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The "Perfect Hairline" - Does one exist?

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Okay, so I've been thinking about what the "perfect hairline" is for a person and even when you Google it you get a range of things. 

For younger guys, it's genuinely almost literally wanting a baby hairline fresh out the womb in a lot of cases where the temple points haven't even pushed back to resemble a matured hairline. 

In some cases, it's a goalpost that shifts from the first hair transplant to the next when people want to refine things. They may choose to go even lower. 

However, there's an undoubted artistic element present as well as almost a scientific approach that go hand in hand, but those are all at the mercy of our physiology. You cannot be a slick Norwood 7 without a favourable donor supply of scalp, beard and even body hair to begin to consider an adequate level of coverage. Even when you believe there's an adequate amount, the results are going to be strongly influenced by physical characteristics like the shape of your head and the surface area to be covered. 

A lot of belief is that if you have a larger head, your donor supply is usually larger but this doesn't always equal a 1 to 1 situation for two different individuals when we also have to take into account hair characteristics. A person with curly and kinky hair could for example have the appearance of better coverage with less hair grafts as could a person with naturally thicker hair. 

The "perfect hairline" therefore is arbitrary and depends on the specific hair loss situation you find yourself in before any hair transplant and before any 2nd or more procedures you might undergo. What suits you in terms of design is also incredibly subjective and some choose to go on the recommendation of their doctor,  whilst some have a strong idea of what they want. Yet what you want or the doctor isn't always in tune with what might 100% be the best aesthetic choice. A doctor may be limiting themselves by considering the level of work that might end up being required to achieve your goals, or their ability and those of their technicians. Your own design might also be completely out of touch with your donor capability with being Norwood 6/7 wanting a Brad Pitt hairline. 

So the next time you do want to design your hairline, please remember to do your due diligence and consider all aspects of what you want and discuss it actively with your hair transplant doctor to make sure it's realistic and importantly within the capability of the clinic to deliver. Also, be prepared to told it may need to be done over two procedure with the first to establish a design and adequate density, and the 2nd to refine and add density. 

Lastly, i'll leave you guys with this great look into what makes a great hairline too from a professional and respected Hair Transplant Doctors clinic. Naturalness as the article states is the most important aspect at every point for a hair transplant. 


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I dont think "perfect" is the correct word. Rather, there are aesthetic features that are basically universally desirable. 

Not just with hairlines, but all physical characteristics. 

I suppose you could go down the rabbit hole and say there are people who celebrate being overweight, short, bald, etc. But i dont really put much stock into those beliefs. 

Rather, i prescribe to the belief that beauty and attractiveness is indeed a science, and there are objective criteria for it. 


Edited by HappyMan2021
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1 minute ago, HappyMan2021 said:

I dont think "perfect" is the correct word. Rather, there are aesthetic features that are basically universally desirable. 

Not just with hairlines, but all physical characteristics. 

I suppose you could go down the rabbit hole and say there are people who celebrate being overweight, short, bald, etc. But i dont really put much stock into those beliefs. 


That's why i felt putting it as "perfect hairline" would help to highlight just how subjective the idea of "perfection" is for this. Just as a "10 out of 10" for anything may not be the same for others, i think there's generally a ballpark of what is "right" or perhaps "good" in terms of aesthetics. So we can look at two different hairlines, say both are great looking but we have a preference for one over the other. 

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To be honest, we are lucky to be able to choose.  The fact that we all exist means that our genetics have been successfully reproducing for 10's of thousands of years, and if you really think about it, millions of years since we were single celled organisms. 

Some humans have a NW1, and some are hairless.  So perfect is whatever you want it to be really... And one thing if any, that I've learned in my life is sometimes you can't reach "perfection" (whatever that is).  

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3 hours ago, MisterBreakfast said:

To be honest, we are lucky to be able to choose.  The fact that we all exist means that our genetics have been successfully reproducing for 10's of thousands of years, and if you really think about it, millions of years since we were single celled organisms. 

Some humans have a NW1, and some are hairless.  So perfect is whatever you want it to be really... And one thing if any, that I've learned in my life is sometimes you can't reach "perfection" (whatever that is).  

I think that variety is certainly what helps make things so interesting and also challenging. 

From a subjective PoV, "Perfection" is never one thing everybody will agree on but i certainly think there's a lot of inspiration to choose from out there thanks to the internet. Just seeing all the designs of hairlines people have gone with on here for example and looking at other lucky folks who haven't had to do anything but let nature bless them, helped me pick what i felt was the most aesthetically pleasing and i do genuinely think Dr Das knocked the design out of the park making what i wanted come to life in design terms. 

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