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My Journey - 4000 grafts - High receding lines - Sensitive skin so expected challenges.

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Hi all.......
I thought I'd add my little journey on here. As it currently stands, I am only Day 6 into my project and have found that this forum is extremely helpful. Already, I seem to be having a rough time of it but unfortunately, my body tends to reject things, catch infections, or just have extended recovery times.
I did what so many do and went abroad. I used the ClinicCentre in Istanbul. Not a bad experience in all honestly but clearly there were parts of the procedure which were very painful. Me and my friend Jake went together and because of my skin being difficult to manage, our results are very different.
I have had 4000 transplanted and may be further procedures.
Here goes - enjoy the ride!
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Day 0:

I have always had high receding lines. My father has and many males in my family have. Therefore, I wanted to keep that natural curve and opted to exchange 'My Big M' (which is what my kids call it) to a 'Small M'. I certainly didn't want to extend my forehead further down.



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Day 0 - Post Procedure

5 plus hours later, 4000 exchanged. The donor area wasn't too painful. However, my temple and centre forehead where clearly I've little to no muscle were extremely painful. Although I was in a lot of pain at the time, I was pretty happy with the results.

That night, I had a terrible sleep and being honest, I didn't understand the importance of sleeping at a 45 degree angle. The blood from donor area was also pretty bad *I tend to bleed a lot so half expected this. Nevertheless, I think a poor sleeping position didn't help with the scabbing.

The white bubbles (Not sure what they are called), unlike others there on the day who also had a procedure pretty much lasted the remainder of the day. 

When I returned to the hotel, I was a little worn out. The lack of drink during the procedure didn't help. Felt a little weak and for whatever reason, felt that being the dark only helped with the headache. My eyes seemed quite sensitive to light.

2-3hrs later - I had perked up massively.

day 1 op op.jpg

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Day 1:

As mentioned, terrible nights sleep and with quite a lot of pain to my donor area. Other area's pretty painless. Unfortunately, quite a bit of blood overnight that resulted in very heavy scabbing, which, for obvious reasons couldn't be resolved. Slight bathing of the area completed with pre-wash soaking.

The bandages needed to be removed and the dressing replaced. Just too much liquid mixed with blood for the bandage to hold. I am not personally sure this bandage helped as it seemed to retain the moister overnight.

So far - considering the redness, pain, sleepless night - I wasn't in a happy place. If I hasn't in a happy place - when I returned to the clinic, they had to remove the dressing which was now simply stuck to my head by dried blood. Extremely painful when that was removed.

Swelling in the forehead slowly moving down to around my eyes.

Day 1.jpg

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Day 2:

By this point - I am light cleaning the area and leaving it to soak for approx 30 minutes before rinsing. Scab's are starting to get pretty bad. Even a regular light spray isn't touching the sides. Starting now to feel a little self-conscious.

Face is starting to swell (around the forehead)

Day 2.jpg

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Day 3:

No change to the scabbing - very thick and very tight. Not sure what to do by this point. I obtained advice from the clinic and the advice was to keep it clean and keep going until Day 12. Don't be tempted to touch the scabs.

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Day 4:

Return home. Swelling in the face has really taken shape and I am almost unrecognisable. No itching as of yet and donor area, considering the sleepless nights, the pain isn't too bad. Scabbing continues to be a problem and is starting to concern me a little.

Serious cracking is now starting to take shape in the scabs which is causing me worry. A lot of questions asked and it appears pretty normal for someone with this amount of scabbing. Still cleaning/soaking in the morning and still regularly keeping the area moist. Slight blistering to the rear but keeping it (Blistering is quite normal for me)

General opinion by this point is that I'm not regularly cleaning the scabs etc. Trust me, I am........ They are just extremely hard by now and very tight.


Day 4 Donor Area.jpg



Day 4 head.jpg

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  • TheBigM changed the title to My Journey - 4000 crafts - High receding lines - Sensitive sole/skin! Be kind please!
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Day 6:

Little to no change in relation to the scabbing. I've be doing so much research with so many different suggestions. As it currently stands, I am simply going to keep them moist re regular sprays, leave alone and await for them to show signs of coming away. So far, no signs of any movement.

Swelling has reduced massively. Eye site not so much of a problem now. Eyes were not effected. The swelling was just effecting my vision. That problem has pretty much gone now.

Anaesthetic has completely worn off now and now I've straight, almost sharp pains across a number of area's across the donor area and crown. All these area's were quite sensitive during the procedure itself. Donor area is becoming a little itchy now and attempts have been made to moisturise the scabbing (with little to no success).

Regular pain killers needed at present and continuing to light soak/rinse in the morning. Nevertheless, the scabbing is showing no signs of wishing to disappear.

Still sleeping pretty much upright with a neck pillow. The lack of sleep is slowly taking its toll on me!

The main thing I've established by this point is that, I am very scabby and well crusted and I've no idea why? Was it because of why I sleep night one and woke up to excess bleeding - properly - who knows? As mentioned, I have very sensitive skin. Is this my bodies way of trying to extra protect itself. I really do not know. What I know know is that it's been cleaned as per the instructions given whilst trying to be careful at all times.

There is no sign of any hair being lost to date. At the same time, little to no hairs are break through the scabbing. In 5 to 6 days time, the recommendations given by the clinic is to start considering a more evasive wash with circular movement around the scabs. As it currently stands, I am not sure if that date is the date as I could need longer. 

Not really much to report now until the scabs start to come away. Which, although I don't want to speed up or rush the process, couldn't come soon enough. It really does not look pleasant. 

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  • TheBigM changed the title to My Journey - 4000 grafts - High receding lines - Sensitive skin so expected challenges.
  • Regular Member

Day 9..... vast improvement with the scabs. Feel and look alot better.

Still very tender centre front and still some scabbing in areas. Still a little bit of discomfort in areas.

Sleeping is still a main concern. The neck pillor really is doing my head in now.

With the scabs out the way...... finally feel like the healing process can start properly.

Keeping it clean and avoiding the sunlight. I've naturally quite a large head so loose hats is generally a problem so in the shade quite a lot.

The journey continues...... (no idea why the pictures are upside down 🙄)20220508_115001.thumb.jpg.05baf74e131feac7d7921d8d359541da.jpg



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  • Administrators

Make sure you keep the recipient scab free


I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

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Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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