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Urine and blood sample

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Hi, I might think about getting a transplant pretty soon here, I'm 30 and have never had a transplant before. I was tested positive for marijuana last year, but am now clean, what are the chances of getting a transplant now. Do the doctors do blood and urine tests, because I am a drinker and I don't know if that will do anything.

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Hi, I might think about getting a transplant pretty soon here, I'm 30 and have never had a transplant before. I was tested positive for marijuana last year, but am now clean, what are the chances of getting a transplant now. Do the doctors do blood and urine tests, because I am a drinker and I don't know if that will do anything.

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  • Senior Member

this isn't a civil service duty. No, smoking marijuana in the past doesn't matter, nor being a drinker. But everything must stop 1-2 weeks prior.


As for blood work, some check for HIV, HEP-B and C. For safety reasons. I've never heard of a physician ask for a Urine sample.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • Senior Member

A urine analysis profile is generally not required in the pre-lab work for a HT procedure, in fact I have never seen it requested by any medical staff for HTs. The screening for HIV and all panels of Hep are usually done as was mentioned.


Any prudent Physician will cover your entire medical history with you once the patient has provided all of the information. Most doctors and clinics will ask you to complete their forms once you arrive for your appointment. Then the doctor will review all past and current medical conditions/issues including medications. For example, if a potential HT patient was currently on blood thinners, certain beta blockers, etc the HT doctor may need to concur with the patient's PCP/specialist for medical release. If it is determined that the patient has an intervening condition that might affect the candadicy or the successful outcome of the procedure, it should be brought out upfront and discussed in the consultation.


The alchohol and controlled-substance use is and or should be part of the confidential questionaire in the initial paperwork completed. The issue is frequency of use and of course the ceasing of this activity pre-operatively speaking. So any responsible clinic will ask the patient to cease alchohol and marijuana for at least one week prior to the procedure. That goes for tobacco as well. Excessive bleeding and issues of healing are the concerns.


Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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