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to me this looks like it was organized in a specific way that i am not used to seeing. The hairline looks to be too straight, maybe its just the angle.

Theres a bit of separation between the distance of grafts but then again its 7 days out and the swelling usually helps to get a better representation. The image shows the scabs are set in a specific pattern that is hard to tell without any other photos.

Do you have any photos pre op? Some photos directly after your transplant, and a break out between the graft counts?

Follow my first hair transplant journey

3,252 Grafts a minimum of 6,712 hairs June 2022


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17 hours ago, Andrew said:



I hate to alarm you, as you're in a stage of a HT where everybody has worries about how things will turn out, but to me two things stands out:

1. The very linear 'rows' of transplanted hair is not conductive of naturalness or good coverage. Think of a forest that is naturally occurring versus the exact same number of trees and shrubbery but now organised into neat rows and columns... Which will look more dense? The former, because in the latter case you can see all the way down the rows like a supermarket shopping aisle. In the former case, the randomised scattering of trees etc creates the illusion of greater density due to the placement making it harder to see through. Your HT has been done in rows which will likely make things more see-through.

2. Quite large gaps between the incision sites. Speaks for itself, but too few grafts will give very sporadic coverage, compounded by the rows issue. This probably won't provide you with great density.

That said, we don't know your goals, your age, how many grafts were implanted, how good your donor area was or if there is a plan in place to add density with a second pass later on... If this is part of a two-step strategy to cover the entire head then fair enough. But if you're hoping for this to be a one and done job with good density across the entire scalp then I fear you'll end up disappointed. Could you fill in some of the details around age, number of grafts and the plan of action for this surgery?


Edited by Berba11
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At this point, you need to let the process play out. The next 3-4 months will be tough, as it will shed. But you should see some improvement by month 5 or 6.

If you're looking to have another transplant, you should expand your search. There are some excellent doctors out there. 

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3 hours ago, Andrew said:

By the way, I'm not looking for dense so I should be okay. 

There’s a fine line between “not dense” and “looks weird/unnatural”. 

As long as your donor area hasn’t been over harvested, there may be perfectly straight forward ways to improve the appearance of the hair. But let’s not jump the gun too soon. You may end up perfectly satisfied and I hope that’s the case. 

I do have to ask though… After already having had one failed HT (by your own admission), how have you ended up doing so little research that you’d walk into this latest clinic that you’ve been to? I’m alarmed by the apparent lack of care & research you’d take not just once, but twice. 

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