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any good referecnces for houston, tx area


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  • Senior Member

I agree with "Luck", you may need to travel. There's not that many great doctors doing hair transplants, and an "average" transplant isn't worth a damn. It will probably look like an obvious transplant. Seek out a top doctor, or do not get surgery. That may mean going out of town.


I would also recommend that you avoid the big franchises like Bosley, Medical Hair Restoration (MHR) and Nu/Hart. They are not doing the best work available, and they pass the high costs of advertising on to their patients.


My first transplants were done by Carlos Puig, who now does transplants in Houston with MHR. I'm still trying to get his work fixed. I recommend you avoid Dr. Puig like the plague.


Look at the article Best Hair Transplant for some tips on what to look for, and what to avoid. Do yourself a favor and read up on hair transplants, so that you can make an informed decision. It's very easy to make a mistake and do something you'll regret later. Be an informed consumer and protect yourself, because a bad hair transplant is worse than being bald.

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  • Senior Member

When considering cosmetic surgery or HT's-- I dont understand why people insist on something close???Yes it would be nice-- but when you dealing with something that effects your face/hair, you need to go to the best-- regardless. What is an extra $300-$400 flight (hotel is usually covered by the physician), for the rest of your life? Your paying several thousands of dollars-I would think an extra few hundred bucks to get some of the best surgeons in the world would be a no brainer/?

Come on people--- think about it?????????


And if "Houston" is insisting on stay close to home , then from my research the "best available to Houston TX" is Dr. Lehr in OKC-- it's a 55min. direct flight.

But if your going to buy a plane ticket-- might as well book one for MN or Canada!!!

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  • Senior Member

If you needed a heart transplant, you'd probably fly around the world to see 'the best' surgeon.


A hair transplant should be no different, because (unfortunately) the best hair transplant surgeons are very rare.


Everybody is free to decide who THEY think is 'the best', but I urge guys not to settle for less.

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  • Regular Member

Ameen: Miami Fla. is just a short hop across the pond ( gulf) from Houston. I had a HT from Dr. Jeffrey Epstein about 6 weeks ago and he did a supurb job on me. I'm really happy with the way the results are coming along. He also offers reimbursment of your flight costs. I would highly recommend him.

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  • Senior Member

Ameen, how far is San Antonio from Houston? It can't be that far. Drive or fly there to see Drs Bob and Brad Limmer (father and son). Dr Bob Limmer has been doing single graft FUs for longer than anyone. Why go far away when you've got one of the best right in your own state?

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