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Everything posted by FrontalTuft

  1. @Melvin- Moderator I believe you talked about these in a past YouTube video?
  2. Does anyone have any experience using these 2 products (oral MSM & topical MAP) after a HT? 1x daily?, 2x daily? Do you apply the topical to the recipient area? Do you think they made a difference?
  3. Hi all, I have seen some recommendations of taking MSM (healing) & a probiotic (absorption) for a HT procedure. Should these be started before the procedure or after?
  4. Looks awesome! I have a procedure booked with Dr. Nadimi next spring. I know I’ll be getting instructions as I get closer to the date, but just wondering if you remember what they told you regarding the days/weeks leading up to the procedure with taking minoxidil, microneedling, alcohol, other supplements, etc as well as with after? It seems like every doctor is a little different with their before/after care instructions.
  5. I’m not getting into who is the best or who is better than who but I will say there is a misconception about Dr. Nadimi on the forum. I recently had a consultation with her and went in thinking that she only preformed procedures up to 2000 grafts based on what I’ve seen/read on the forum. I was surprised when meeting with her that she regularly does procedures over 2000 grafts but she will schedule the procedure over 2 days for anything over 2000. Her initial email response for anyone who contacts her seems to consistently say a recommendation of 1500-2000 grafts but once you are at your consultation she will do a more thorough evaluation based on your needs/wants with a more accurate recommendation.
  6. I’ve had 2 in person consultations in the last 3 months. Attached are the hairline each doctor recommended. There’s obviously more to deciding which doctor to choose but I thought I would ask if anyone had a recommendation on which hairline they like better. Hair is obviously combed/messed up a little different in each pic. Hairline 1: 2200-2500 grafts Hairline 2: 2500 grafts
  7. Hi all, Looking at my first HT in May/June 2023 (about 16/17 months away). Just started fin, min, & derma rolling a couple weeks ago. Currently 33 years old, Norwood 3 with hairloss being pretty stable at the moment. Just wondering what you all recommend in terms of when to start getting consultations with the HT being so far away? Better idea to start talking to doctors ASAP (now) or wait a little closer to HT (6-12 months out) to show results of medications (if any). Obviously there are some doctors who have longer waiting lists than others that I would also need to consider. Thanks.
  8. I think I have a similar situation to this patient. Would you agree? @hairman22 I would be very happy with those results.
  9. @hairman22 are you saying don’t go for a dense pack only if I don’t go on fin/minox? If I do go on the meds then a dense pack would be appropriate?
  10. Hi All, 33 year old who is just beginning this FUE HT journey. I’m in the process of scheduling consultations…I am in the Chicagoland region and I think I have my focus on Panine, Konior/Nadimi, or Shapiro. Because of the cost and the fact some of these doctors are so booked up, I’m probably looking at June/July 2023. Attached are some current photos. I did reach out to a doctor recently with these photos to get their opinion and I’ll also attach their response. Does anyone have any opinions as far as what they see in the number of probable needed grafts? Can anyone point me to another person who has a similar hairline as myself who had success? Any doctor of the ones listed that you believe would be better working with my hairline? I’m currently not on fin/minoxidil so I’m going to try and get on these. Like I said above I’m in the initial phase of researching but also doubting that it’s going to work for me because of my hairline. I read the last 2 sentences and I interpret it as the HT will be short term as the rest of my preexisting hair thins over time. Any help, advice, and/or encouragement is appreciated. “The photos you sent show an isolated frontal hairline recession with what appears to be a relatively stable frontal tuft. You appear to be a good candidate based on the isolated nature of your hair loss. The hairline you've marked will require around 3000 grafts. I recommend a higher hairline location closer to 1500-2000 grafts. The exact number of grafts needed will depend on the precise size of the zone you want filled and on your overall density expectations. High density grafting requires a "dense-pack" approach in which approximately 40-50 follicular units per square centimeter are placed to achieve maximum filling of the zone. The great majority of patients are very satisfied with this density. Strip or FUE harvesting can be used with FUE being recommended should you opt to wear a very short hair style in the future. Although it is possible to begin surgical restoration if you have conservative goals, surgical restoration will provide only a short term density boost since the preexisting hair will continue to thin over time. I believe that Propecia and Rogaine will give you the best chance for stabilization at this time.”
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