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I wanted how long would it take 2 do a hircut after HT , i am 12days post ht , i checked with the doc and he told to go for all around cut of 1 cm length so that the scar is not visible, i am planning to do it on sat, is this ok , is wearing a baseball cap after ht ok? would this harm the growth ??????????????????????????

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  • 1 month later...
  • Regular Member


You must see that all the hair implanted will fall in three to four weeks time. Its a good sign of implant. This hair should start growing after 3 months.


Regarding your question, your strip at the back should have been removed after 1 week and before second week. generally for Indians the woulds heal on 11th or 12th day.


Our family had heriditory baldness and we finally got a solution last year by this hair transplant proceedure and would be very happy to share our experiences with you all. I have tried will all the doctors in south India and finally my uncle who is a reputed doctor in USA recommended me for a transplant in Bangalore.


My uncle got it done last year and has pretty good results (surprisingly very very good for me to see him with hair after a long time ).


feel free to drop me any question. Note: I am not a doctor.

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  • 3 months later...
  • Regular Member


how is the progress now

by now you should have got your hair back


just wanted to cross check few things here.

did your doc shaved your bald areas before he start implanting hair ?


He compromised and did the HT without shaving ?


As I said earlier, I got my HT done at Pioneer ( Dr. Sreedhar Reddy ) and I am happy now with good amount of hair and density and hair line.


There are few doctors who are not shaving the head (only the bald areas) during HT. Just wanted to cross check if the results are stable after HT. and also wanted to check if these stability lasts for a long time or not without any GAPS. I heard/read that the work done by those doctors who are not shaving the head during implant is resulting in GAPS after 1 or 2 years of transplant which looks pretty odd.


Other Bloggers : Please do let us know if you find GAPS in your HT after 2 or 4 yrs after HT ?


One of my friend wanted HT and he dont want to have his head shaved for HT. When I referred/approached Dr. Sreedhar Reddy (Pioneer Hair Care), he did not agree to my friend's proposal. He said that he would not compromise on his work.


Please guide/advice

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