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40 y/o FUE + SMP w/o meds?

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  • Regular Member

Hi all!


I’m 40 y/o. Bald spots started appearing approx. 4 years ago, the receding hairline probably even sooner.

I was thinking about getting smp, but in my opinion the smp hairlines often look weird (and I’d prefer a buzzcut over the shaved effect) , so I thought about doing the hairline (and maybe also some of the other areas) with transplanted hair, and then getting density smp.

But I’m not so eager to take finasteride or minoxidil, as I’m at the moment already on SSRIs.

Do you think in that case the hairtransplant would be in vain?

Also what happens when the hairloss continues and you’re left with only the density type smp? I guess this wouldn’t look good. Do you need to laser it off and get a shaved effect smp then?







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Hi, I'm on an anti-depressant also (Fluoxetine).
Using Finasteride has had no affect on the anti-depressant. In fact, I have no side effects at all (other than a lower libido but hey it helps my work life haha).

Your donor area looks very thin for FUE extractions, but I'm no expert.
Regardless, you should consider giving finasteride a go!

SMP is great but just know it needs topped up every few years.
One would argue that SMP is the solution to poor donor areas.

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32 minutes ago, Kashnw7hope said:

What happens when the hair turns grey/white as we age ? Wouldn't SMP look weird at that point ? What is the solution then ?

SMP can be matched to the color of your hair (whether it's black, brown, blond or red). Have a look at some examples at smpaustralia.com.au

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  • Senior Member
8 minutes ago, Gatsby said:

finasteride and SSRI/SNRI anti depressants together are not contraindicated. Many people are on lots of different medications. As always though people should consult with their doctor.

Indeed.. anti psychotics yes, And @Gatsbyis right here. Always discuss with your Dr/Gp. 👍🏽

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  • Senior Member
13 hours ago, graft81 said:

Hi all!


I’m 40 y/o. Bald spots started appearing approx. 4 years ago, the receding hairline probably even sooner.

I was thinking about getting smp, but in my opinion the smp hairlines often look weird (and I’d prefer a buzzcut over the shaved effect) , so I thought about doing the hairline (and maybe also some of the other areas) with transplanted hair, and then getting density smp.

But I’m not so eager to take finasteride or minoxidil, as I’m at the moment already on SSRIs.

Do you think in that case the hairtransplant would be in vain?

Also what happens when the hairloss continues and you’re left with only the density type smp? I guess this wouldn’t look good. Do you need to laser it off and get a shaved effect smp then?







I am on antidepressants too. I do take Finasteride and there have been no problems so far. You have a great donor area. But it would be sad to not use finasteride after the transplant as new areas would start developing baldness and you would have to go for another transplant again and again in the newly bald areas. Infact, you seem to have good hair in your crown area. Finasteride could be so helpful in reviving those hair, preventing further baldness as well as sustaining the transplanted hair also.

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Official representative of Eugenix Hair Sciences

Dr. Arika Bansal & Dr. Pradeep Sethi



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  • 4 weeks later...
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So both my shrink:) and my urologist advised against (oral) finasteride.

Now I'll read up on topical treatments and ask them again next time.

Also I made an appointment with a dermatologist, unfortunately it is only in 4 weeks.

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