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Hair Clinic choosing and how many grafts do I need?


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Turkey Hair Transplant Clinics Tip + Am I even eligible?

Hi, I am seeking tips for good quality clinic in Turkey, budget Im looking for is **3-6000 EUR**, either using all-inclusive packages or I can organise myself accommodation and transport and pay only for clinic services. Very important for me is to have either online consultation about possible results or I can even fly out to turkey to have in-person consultation. Preferably if the transplant will be made by doctor himself and not some random un-qualified people. **Planning to get transplant around march**

**Other thing is question - Am I even eligible and which transplant method should I use? Iam ready to have 1-2 transplants(3-6000€ per transplant budget wise)**

**Something about me:**

26 years old male - European-Asian

3 year **minoxidil foam 5%** (not really responsing too much besides mini hair on forehead which wont get stronger, also my hair structure changed to more curly hair and sometimes very irregular+hard shape. Had a pause so now been using continuously for around 1.5 year.

**1 year finasteride 1.25mg (I would say it slowed down process or maybe reversed it a little as well).**

**Using good quality shampoo and conditioner everyday(**


**Can anyone advise best transplant method for me and approximate amount of grafts?**

In case of hair transplant, does turkey doctors give you needed prescription like finasteride or atleast can you buy it there? Im buying in second hand now since my doctor wouldnt prescribe me.

My pictures are here:


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  • Senior Member
On 11/14/2022 at 7:57 AM, CLP said:

Turkey Hair Transplant Clinics Tip + Am I even eligible?

Hi, I am seeking tips for good quality clinic in Turkey, budget Im looking for is **3-6000 EUR**, either using all-inclusive packages or I can organise myself accommodation and transport and pay only for clinic services. Very important for me is to have either online consultation about possible results or I can even fly out to turkey to have in-person consultation. Preferably if the transplant will be made by doctor himself and not some random un-qualified people. **Planning to get transplant around march**

**Other thing is question - Am I even eligible and which transplant method should I use? Iam ready to have 1-2 transplants(3-6000€ per transplant budget wise)**

**Something about me:**

26 years old male - European-Asian

3 year **minoxidil foam 5%** (not really responsing too much besides mini hair on forehead which wont get stronger, also my hair structure changed to more curly hair and sometimes very irregular+hard shape. Had a pause so now been using continuously for around 1.5 year.

**1 year finasteride 1.25mg (I would say it slowed down process or maybe reversed it a little as well).**

**Using good quality shampoo and conditioner everyday(**


**Can anyone advise best transplant method for me and approximate amount of grafts?**

In case of hair transplant, does turkey doctors give you needed prescription like finasteride or atleast can you buy it there? Im buying in second hand now since my doctor wouldnt prescribe me.

My pictures are here:


First of all, i am not an expert, these advices are just based on my own research and they may be terrible advice based on your case but i will still try my best. Okay so, that looks like a good donor density. You could probably focus on your frontal area with about 3 to 3.5k grafts to future proof that area, its still better to listen to what a good doctor recommends, its also important to make it clear to them what your goals are, do you want full density? Mid density where you don't really care if it's that thick? Do you want to focus up on the hairline first or do you want the grafts spread out from front to crown (You have a high chance of losing all that hair at the top since youre young, and you've already lost a lot, but if you could take fin for the rest of your life then it might stay like that for a loong time maybe you won't even progres anymore, I don't really know.) The important thing is to do your research. you could start by checking this website's recommended surgeons, and organizations like the IAHRS. Most importantly look at reviews and results from actual people, you can search for the doctor's name here or other places look at how they build the hairline, do they put a lot of multi grafts in front? If they do, steer clear from those clinics. Go to youtube and search for the hair transplant mentor, or Mr. Rolandas they have some great advices. 

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  • Valued Contributor
On 11/14/2022 at 10:57 AM, CLP said:

Hi, I am seeking tips for good quality clinic in Turkey, budget Im looking for is **3-6000 EUR**,

This is the making of a really bad mistake. I don't mean to sound brutal but MPB is life long and progressive. Have a look at how many people have been butchered and over harvested on the forum and wish they had have come here prior to surgery. Basing a hair transplant on geography and budget is a bad recipe. Have a look at the results on the forum and look for results that are in line with your surgical goals. Then look to see who is turning out these results on a regular basis. If surgery is too expensive then it's always best to save up and not risk paying many times the costs over in repair work. All the best.

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9 hours ago, Gatsby said:

This is the making of a really bad mistake. I don't mean to sound brutal but MPB is life long and progressive. Have a look at how many people have been butchered and over harvested on the forum and wish they had have come here prior to surgery. Basing a hair transplant on geography and budget is a bad recipe. Have a look at the results on the forum and look for results that are in line with your surgical goals. Then look to see who is turning out these results on a regular basis. If surgery is too expensive then it's always best to save up and not risk paying many times the costs over in repair work. All the best.

Im located in Switzerland where I believe value/money is much worse than services in Turkey, I think 4-6000€ is a reasonable budget per transplant, I dont mind getting second one if neccesary or going up with budget if the value is really there. For example clinics that charges per graft vs packages…


of course you shouldnt try to save money on such things


To my research Im now between 

Dr Gur/Turan



Could consider others as well.

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  • Senior Member
1 hour ago, CLP said:

Im located in Switzerland where I believe value/money is much worse than services in Turkey, I think 4-6000€ is a reasonable budget per transplant, I dont mind getting second one if neccesary or going up with budget if the value is really there. For example clinics that charges per graft vs packages…


of course you shouldnt try to save money on such things


To my research Im now between 

Dr Gur/Turan



Could consider others as well.

I believe HDC in Cyprus would be a good option too @Doron Haratithey have a great price per graft, dr bicer is great too but she may be really booked don’t let price make you go to hairmill it will be more expensive in the long run once you need to go get a repair 

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  • Senior Member
9 hours ago, CLP said:

Does anyone have any experience/idea how many grafts do I need and could be transplanted per session? Am I eligible for 2?

Donor looks good for 2nd procedure, you may do procedure over frontal area, crown is maybe too soon and better wait for more hairloss progression.

Doron Harati - Patient coordinator for HDC Hair Clinic, HT procedures are done by MD Doctors with Microscope FUE.

For consultation contact me: WhatsApp +972526542654


HDC Instegram: https://instagram.com/doronhairadvisor_hdc?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=

* All comments from this account should not be taken or construed as medical advice, all comments are only the personal opinions of the poster.

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