like I went to a bad doc for this. Sorry, for the random comment just needed to vent...

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  • Regular Member

Its been 8 months, since the procedure, and im more than I had started. This totally stinks. The bad part about is, people are now starting to notice I'm going bald. I had the procedure with Dr. Paul Shapiro, its not like I went to a bad doc for this. Sorry, for the random comment just needed to vent...

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  • Senior Member

Have any pics to post? You would get some good feedback.


So, you basically have more hair, but it's not cosmetically what you had expected at this point?


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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Have you been in touch with Dr. Paul Shapiro about your concerns? If so, what has he said about it?


Is the problem slow/no growth or additional hair loss? Are you on any medication to prevent future hair loss?


If you have before/after pictures, you are welcome to post them.


Perhaps you are a slow grower. But it's better you discuss your concerns with Dr. Shapiro and get his feedback.


Best wishes,



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  • Senior Member

Billydett- hopefully you just need some more time for growth. How many grafts and where?


Also, I'm proud of you for that avatar. It's hard to stick with those boys nowadays

Current Regimen:


.5mg Fin ED

Minox 2x daily

Nizoral 1% 2-3 times a week

Fish Oil capsules w/ Omega-3


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  • Regular Member

Here is my web log take a look, the pictures are not so great, but i should be able to get some new ones shortly. The hairline just isnt there at all, there is growth, but it even seems like a big chunk of the transplanted hairs arent coming up especially in the hairline.




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PS It was 2800 grafts. I had the ht on may 2nd 2008 with dr paul shapiro. I'll be seeing him ina month and he will look at the progress. In the front 2/3 of the hairline. It seems like I have less hair now then when I had the ht. The hairline is thinner now than what it was before.

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Not only isn't your blog linked on your post, but I can't find one listed under "Billydett" at all under www.hairtransplantnetwork.com/blogs.


Can you point us to your blog so we can see your photos?


I've been in touch with Dr. Paul Shapiro and he says you two have been in touch. That's good. I trust he will take good care of you no matter what.


Best wishes,



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My bad, the weblog is under Praing4hair. Don't get me wrong, I still think Dr. Shapiro is a fine HT doctor. I am just getting worried of the results. However, He will actually be in my area next month and we plan to meet so he can take a look at the results. Also, The pictures that I had put up are really scratchy though, because I didn't have a digital camera.

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  • Regular Member

I would be balding too if I was a Detroit Lions fan. just kidding, i am sure you will be fine. It's only been 7 months or so and lots of grafts can result in shockloss. give it another month or two and hear what your doc has to say.

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I am not trying to offend you, but I think if there was a contest, you'd be in the running for the worst quality photos ever posted on your blog, especially the 5 month photos.


Also, your blog only goes up to 5, not 8 months.


From the looks of it, you had a good amount of hair even before your hair transplant with Dr. Paul.


If male pattern baldness is progressing, this could be contributing to the thinner look you are talking about.


I'm glad that you will be seeing Dr. Paul in person, since he will be able to evaluate your progress and gauge how much of the transplanted hair is growing, etc.


In the meantime, take some high quality photos and add them to your blog so we can take a better look :-).


Best wishes,



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