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Just beginning my research phase for a HT

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Hey there! I’m 25 years old with aggressive hair loss (Norwood 3V I would say). I got SMP done about 4 years ago and now want to do HT (in 6mo to a year). Just began taking Fin (and to ease into it, I take 0.25mg every other day). I wanted to know how does my donor area look? Would I be able to take my hairline down to my current SMP hairline? How many grafts would be needed? What are some good clinics that are on the “expensive side” outside of the US, but that are still cheaper than what I would be paying in the US? Lastly, what are the questions I should be asking?












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Dr. De Freitas, Bisanga are around 3-4 euros per graft. Excellent doctors, there’s also Mwamba who is in Atlanta and New Jersey for $6 per graft. Use out list of recommendations as a starting point for research. 

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I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

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I'm honestly going to go another route since i think the others have already touched on clinics/doctors and pricing. 

Looking at your hair loss situation, your donor doesn't look particularly strong in that picture either due to lighting or possibly because you might have retrograde alopecia and it's just not that area but over your ear that makes it seem that way too. 

I would probably recommend you to increase your dosage to 1mg every day of Finasteride as soon as you are able to in order to block the maximum DHT that medication allows because at only 25, it does seem like your hair loss is getting a bit more aggressive. Early intervention is the best defence imo. 

Also, add in Nizoral or a similar 2% ketoconazole shampoo and i would honestly say Microneedling at 1-1.5mm with a derma pen 1x a week could help a lot to stimulate blood flow and those struggling hairs. That said, with your shorter hair it's difficult to asses but Minoxidil can IF you stick to the routine probably make a huge difference. 

Just be aware, once you start these treatments, they need to be used indefinitely. The SMP probably makes it a touch harder to tell fully your native hairline and where it is but that's probably a credit to the SMP being done well enough to blend more naturally. 

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The concern here is NOT the cost of a procedure.  It's what's happening with your pattern.  Strong class 5 moving rapidly to a 6.  You're young with already an advanced pattern.  It is a given - if you've shown the propensity to lose, you will continue losing.  It would be nice to know when.  Wish I had a hair crystal ball from time to time.

From the back it seems you are experiencing some retrograde.  It also looks like you are dipping quite a bit.  That puts a lot of pressure on your donor.  I would encourage you to consider Fin, Rogaine, PRP and Laser and stay on them for 1 year.  Hopefully you can improve all areas.  You can then transplant pending the outcome.  

Patient Consultant for Dr. Arocha at Arocha Hair Restoration. 

I am not a medical professional and my comments should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions and views shared are my own. 

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Are there any new hairstyles you dream of having that you can only have with a HT

It's hard for me to recommend a HT to a 25 yr old, especially since you are already rocking the buzzed look and have a decent illusion of fullness with the SMP.

What do you think of your current buzzed down look?

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