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How much improvement I can get from second procedure? (picture inside)

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Years ago I had a hair transplant (about 2000 graft) at the hairline with result which I think is somewhat good. There are some weak spot that I'm looking to fix, but I'd also like to improve overall thickness. If I were to have a consultation, is it possible to get quantitative estimation on this? I'd rather not go overseas, have consultation but don't have clear expectation of what kind of result I'm getting. Here's some picture of my hair under harsh lighting.


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I think your hairline is fine and would not risk trying to add density.

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Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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Your hairline generally looks solid and the lighting probably exposes it more than it is in person under normal lighting. That said, i do think if you really wanted to, a 2nd procedure would be possible but you would need an incredibly talented doctor to work between the existing hair and also be prepared for the potential shock loss and stuff that can occur. 

Also, in terms of density, i think depending on how dense you want it, 600-1k grafts could work wonders. 

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2 minutes ago, NARMAK said:

Your hairline generally looks solid and the lighting probably exposes it more than it is in person under normal lighting. That said, i do think if you really wanted to, a 2nd procedure would be possible but you would need an incredibly talented doctor to work between the existing hair and also be prepared for the potential shock loss and stuff that can occur. 

Also, in terms of density, i think depending on how dense you want it, 600-1k grafts could work wonders. 

To add to this, I'd be interested to see the pre and post op pics to get a better sense for how much loss he had and how this compares to the rest of his hair.  And a couple of pics in harsh and normal lighting where the hair isn't intentionally parted in the middle and where the camera isn't right in the hairline.  I'm sure more density could be added, though.

Edited by John1991
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2 hours ago, gillenator said:

I think your hairline is fine and would not risk trying to add density.

agree with Gill, I'm not seeing any urgency or compelling reason to need a 2nd HT, but obviously this is subjective

If you are proceeding, keep in mind that there is no law of the universe saying  a 2nd procedure will inherently make things better. In the hands of the wrong doctor, your "touch-up" procedure may make you worse off. 

Essentially I'm just saying put as much diligence and research into your touch-up as you did your initial surgery. 

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6 hours ago, HappyMan2021 said:

agree with Gill, I'm not seeing any urgency or compelling reason to need a 2nd HT, but obviously this is subjective

If you are proceeding, keep in mind that there is no law of the universe saying  a 2nd procedure will inherently make things better. In the hands of the wrong doctor, your "touch-up" procedure may make you worse off. 

Essentially I'm just saying put as much diligence and research into your touch-up as you did your initial surgery. 

This is one of the best posts that I have read and no surprise that it comes from HappyMan…if I had a nickel for every guy that I heard from over the past 5 decades who got a secondary unnecessary procedure which started a “nightmare”, I probably could retire…and every one of them was over wanting more and more density without accepting the reality that surgery has its limits…based on what I have observed over many years, knowing the risks and limitations of surgery…for me, it’s not worth the risk of something good going SOUTH!…and one other thing, most of these guys used up their donor yet they kept losing native hair over the following years.

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Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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35 minutes ago, gillenator said:

This is one of the best posts that I have read and no surprise that it comes from HappyMan…if I had a nickel for every guy that I heard from over the past 5 decades who got a secondary unnecessary procedure which started a “nightmare”, I probably could retire…and every one of them was over wanting more and more density without accepting the reality that surgery has its limits…based on what I have observed over many years, knowing the risks and limitations of surgery…for me, it’s not worth the risk of something good going SOUTH!…and one other thing, most of these guys used up their donor yet they kept losing native hair over the following years.

Good point. Hair greed is a real phenomenon. If fibres can get you that last mile of coverage, best to go that route. Much cheaper, too.



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Thanks for the response people.


Who did your first transplant?

It's a clinic in Asia, I forgot the doctor's name (people here rarely go by the doctor, they just go by clinic). 

I don't have hair loss, so the procedure I had was strictly to lower hairline. 
Right now money is not a problem for me, so if a doctor that is known to be good can give estimation that it can be improved by x graft per cm^2, or increase density by x percentage, I will probably do it. I just want to avoid going overseas for consultation without getting anything out of it. 
But I think you guys are mostly correct that my case is not urgent/necessary, I'm just exploring the possibility here.

Edited by yespls
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The reality of your situation is “not” a density issue…it’s the fact that you have a very wide color contrast and because your hair is so dark and your scalp is so light, the lighting reflects off of your scalp like a light bulb…have you considered cosmetics or even quality SMP?…a quality SMP would greatly reduce the amount of light reflecting off of your frontal third and this option would also eliminate the risk of transection and/or permanent shock loss…something to seriously consider.


Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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