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Is it too late to book a hair transplant with one of the top budget options by March 2023? (Under 3$/graft)

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If I can't get a transplant done by March, I'll probably have to wait another ~3 years just because of upcoming life events. 

I have reached out to the following in the past few days. Is there anyone else worth reaching out to? Is there anyone on this list I shouldn't have added? I know some of these like Bicer are booked way past March, just figured I'd add everyone who has good reviews under 3$/graft. 

Short List

Turkey: Pekiner, Bicer, HLC, Fuecapilar

Europe: De Freitas, Ximena Vila, Bruno Pinto

India: Eugenix (Exclusive?/Premium)

Mexico: Nader


Also would love to get general advice and a maybe some graft estimates (was expecting 2k-3k depending on how much doctor wants to work on the crown)

Details: Age 26, started noticing recession at 19, started taking finasteride 6 months ago and haven't seen any recession since. Really my hairline has been mostly the same since 22 but noticed my crown thinning last year which is when I finally hopped on fin. 


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Edit: sorry these doctors are more expensive than 3€. But in general: Ferreira Bisanga Couto Feriduni.. but I wouldn't rush mate, doesn't harm to wait these 3 years..you can save up too.. also the thing with treating crown loss first is that it eats a lot of grafts and keeps expanding which forces you into more procedures. So you might use all your grafts in the crown.. in general the frontal third is sort of more important for many people in its aesthetic value.. I know for instance feriduni doesnt treat the crown before 35..







Edited by davidn
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  • Senior Member

I think it's a bit too soon to have HT, density too soon for the crown.

At HDC clinic in Cyprus we charge 2.2 - 2.4 Euros per graft and recommended in this forum, we do have availability on those dates.

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Doron Harati - Patient coordinator for HDC Hair Clinic, HT procedures are done by MD Doctors with Microscope FUE.

For consultation contact me: WhatsApp +972526542654


HDC Instegram: https://instagram.com/doronhairadvisor_hdc?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=

* All comments from this account should not be taken or construed as medical advice, all comments are only the personal opinions of the poster.

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