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Hi fellow members

I've been doing a lot of googling and research into getting some hair transplants at the front of my forehead to improve my hair line, my hair is nice and thick on top and at the back (I will post some pictures). So far my searching has only confused me and made things very overwhelming. As you would all know there are soooo many hair transplant companies out there with many Google reviews, l heard some have fake reviews. So how do I know which are the best ones to be considering? I've read about hair mill's, how do I know which companies are hair mill's? Or which one's to steer clear of? Do I get FUE OR FUT?


From my research l have come up with the following list for best hair transplant companies:

Now hair time 
Dr. Serkan Aygin 
Dr. Keser
Dr. Ozlem Bicer
Hair of Istanbul 
Asuman Hairtransplant
Koray Erdogan
Hakan Doganay
Sahin Celik

So from my list can anyone help me rule out or recommend any of these HT companies with past experiences or if you could recommend any new ones not mentioned above.

Obviously like everyone on here, I want the best of the best  for the best possible price and the best possible results. So this is why I'm reaching out to fellow members who can help me out, give me advice or just steer me in the right direction? Any help or advice would be much appreciated 🙏 




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You came to the right place. More than half of those are hair mills!  I’m sure you’ll get lots of good answers on here.  I’m on phone atm so cant type much, but I’ll come back later.


Also; I did exactly what you want to do.  Had thick hair on top.  Lowered hairline. Results were great.

Edited by Fue3361

Check out my journey here:


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1 minute ago, Fue3361 said:

You came to the right place. More than half of those are hair mills!  I’m sure you’ll get lots of good answers on here.  I’m on phone atm so cant type much, but I’ll come back later.

Cheers for the reply FUE! Haha really? I was expecting a few but not over half, that's crazy... I'm so lucky I found this forum! I've been reading though post after post, topic after topic... if I didn't stumble upon this site I'd be definitely booked into one of those hair mill's haha looking forward to hearing from you when you have the time man! Thanks again for the reply legend 🙏 

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2 minutes ago, G_MAN84 said:

Cheers for the reply FUE! Haha really? I was expecting a few but not over half, that's crazy... I'm so lucky I found this forum! I've been reading though post after post, topic after topic... if I didn't stumble upon this site I'd be definitely booked into one of those hair mill's haha looking forward to hearing from you when you have the time man! Thanks again for the reply legend 🙏 

If you have nothing to do, feel free to check out my entire journey, I have an 11 page thread.  Could be good reading to give u an idea what to expect (since our cases are very similar, both with thick existing hair).

Here’s the link:  


Check out my journey here:


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  • Regular Member
5 minutes ago, Fue3361 said:

If you have nothing to do, feel free to check out my entire journey, I have an 11 page thread.  Could be good reading to give u an idea what to expect (since our cases are very similar, both with thick existing hair).

Here’s the link:  


I've just checked out your journey post! As soon as I seen your first picture, l was like this bloke has very similar hair/hairline to me... I hope I could get the same results as you bro! Your hair looks amazing... yeah your right, I just need a forehead reduction as my hair on top and at the back is quite  thick! Tbh I've noticed the front creeping back quite a lot over the last few months,it just seems to be receding so fast now that I need to start doing something about it, hence why I'm on this forum... I'll definitely check out your other post bro, keen as to have a read and find out more about this journey I'm about to start 

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11 minutes ago, Fue3361 said:

You can also use the search function on this site and look up cases for every single clinic individually and see what people have to say.

Yeah awesome, really appreciate the help and advice mate! This process can be so daunting and overwhelming... 

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OP, i'm sure above has really enlightened you on what hair mills are like but there's something you haven't mentioned so far is whether you even are on medication. In fact, most would probably say if you get on medication for 12 months, it might even change your mind on needing to get a HT

Don't rush to make a life changing decision that you could end up regretting for even longer. 

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3 minutes ago, NARMAK said:

OP, i'm sure above has really enlightened you on what hair mills are like but there's something you haven't mentioned so far is whether you even are on medication. In fact, most would probably say if you get on medication for 12 months, it might even change your mind on needing to get a HT

Don't rush to make a life changing decision that you could end up regretting for even longer. 

Hey mate! He only mentioned that half of my researched list were hair mill's... I dont know how to find out/identify a proper HT company from a hair mill! How does a person find out this information? As I'm sure the company itself wouldn't tell anyone...

I've been a customer of Ashley and Martin for about 10 years! My hair front hair line in the first few years was good but the last few years especially the last 6 months I've really noticed it creeping back... the top of my head has really thickened up, the back of my head is fine! I'm just having trouble with my forehead and around my temple areas

I've been using 2ml of minoxidil and finistride with saw palmetto capsules daily. I just don't think they are working like they should anymore. Maybe my body has worked up a bit of tolerance to the medication. 

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  • Senior Member
3 hours ago, G_MAN84 said:

Hey mate! He only mentioned that half of my researched list were hair mill's... I dont know how to find out/identify a proper HT company from a hair mill! How does a person find out this information? As I'm sure the company itself wouldn't tell anyone...

I've been a customer of Ashley and Martin for about 10 years! My hair front hair line in the first few years was good but the last few years especially the last 6 months I've really noticed it creeping back... the top of my head has really thickened up, the back of my head is fine! I'm just having trouble with my forehead and around my temple areas

I've been using 2ml of minoxidil and finistride with saw palmetto capsules daily. I just don't think they are working like they should anymore. Maybe my body has worked up a bit of tolerance to the medication. 

I am sorry, not familiar with who Ashley and Martin are, but can you outline your regimen a bit more. 

What dosage of Finasteride are you on, oral or topical? If it's waning, then usually people start shifting yo Dutasteride and also you have the option to add in Nizoral shampoo for mild Anti-Androgen properties but also Microneedling with a derma pen once a week is an option. 

In terms of identifying hair mills, tell tale signs are usually they don't charge by the graft but say stuff like "Up to 5000 grafts Mega Session only £500!" or something ridiculously cheap. They also have little to no doctor involvement at all. That can be in terms of the entire operation where they let technicians make the slits, do the extractions and implantation. All the" Doctor" does is a face to face for a few mins or draw a hairline and it's all they show of him/her. It's a joke. 

There's tons of YouTube videos on what a hair mill is and the signs to spot it but just be warned that you don't want to be rushing into a hair transplant. Take your time and choose well. 

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5 hours ago, NARMAK said:

I am sorry, not familiar with who Ashley and Martin are, but can you outline your regimen a bit more. 

What dosage of Finasteride are you on, oral or topical? If it's waning, then usually people start shifting yo Dutasteride and also you have the option to add in Nizoral shampoo for mild Anti-Androgen properties but also Microneedling with a derma pen once a week is an option. 

In terms of identifying hair mills, tell tale signs are usually they don't charge by the graft but say stuff like "Up to 5000 grafts Mega Session only £500!" or something ridiculously cheap. They also have little to no doctor involvement at all. That can be in terms of the entire operation where they let technicians make the slits, do the extractions and implantation. All the" Doctor" does is a face to face for a few mins or draw a hairline and it's all they show of him/her. It's a joke. 

There's tons of YouTube videos on what a hair mill is and the signs to spot it but just be warned that you don't want to be rushing into a hair transplant. Take your time and choose well. 

Ashley and Martin are Australia's number one medical hair clinic. The company claims to have a 98% success rate in growing back hair through their realgrowth program (which is the program I'm currently on) . They offer different types of her treatment depending on the severity of hair loss.

These items are all supplied by Ashley and Martin and are part of the realgrowth program.

So I'm currently using 7% minoxidil and retac 0.01% (l use 2ml per day) along with finistride 1mg (oral) and 1 saw palmetto capsule. Of a night I wash my hair with hydrating shampoo (supplied by Ashley and Martin) l massage that into my scalp for a few minutes then leave it for a few minutes to soak in. Then I wash it with the the revitalising conditioner using the same process (also supplied by Ashley and Martin). I dry my hair with a towel then let it air dry for an hour so I know its completely dry, then I'll apply my 2ml of minoxidil, take my 1mg finistride and saw palmetto capsule before bed. 

I've always wondered... if when I wash my head/scalp too hard am I actually pulling out the tiny new growth? Or if when rubbing in my minoxidil of a night, am I rubbing the areas too hard and possibly rubbing out the new tiny hairs? As my hairline over the last few months had crept back quite a bit. 

Oh ok! I've never heard of Dutasteride or Nizoral, I'll have to look into this a little more. Is it similar to Finasteride but stronger? Does it work the same way? Like it wont grow back my hair but it will stop the receding hairline?

How does the Nizoral work?

A few years ago, I actually bought myself a derma roller 0.5mm after doing some research online, but I thought it was one of those myths a money grabbing type of thing so I gave up on it. Also I did bring it up with my Ashley and Martin consultant but he said they are a waste of time and he wouldn't bother. So are you recommending that I start using my derma roller again?

In regards to the hair mill's, that's only two telling examples! For a newbie or someone inexperienced like myself it's going to be very hard to identify these kind of HT clinics. I mean how does one know how much involvement the doctor has in the procedure until you've booked and paid for it or your actually sitting in the chair ready to go, could be too late by then. That's just a pretty broad scope of how to tell what a hair mill is. 

Definitely not rushing into a hair transplant hence why I'm on here getting advice and talking to you legend's. I just need help and advice choosing the best Dr/surgeon for myself as I know there are so many dodgy/nasty clinics out there lying and telling you what you want to hear. 

I'm just concerned and worried as to how quickly my front hairline is creeping back especially over the last few months. I'm starting to have to get different haircuts and style it differently etc. I'm very conscious of my hair, kind of paranoid and obsessed with it to be honest. I've always loved my hair, getting haircuts, styling it and looking sharp. 

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I'm at the 6 month mark right now and I can say that I recommend Bloxham highly.  And I also had a pretty good head of hair to begin with. There are many good choices for you, but many on your list are definitely NOT good choices.  

Edited by John1991
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1 hour ago, G_MAN84 said:

Ashley and Martin are Australia's number one medical hair clinic. The company claims to have a 98% success rate in growing back hair through their realgrowth program (which is the program I'm currently on) . They offer different types of her treatment depending on the severity of hair loss.

These items are all supplied by Ashley and Martin and are part of the realgrowth program.

So I'm currently using 7% minoxidil and retac 0.01% (l use 2ml per day) along with finistride 1mg (oral) and 1 saw palmetto capsule. Of a night I wash my hair with hydrating shampoo (supplied by Ashley and Martin) l massage that into my scalp for a few minutes then leave it for a few minutes to soak in. Then I wash it with the the revitalising conditioner using the same process (also supplied by Ashley and Martin). I dry my hair with a towel then let it air dry for an hour so I know its completely dry, then I'll apply my 2ml of minoxidil, take my 1mg finistride and saw palmetto capsule before bed. 

I've always wondered... if when I wash my head/scalp too hard am I actually pulling out the tiny new growth? Or if when rubbing in my minoxidil of a night, am I rubbing the areas too hard and possibly rubbing out the new tiny hairs? As my hairline over the last few months had crept back quite a bit. 

Oh ok! I've never heard of Dutasteride or Nizoral, I'll have to look into this a little more. Is it similar to Finasteride but stronger? Does it work the same way? Like it wont grow back my hair but it will stop the receding hairline?

How does the Nizoral work?

A few years ago, I actually bought myself a derma roller 0.5mm after doing some research online, but I thought it was one of those myths a money grabbing type of thing so I gave up on it. Also I did bring it up with my Ashley and Martin consultant but he said they are a waste of time and he wouldn't bother. So are you recommending that I start using my derma roller again?

In regards to the hair mill's, that's only two telling examples! For a newbie or someone inexperienced like myself it's going to be very hard to identify these kind of HT clinics. I mean how does one know how much involvement the doctor has in the procedure until you've booked and paid for it or your actually sitting in the chair ready to go, could be too late by then. That's just a pretty broad scope of how to tell what a hair mill is. 

Definitely not rushing into a hair transplant hence why I'm on here getting advice and talking to you legend's. I just need help and advice choosing the best Dr/surgeon for myself as I know there are so many dodgy/nasty clinics out there lying and telling you what you want to hear. 

I'm just concerned and worried as to how quickly my front hairline is creeping back especially over the last few months. I'm starting to have to get different haircuts and style it differently etc. I'm very conscious of my hair, kind of paranoid and obsessed with it to be honest. I've always loved my hair, getting haircuts, styling it and looking sharp. 

Personally speaking and this isn't anything against who you been using for 10 years, but they have a financial interest in selling you the products they do. Most shampoo or conditioners sold as helping with hair loss are a crock and snake oil. The reason Nizoral semi works is because it has some clinical data behind it to support the mild Anti-Androgen properties if you use the 2% ketoconazole version. 

Shampoo and conditioners imo primary function should be for your hair type to help it look good visually. It's not there for hair loss really. 

The Minoxodil topical stuff certainly can help and in conjunction with Microneedling it works extremely well. The studies support it. You can use a derma pen, not roller once a week at 1mm and skip the Minoxodil application that day of doing it. Your results will actually still be better. 

You taking 1mg Finasteride per day in conjunction with Minoxodil and losing ground really does imo show you probably need Dutasteride in the mix but i don't know how easily that is available in Australia and i doubt the Ashley and Martin people will probably encourage you to buy it unless they sell it. They'll more than likely from the derma roller example dissuade you and try to sound convincing as to why you don't need it etc. but to continue buying their products, maybe even chucking something else into the mix. 

Saw Palmetto imo is marginal at best too. In fact, i would argue you might want to get a blood test done. Apparently Vitamin D deficiency can have an impact if you were running low on it or also if you aren't staying as hydrated, that can impact you too apparently. 

Hair loss is multi factorial, just hit the big causes lile DHT by inhibiting it with Finasteride and then attempting regrowth with Minoxodil is usually very effective but i think Microneedling is what you really need to introduce and maybe a switch a few times a week to Dutasteride. 

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4 hours ago, G_MAN84 said:

Ashley and Martin are Australia's number one medical hair clinic. The company claims to have a 98% success rate in growing back hair through their realgrowth program (which is the program I'm currently on) . They offer different types of her treatment depending on the severity of hair loss.

Hey pal, Kiwi here, we have Ashley & Martin here too, they are crooks - their treatment is minoxidil & finasteride and some other snake oil BS. All this you can get yourself from the chemist for fraction of the price

Those Surgeons you listed I'd recommend

Pekiner, Bicer, Keser, Demirsoy. I've heard Erdogan has become a mill 

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Ashley and Martin are Australia's (and New Zealand I see) biggest schill hair mill! Even I went to them when I was 18 and I'm 55. Forget them! Go to your GP for a referral to a good dermatologist like the Sinclair Clinic, etc. How old are you btw @G_MAN84? The fact that you have honed in on Turkey straight off the bat and Ashley and Martin are treating you are big red flags. Looking at your hair now I really feel that having surgery would be a massive mistake and something you will be chasing for the rest of your life. Remember that @Fue3361 had his hair line lowered and does not suffer from MPB. You are not in the same camp. I mean this in the good spirit it is intended with. All the best.

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30 minutes ago, Spring15 said:

Hey pal, Kiwi here, we have Ashley & Martin here too, they are crooks - their treatment is minoxidil & finasteride and some other snake oil BS. All this you can get yourself from the chemist for fraction of the price

Those Surgeons you listed I'd recommend

Pekiner, Bicer, Keser, Demirsoy. I've heard Erdogan has become a mill 

And you can add Advanced Hair Studio's to the mix of hair mills that charge ten times the price on every tablet, hair piece and graft!!!!!

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Where are you located? It looks like if you want want it would purely be for looks as your not suffering from hairloss what’s your budget? I would go to the best for the hairline and you don’t need many grafts 2000 or less I wouldn’t go to turkey for that 

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On 10/1/2022 at 7:12 AM, G_MAN84 said:

Ashley and Martin are Australia's number one medical hair clinic. The company claims to have a 98% success rate in growing back hair through their realgrowth program (which is the program I'm currently on) . They offer different types of her treatment depending on the severity of hair loss.

These items are all supplied by Ashley and Martin and are part of the realgrowth program.

So I'm currently using 7% minoxidil and retac 0.01% (l use 2ml per day) along with finistride 1mg (oral) and 1 saw palmetto capsule. Of a night I wash my hair with hydrating shampoo (supplied by Ashley and Martin) l massage that into my scalp for a few minutes then leave it for a few minutes to soak in. Then I wash it with the the revitalising conditioner using the same process (also supplied by Ashley and Martin). I dry my hair with a towel then let it air dry for an hour so I know its completely dry, then I'll apply my 2ml of minoxidil, take my 1mg finistride and saw palmetto capsule before bed. 

I've always wondered... if when I wash my head/scalp too hard am I actually pulling out the tiny new growth? Or if when rubbing in my minoxidil of a night, am I rubbing the areas too hard and possibly rubbing out the new tiny hairs? As my hairline over the last few months had crept back quite a bit. 

Oh ok! I've never heard of Dutasteride or Nizoral, I'll have to look into this a little more. Is it similar to Finasteride but stronger? Does it work the same way? Like it wont grow back my hair but it will stop the receding hairline?

How does the Nizoral work?

A few years ago, I actually bought myself a derma roller 0.5mm after doing some research online, but I thought it was one of those myths a money grabbing type of thing so I gave up on it. Also I did bring it up with my Ashley and Martin consultant but he said they are a waste of time and he wouldn't bother. So are you recommending that I start using my derma roller again?

In regards to the hair mill's, that's only two telling examples! For a newbie or someone inexperienced like myself it's going to be very hard to identify these kind of HT clinics. I mean how does one know how much involvement the doctor has in the procedure until you've booked and paid for it or your actually sitting in the chair ready to go, could be too late by then. That's just a pretty broad scope of how to tell what a hair mill is. 

Definitely not rushing into a hair transplant hence why I'm on here getting advice and talking to you legend's. I just need help and advice choosing the best Dr/surgeon for myself as I know there are so many dodgy/nasty clinics out there lying and telling you what you want to hear. 

I'm just concerned and worried as to how quickly my front hairline is creeping back especially over the last few months. I'm starting to have to get different haircuts and style it differently etc. I'm very conscious of my hair, kind of paranoid and obsessed with it to be honest. I've always loved my hair, getting haircuts, styling it and looking sharp. 

Can I ask, why you are still going to Ashley and Martin? You are being ripped off. It's all marketing nonsense from them. I started with them for a year because i didn't know any better at the time...until i looked into it further. All you need to do is go to your doctor and ask for the same prescription youre currently on! You're paying thousands a year just using the, as the middle man.

I ended up finding the exact pharmacy that compounds their medicine.

Definitely look into it.

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On 10/1/2022 at 12:01 PM, Gatsby said:

Ashley and Martin are Australia's (and New Zealand I see) biggest schill hair mill! Even I went to them when I was 18 and I'm 55. Forget them! Go to your GP for a referral to a good dermatologist like the Sinclair Clinic, etc. How old are you btw @G_MAN84? The fact that you have honed in on Turkey straight off the bat and Ashley and Martin are treating you are big red flags. Looking at your hair now I really feel that having surgery would be a massive mistake and something you will be chasing for the rest of your life. Remember that @Fue3361 had his hair line lowered and does not suffer from MPB. You are not in the same camp. I mean this in the good spirit it is intended with. All the best.

Gatsby is 100% right on the money about Ashley and Martin. Biggest scammers who pray on the vulnerable.

They way they start you off with 5% topical minoxidil and then after a check up, say you need to increase your dose to 7% minoxidil with retinoic acid!

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After reading everything, it seems you want to reduce your forehead size because you are losing ground on your hairline?

Thing is, you are probably experiencing androgenic alopecia which creeps up slowly as you get older because your hairs sensitivity to DHT. Whether it is slow or fast really depends on your genetic disposal to DHT (how sensitive your hair follicle is to a by product of testosterone).

My best advice (others mentioned as well) is to perhaps see your primary care physician or derm (not sure how it works where you are located) and get some lab work tested. It seems you have minor hair loss, but I cant tell based off the photos. You seem to have some really good hair characteristics and what looks like thick hair. The color may pose against you but it really seems like it frames you well.

Look into dutasteride 0.5mg, derma rolling, prp, laser cap therapy, and other medical options and study them. Bring them up with your doctor and see what they say. Sometimes they wont give you much opinion because they have no financial interest. Which sometimes can be helpful but annoying. For example I asked my derm about my options and they only gave me things they did (understandable) however, when i asked them questions he didnt feel like answering me and thats how i found this forum. Basically, patience is key.

All of the medical therapies are NOT permanent and can take months to years to yield results. No matter what option you do medical or surgical you will always be chasing lost ground because you can never predict hair loss. However, with medical options you can discontinue at any point in time and go back to "normal" (unless you take oral minox then its slightly different). 

Anything surgical is permanent whether its successful or not. Which is why you need to be very careful and in my opinion exhaust all medical options first.

Be sure to ask members questions, search up results successful/unsuccessful, see what type of realities a hair transplant could provide, and lurk peoples posts. Some people have reasonable qualms with their results and other are perfectly happy.

Personally, if I was in your position of having taken finasteride  and minox for 10 years and starting to lose ground between the last 6 months I would probably switch to dutasteride and derma roll. There are times when your body sheds a lot of hair which is perfectly normal. Not every hair follicle is in the same growth cycle, just make sure you see your doctor first.

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Follow my first hair transplant journey

3,252 Grafts a minimum of 6,712 hairs June 2022


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On 10/1/2022 at 10:35 AM, NARMAK said:

Personally speaking and this isn't anything against who you been using for 10 years, but they have a financial interest in selling you the products they do. Most shampoo or conditioners sold as helping with hair loss are a crock and snake oil. The reason Nizoral semi works is because it has some clinical data behind it to support the mild Anti-Androgen properties if you use the 2% ketoconazole version. 

Shampoo and conditioners imo primary function should be for your hair type to help it look good visually. It's not there for hair loss really. 

The Minoxodil topical stuff certainly can help and in conjunction with Microneedling it works extremely well. The studies support it. You can use a derma pen, not roller once a week at 1mm and skip the Minoxodil application that day of doing it. Your results will actually still be better. 

You taking 1mg Finasteride per day in conjunction with Minoxodil and losing ground really does imo show you probably need Dutasteride in the mix but i don't know how easily that is available in Australia and i doubt the Ashley and Martin people will probably encourage you to buy it unless they sell it. They'll more than likely from the derma roller example dissuade you and try to sound convincing as to why you don't need it etc. but to continue buying their products, maybe even chucking something else into the mix. 

Saw Palmetto imo is marginal at best too. In fact, i would argue you might want to get a blood test done. Apparently Vitamin D deficiency can have an impact if you were running low on it or also if you aren't staying as hydrated, that can impact you too apparently. 

Hair loss is multi factorial, just hit the big causes lile DHT by inhibiting it with Finasteride and then attempting regrowth with Minoxodil is usually very effective but i think Microneedling is what you really need to introduce and maybe a switch a few times a week to Dutasteride. 

Yes I agree about the shampoo/conditioner, all it does is fluff my hair up and make it look thicker. I don't believe for a second that it actually helps grow hair. I will definitely be looking into the Nizoral I've never heard of it before  cheers mate.

I will look into the microneedling sounds like exactly what I need, I'll look at buying one online and do some Google searching to inform myself. What mg Dutasteride should I be purchasing? I think I'll have to go to my local GP to get a prescription.

So how do I know exactly what kind of schedule I should be doing to get the bedt results? Also with the Dutasteride v Finasteride, can I just replace the Finasteride with Dutasteride completely? Any recommendations for a Microneedle brand or specific pen?

Just wanted to say thank you for your help, advice and detailed replies. I really appreciate everyone helping me out 😊


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On 10/1/2022 at 1:31 PM, Spring15 said:

Hey pal, Kiwi here, we have Ashley & Martin here too, they are crooks - their treatment is minoxidil & finasteride and some other snake oil BS. All this you can get yourself from the chemist for fraction of the price

Those Surgeons you listed I'd recommend

Pekiner, Bicer, Keser, Demirsoy. I've heard Erdogan has become a mill 

Kia ora my bro! 

Yeah I think I've just been using Ashley and Martin out of convenience as they are a one stop shop and they post everything out. I think after my contract has expired I won't renew it and I'll just source the products that were mentioned or suggested to me in the posts above. 

Cheers for the help and advice bro, legend 👌

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On 10/1/2022 at 2:01 PM, Gatsby said:

Ashley and Martin are Australia's (and New Zealand I see) biggest schill hair mill! Even I went to them when I was 18 and I'm 55. Forget them! Go to your GP for a referral to a good dermatologist like the Sinclair Clinic, etc. How old are you btw @G_MAN84? The fact that you have honed in on Turkey straight off the bat and Ashley and Martin are treating you are big red flags. Looking at your hair now I really feel that having surgery would be a massive mistake and something you will be chasing for the rest of your life. Remember that @Fue3361 had his hair line lowered and does not suffer from MPB. You are not in the same camp. I mean this in the good spirit it is intended with. All the best.

Thanks for the reply mate, reading all of these replies from you good blokes really helps me out a lot and I honestly can't thank you all enough.

So what is a hair mill? So are you saying Ashley and Martin are 100% a hair mill? 

I will definitely be booking to my local GP, cheers for recommending a good one! 

I'm 37, 38 December 30th.

To be honest, nothing is or was set I'm stone. I'm just super paranoid about my hair line and have noticed it creeping back quite substantially of late. That's the reason I'm doing my research and stumbled upon this site, I want to research and speak to others like yourself who can inform me and give me the right information and detour me away from getting a HT instead book into see a dermatologist. I've never even thought to see  or speak to a dermatologist, so thank you.

Your completely right, myself and @Fue3361 have different hair issues/problems. I have MPB so I need to address this and not just have my hairline lowered.

Do you think what @NARMAK suggested is the way to go for me? With the microneedling, Dutasteride and Minoxodil?

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