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Misleading Clinic from India


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AKClinics in India was one of the places I considered before I found my eventual choice thanks to this website, their website seems impressive enough :-




Except there are very few pictures, before and after.


They claim the Transection rate for FUT is 10 - 60 % and only 5 - 10 % for FUE, which is all they do.


This is totally wrong ??? Surely FUT is more more effective in preserving FUs ?


And they claim to be members of the ISHRS ? I get the impression that this is quite an easy membership to obtain if you are already a Doctor ? Is this just an assumption ?

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  • Senior Member

AKClinics in India was one of the places I considered before I found my eventual choice thanks to this website, their website seems impressive enough :-




Except there are very few pictures, before and after.


They claim the Transection rate for FUT is 10 - 60 % and only 5 - 10 % for FUE, which is all they do.


This is totally wrong ??? Surely FUT is more more effective in preserving FUs ?


And they claim to be members of the ISHRS ? I get the impression that this is quite an easy membership to obtain if you are already a Doctor ? Is this just an assumption ?

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I don't know anything about the clinic you are referring to, but transection rate is minimal with strip and is typically higher with FUE. This is not an opinion, it's a proven fact.


Transection rates with strip using today's state of the art techniques should be virtuall non-existant - possibly less than 2%.


ISHRS membership requirements are minimal which basically requires they're a doctor and pay a membership fee.


I hope this helps.



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There a ton of crappy doctors who have ISHRS certificates, check their list, freakin' Dr. Bosley and about half a dozen MHR breakaways are "certified" by them.

Hair loss patient and transplant veteran. Once a Norwood 3A.

Received 2,700 grafts with coalition doctor on 8/13/2010

Received 2,380 grafts with Dr. Steven Gabel on 9/30/2011

Received 1,820 grafts with Dr. Steven Gabel on 7/28/2016

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ISHRS is an educational society there is little barrier to entry. The American Board of Hair Restoration Surgery and the International Board of Hair Restoration Surgery are the only credentialing organizations in the field of Hair Restoration Surgery.To sit for the exam requires either a one year fellowship or documented experience.

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The ISHRS is really just a club that any licensed physican may join to gain some education in HT techniques as well as fellowship with other physicans from around the world. It is not a credential of any kind-although many start ups present it falsely and fraudulently as such.


If I may respectfully disagree with Dr. Arocha, the ABHRS and the IBHRS are likewise just clubs as well and do NOT offer valid credentials. They are NOT recognized by the American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS) and likely never will be. They misleadingly utilize the term "BOARD" in their name,a willfully egregious practice that has already been met with disciplinary action in some states.


Furthermore, while it seems that these organizations "test" doctors, little of the information has anything to do directly with the planning and execution of modern hair transplantation. The ABHRS only requires FIVE results to be presented via photographs every FIVE years to qualify. That's just ridiculous. We are a RESULTS oriented industry and yet ABHRS members are only required to show ONE case per year? Beyond ridiculous.


While I don't seek to deride the benefits of these clubs, they should not imply or outright state that their members are in any way elite HT doctors. In fact several members of the ABHRS are among the worst and unforgivable practitioners the HT field has ever seen.


I encourage the formation of groups for purposes of education and fellowship, but the use of the term "board" is purposefully misleading and serves solely to mislead the lay public. I have urged members of the ABHRS to change their name to American Council of Hair Restoration Surgery, or something like that, but this appeal has only fallen on deaf ears.


If members of the HT world truly want to create a valid ELITE list, then they should require members to post photos of their RESULTS once per month. What could be more useful information than that? The rest is just noise in my opinion, which is why I chose to ignore the ABHRS club and focus on posting as much of my work on internet sites like this one as possible for the past 9 years.


Let's keep this field honest, honerable, and transparent.


-Dr. F

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