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Looking for advice on my next hair transplant surgeon (prioritizing donor area management)

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I've had a hair transplant of 3,400 grafts to the hairline and mid-scalp around 5 years ago when I was 25. The results have been average and I've lost a lot of native hair ever since (would've been a NW6 without the transplant) because I wasn't on Finasteride when I decided to go for surgery. I have been on Finasteride for the past 2 years now. The main issue with my previous hair transplant is the donor area - I feel like it wasn't properly managed and is depleted in some areas, mainly above the ears. My previous surgeon mentioned at the time of surgery that I would have another 2000-2500 grafts for future transplants but I'm not quite sure about that. The plan is to use beard and chest grafts (because I have plenty of those) in addition to grafts from the back of the head.   

I am now in the process of choosing another surgeon and prefer to go for 2-3 small surgeries to address the hairline/mid-scalp and add some grafts to the crown, all while maintaining uniformity in the donor area, which is extremely important for me. I spoke with Dr. Ferreira who provided me with a detailed assessment. I really liked his honestly and approach and felt like he would be a great option. However, I believe he increased his prices and has a long waiting list. I was planning to pay something between (~EUR 2-2.5/graft). In addition to Dr. Ferreira, I have Dr. Pekiner (who also increased his prices), HLC and HDC on my list as well as Eugenix, but the latter seems to be doing multiple surgeries per day, which I am not very comfortable with, and going for Dr. Sethi or Dr. Bansal would exceed my budget. 

What do you think? And do you have any other suggestions? 



Previously KLHT

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You can contact me on WhatApp for HDC consultation +972526542654

Doron Harati - Patient coordinator for HDC Hair Clinic, HT procedures are done by MD Doctors with Microscope FUE.

For consultation contact me: WhatsApp +972526542654


HDC Instegram: https://instagram.com/doronhairadvisor_hdc?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=

* All comments from this account should not be taken or construed as medical advice, all comments are only the personal opinions of the poster.

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If you like Dr. Ferreira, maybe waiting a year will be worth it. Allows you to save more. I also think Dr. Pinto in Portugal as well is like 2.6€ a graft. He sounds just like Dr. Ferreira in that he's a perfectionist with 1 surgery per day. 

Dr. Biçer would be another option but I personally like the Portuguese Dr's more. 

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@Egy I haven't heard a lot about her but just did some research. Does she do all of the surgery herself (like Dr. Ferreira) or is it just supervision?  

@Doron Harati Will do! 

@JoeMan I'll check with Dr. Pinto. Do you know if he has experience using beard grafts? I know Pekiner does. 

Previously KLHT

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1 hour ago, KHT2 said:


@Egy I haven't heard a lot about her but just did some research. Does she do all of the surgery herself (like Dr. Ferreira) or is it just supervision?  


Yes @KHT2she should do the whole procedure herself, there are threads like that of the member @blackislbackvery detailed, besides, you could contact through MP some of her patients to ask all the questions you want about the procedure, I know for sure, which gives a 'post transplant assistance as few surgeons (including top) do.

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  • 2 months later...
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Any advice on Dr. Taleb Barghouthi? I see he is recommended here. Does he do a lot of repair work/second procedures with high Norwoods? 

Previously KLHT

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On 3/26/2022 at 12:25 AM, KHT2 said:


I've had a hair transplant of 3,400 grafts to the hairline and mid-scalp around 5 years ago when I was 25. The results have been average and I've lost a lot of native hair ever since (would've been a NW6 without the transplant) because I wasn't on Finasteride when I decided to go for surgery. I have been on Finasteride for the past 2 years now. The main issue with my previous hair transplant is the donor area - I feel like it wasn't properly managed and is depleted in some areas, mainly above the ears. My previous surgeon mentioned at the time of surgery that I would have another 2000-2500 grafts for future transplants but I'm not quite sure about that. The plan is to use beard and chest grafts (because I have plenty of those) in addition to grafts from the back of the head.   

I am now in the process of choosing another surgeon and prefer to go for 2-3 small surgeries to address the hairline/mid-scalp and add some grafts to the crown, all while maintaining uniformity in the donor area, which is extremely important for me. I spoke with Dr. Ferreira who provided me with a detailed assessment. I really liked his honestly and approach and felt like he would be a great option. However, I believe he increased his prices and has a long waiting list. I was planning to pay something between (~EUR 2-2.5/graft). In addition to Dr. Ferreira, I have Dr. Pekiner (who also increased his prices), HLC and HDC on my list as well as Eugenix, but the latter seems to be doing multiple surgeries per day, which I am not very comfortable with, and going for Dr. Sethi or Dr. Bansal would exceed my budget. 

What do you think? And do you have any other suggestions? 



Please also share some pictures of your scalp for a detailed evaluation. We can give you the details regarding your particular case.

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