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want to get a transplant

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so heres the backround, im 36, from israel, need Hair, like all of us, in israel there is a large push of companies here who take your to turkey (or send you ) to have the procedure done, if the qoutes of gotten from "hairmills" are 1600-2000 euros for DHI 3000-3500 hairs, then in israel they are charging $4000 so they are taking their cut obviously, So going through a consulitng co from israe lis already throwing money away, now i have researched that all these hair mills can be a real hit and miss, and a $2000 job can go very wrong, reading a bit here, i have understood that even a good surgrey from a turkish doctor can easily be $6000-8000 when performed by a real doctor and not "techs" 

so i have possible come to the solution if im going to need to spend $6000-8000 i mytherswell do it in israel by a doctor with experience in hairtransplants we have a french doctor whom is quite famous and has done thousands of transplants, (dont need to travel as well out of the country which is a plus)

i have uploaded some pics of my current state, im not BALD completely, just very thin and the crown and middle area is the most problematic for me, im really trying to go the DHI way without shaving everything off, the question is, is 3200 graphs even feasible with my current state of hair ? 





Edited by mrshrir
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  • Valued Contributor

Hi @mrshrir and welcome to the forum. It's a good thing you have found the forum and not ended up like the many who arrive here after being butchered in Turkey (although there are a couple of surgeons with one excellent one in mind in Turkey). I would take your time and spend plenty of researching results on this forum from doctors who turn out results you are chasing with people who have similar or the same hair loss pattern as yourself. The forum has a list of doctors that are recommended by members here. I wouldn't limit your research to geography or a budget to start with. Wishing you all the best!

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9 hours ago, mrshrir said:

so heres the backround, im 36, from israel, need Hair, like all of us, in israel there is a large push of companies here who take your to turkey (or send you ) to have the procedure done, if the qoutes of gotten from "hairmills" are 1600-2000 euros for DHI 3000-3500 hairs, then in israel they are charging $4000 so they are taking their cut obviously, So going through a consulitng co from israe lis already throwing money away, now i have researched that all these hair mills can be a real hit and miss, and a $2000 job can go very wrong, reading a bit here, i have understood that even a good surgrey from a turkish doctor can easily be $6000-8000 when performed by a real doctor and not "techs" 

so i have possible come to the solution if im going to need to spend $6000-8000 i mytherswell do it in israel by a doctor with experience in hairtransplants we have a french doctor whom is quite famous and has done thousands of transplants, (dont need to travel as well out of the country which is a plus)

i have uploaded some pics of my current state, im not BALD completely, just very thin and the crown and middle area is the most problematic for me, im really trying to go the DHI way without shaving everything off, the question is, is 3200 graphs even feasible with my current state of hair ? 





You are Grade 5V on the Norwood Hamilton Scale of baldness. You will require 2000 grafts approximately in the frontal zone and 2000 grafts approximately in your crown. Finasteride will help you preserve the pre existing hair.

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I have received info about a doctor called


dr Arslan musbeh in Istanbul 

connect to this clinic



due to the fact that I already Al have a reasonable hairline I need the expertise of a doctor who can work with the existing hair I have to fill in the regions of front middle and top.


I very quickly understood that all these $1500 treatments from turkey can screw up your hair , I’ve been quoted 3400 euros for the whole process to be done by the doctor and have been told this clinic does 1-2 patients a day max .



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35 minutes ago, Gatsby said:

Also are you taking anything to try to stabilize your hair loss like finasteride or minoxidil, etc?

I did in my late 20s

stopped taking it due to the possible side effects of hurting male fertility and all that


currently not taking anything

, will go see a skin/hair specialist in my country to see what they recommend to take to help preserve existing hairs 

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It is not what you need but what the doctor estimates he can harvest from the donor area at any one time.  A typical recommendation for a case similar to you would be in the 2000-3000 graft range. You have a large pattern, and it is expanding.  I would suggest you concentrate your grafts in the front half as this is the area you see when looking at yourself.  It is also the area others see when they interact with you. In the meantime, I would consider some type of medical regimen to help you with retention.

Propecia, Rogaine, PRP and Laser are the modalities we refer to when dealing with this condition.  Propecia/Rogaine, are considered to be the best to help you retain in the crown.  The problem I find is one of expectations.  Most patients become frustrated and stop a year later when they see no visual change - not understanding - the meds are not intended for you to grow anything.  Rather, they are to help you with retention. So, if a year later you look the same, the meds did what they were intended to do.  PRP and Laser can help reverse the thinning.  

There are two types of loss, the type you see and the type you don't.  What you do see, in the pillow, comb, sink, is normal.  The follicle gets tired of producing hair and goes into a dormant period.  3-4 months later the hair returns.  This will happen randomly to all the hair in your head.  100 hairs a day is considered normal.  Hair loss is different, you don't see it.

Under a bright light start looking at the hair in your temporal areas.  Notice each strand.  Some will be nice and thick. Others not so much so.  Some are so miniaturized, they are about the dissipate and disappear. This is hair loss.  PRP/Laser can help reverse the thinning. The problem, most clinics do not know how to do PRP.  If you hear the word, "sessions," run in the opposite direction. This does not work. It also implies doing a syringe size worth of PRP, do a few shots, and have you return in the ensuing months to do the same.  This does not work.

Once happy with the results in the front, and you confirm the non-surgical regimen is working, you can then tackle the back if need be.



Patient Consultant for Dr. Arocha at Arocha Hair Restoration. 

I am not a medical professional and my comments should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions and views shared are my own. 

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