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BHR Clinic - YouTube "Medics" v Bonafide Experts in the Field

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With the phenomenal rise of social media, there is a flooding of experts in any field and this is not necessarily a bad thing. We all like to have entertainment and most of us appreciate education. The danger however is that we can equate online presence, subs, views, likes and comments with competency. Don't get me wrong, some individuals may be very talented and also in our field, that may carry into the operating room as well as on camera, but it would be unwise to listen to "experts" who are great at talking or presenting but really have no pedigree or portfolio of cases to share their own work.

We can all be guilty of it. We can be armchair footballer managers and could do better than any referee and find ourselves yelling at the TV, but that is a world apart from actually playing. 

I have seen a rise of apparent "EXPERTS" conducting consultation and am often left very bemused that the outcome is zero empirical data and certainly nothing to base a hair transplant on. I am not referring to zoom calls or photo assessment but actual hands on in clinic consultation with the doctor, but with no data given aside from a casual "you are a good candidate" take home summary.

Always look beyond the videos to see the actual work, the history, the patients, the portfolio, accreditations, peer reviews etc..If they are not able to measure your density then will they be able to perform surgery?


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Patient Advisor for Dr. Bisanga - BHR Clinic 

ian@bhrclinic.com   -    BHR Results - https://www.instagram.com/bhr.onlyresults/

I am not a medical professional and my words should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions and views shared are my own.

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