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What was lowest point of regret, i mean people to whom HT failed, did not bring decent result and are in regret.

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I was norwood 7, got 4k Grafts on my forehead but I am not satisfied with the result. I did not realize that 4k could not cover my norwood 7 head. Donor area is quite big, I accept baldness but cannot fade it cannot shave it and leave it so. SMP is an option but I am afraid that it will fade and I will have to pay every 2 years so much money on SMP. I have not planned this, I was not full aware of HT, before HT I did not pay much attention to donor area, I thought if it did not bring a good result then I will shave it and that will be. But now I am in deep depression, I realize that scars what I got, job what I done, is permanent for life and I cannot do anything with it, even if I had 1$ million I cannot change it. That kills me in my thoughts and dreams.


But I think there must be definitely other guys who experienced some. What have you done? How have you overcome it?



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I’m responding to this topic, not because I personally have any regrets. However, in my experience on the forums and with patients, one of the biggest regrets patients have is selecting a doctor strictly because they are local or possess low prices.  Many of these patients end up in need of a repair procedure and end up having to spend a lot more money than they would have if they had gotten it done right the first time.   Unfortunately, some of them lost too much precious donor hair that is irreplaceable and didn’t have enough left to generate the kind of results they really wanted or needed which could’ve been avoided had they selected a surgeon based on their proven ability of producing consistent results.

So my best advice to anybody reading this, do your research and select a surgeon based on results, skill and experience, even if it means waiting longer to save the money you need and traveling as necessary.  

Best wishes,

Rahal Hair Transplant 

Edited by Rahal Hair Transplant
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Rahal Hair Transplant Institute - Answers to questions, posts or any comments from this account should not be taken or construed as medical advice.    All comments are the personal opinions of the poster.  

Dr. Rahal is a member of the Coalition of Independent of Hair Restoration Physicians.

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  • Senior Member
5 hours ago, agar8788 said:

I was norwood 7, got 4k Grafts on my forehead but I am not satisfied with the result. I did not realize that 4k could not cover my norwood 7 head. Donor area is quite big, I accept baldness but cannot fade it cannot shave it and leave it so. SMP is an option but I am afraid that it will fade and I will have to pay every 2 years so much money on SMP. I have not planned this, I was not full aware of HT, before HT I did not pay much attention to donor area, I thought if it did not bring a good result then I will shave it and that will be. But now I am in deep depression, I realize that scars what I got, job what I done, is permanent for life and I cannot do anything with it, even if I had 1$ million I cannot change it. That kills me in my thoughts and dreams.


But I think there must be definitely other guys who experienced some. What have you done? How have you overcome it?



Unfortunately you were preyed upon by an unethical surgeon/clinic, it is unfortunate and all too common.

Where did you get it done?

Your best bet is to get SMP, yes it will fade and cost money but there are not too many options for a Norwood 7.

I wish you good luck, save up money however you can, perhaps look to change for a higher paying job. 

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15 minutes ago, asterix0 said:

Your best bet is to get SMP, yes it will fade and cost money but there are not too many options for a Norwood 7.


Thank you bro.yes smp is only one option.


CAn you tell me when smp will fade, only blackish look will fade or it will fade completely?i mean when it will fade, scars will be again visible or not? Blackish dots will dissaper okey i know this but some guys say it does not fade completely, some layer stays forever, it is not blackish anymore but layer stays

is it so?


I even consider classical tattoo, that does not fade

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Your donor is clearly over-harvested. You have good beard, and SMP should give very good natural results if you keep it shaved that short.

I wouldn't really give up. Consider the HT useful because it will make the SMP look more natural in the end.

Once you commited to HT route it makes no sense to leave it "half-done" in my opinion. With good decisions and dedication i'm sure you can extract value from it and reach a point you are content about.

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