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I’m in the Researching Phase but Doubting if it’s going to work for me…

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Hi All,

33 year old who is just beginning this FUE HT journey. I’m in the process of scheduling consultations…I am in the Chicagoland region and I think I have my focus on Panine, Konior/Nadimi, or Shapiro. Because of the cost and the fact some of these doctors are so booked up, I’m probably looking at June/July 2023. 

Attached are some current photos. I did reach out to a doctor recently with these photos to get their opinion and I’ll also attach their response. 

Does anyone have any opinions as far as what they see in the number of probable needed grafts? Can anyone point me to another person who has a similar hairline as myself who had success? Any doctor of the ones listed that you believe would be better working with my hairline? I’m currently not on fin/minoxidil so I’m going to try and get on these. 

Like I said above I’m in the initial phase of researching but also doubting that it’s going to work for me because of my hairline. I read the last 2 sentences and I interpret it as the HT will be short term as the rest of my preexisting hair thins over time. Any help, advice, and/or encouragement is appreciated.

“The photos you sent show an isolated frontal hairline recession with what appears to be a relatively stable frontal tuft.  You appear to be a good candidate based on the isolated nature of your hair loss.  The hairline you've marked will require around 3000 grafts. I recommend a higher hairline location closer to 1500-2000 grafts.   The exact number of grafts needed will depend on the precise size of the zone you want filled and on your overall density expectations.  High density grafting requires a "dense-pack" approach in which approximately 40-50 follicular units per square centimeter are placed to achieve maximum filling of the zone.  The great majority of patients are very satisfied with this density.  Strip or FUE harvesting can be used with FUE being recommended should you opt to wear a very short hair style in the future. Although it is possible to begin surgical restoration if you have conservative goals, surgical restoration will provide only a short term density boost since the preexisting hair will continue to thin over time.  I believe that Propecia and Rogaine will give you the best chance for stabilization at this time.”








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Hi there,

I don't understand why you don't think it will work for you because of your hairline? It's not that the HT will be short term per se, but more that, yes, the rest of your native hair is going to continue to miniaturise and bald as time passes; it's inevitable for anyone really. To what extent though, who knows.

That's why you're being advised to use meds, so that your hair loss will slow down substantially and stabilise so that you don't need to come in for another HT in the immediate future. The transplanted hair, whilst still susceptible to MPB over time, will likely stay put quite strong for a long time even without meds. The doctor is saying that without using them, the aesthetic improvement made by a HT will only last for so long before it is pretty much negated by further loss of surrounding hair.

As for how many grafts you'll need, it would depend on how much you want to lower your hairline from it's current lowest point in the middle/at the frontal tuft (where it is still relatively strong at least, you have hairs below that are still part of your frontal tuft that have thinned out massively, I'm not talking about those hairs being the lowest point, just for clarity). If you wanted to move it down around about a cm from this point and obviously fill in the corners that would be behind it, probably about 2500 grafts or so.

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Based on the photos, it seems, you are thinning diffusely through the pattern.  Let's start with some basic concepts.  If you've shown the propensity to lose, you will continue losing.  Everybody has limited donor and there is typically not enough to allow for a full set of hair when dealing with an advanced pattern.  So, when you look in the mirror, what is the first thing you see? How about when others interact with you? (The front).  So, start there.  (It is also important to keep in mind you want to be age and pattern appropriate.  Class 5/6 will normally keep a strong forelock, medium density in the mid scalp and nothing in the crown.  The front will normally be well recessed and in a very conservative location.  (The farther back you start, the farther back the doctor can work). A common range of grafts, donor permitting, is around 2500 grafts.

Propecia and Rogaine, most believe, are the best meds out there for hair retention in the crown area.  Get on them and stay on them.  You may also want to consider PRP/Laser.  You should start noticing retention within a few weeks.  It does take a good year to see if you'll experience enhancement of the native hair.  

Are you open to travel?

Patient Consultant for Dr. Arocha at Arocha Hair Restoration. 

I am not a medical professional and my comments should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions and views shared are my own. 

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43 minutes ago, FrontalTuft said:

@hairman22 are you saying don’t go for a dense pack only if I don’t go on fin/minox? If I do go on the meds then a dense pack would be appropriate?


i would only go for a dense pack if I was a Norwood 2-3.


Save grafts for future. But thats juts my opinion. Most important is too pick a good surgeon

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4 minutes ago, hairman22 said:

i would only go for a dense pack if I was a Norwood 2-3.


Save grafts for future. But thats juts my opinion. Most important is too pick a good surgeon

Just curious as to why higher norwoods can't go for dense packed? 

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5 minutes ago, FrontalTuft said:

I think I have a similar situation to this patient. Would you agree? @hairman22

I would be very happy with those results. 


I think your hair looks better .

A good surgeon will come up with a good plan.


1500-2000 grafts is enough in yoour case imo.


Just you need to prepared for more surgery most likley in the future. But who knows the meds may stop that.


If I was you I would go for the surgery

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