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Losing hair on upper part of sideburns, can i do anything to resolve this?

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Hey guys, had my first FUE to my hairline + templates around 5 weeks ago.

Just this morning I noticed something new, so my right side of my sideburns, upperpart is clearly thinning/losing it's har. I never noticed this before at all.

 I don't know if it's related to my FUE post effects, if it could effect that?
My question is can I do anything to resolve this?
I took pics of both sides so you can see obvious different.

Screenshot 2021-10-05 at 09.07.11.png

Screenshot 2021-10-05 at 09.07.20.png

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46 minutes ago, Gatsby said:

Are you referring to the temple point or the temple hairline?

No sorry maybe you are confused. I am referring to my SIDEBURNS.

See this part here I attached on my right of my head.
Then see the picture of my left side of my head which is perfectly normal.

It's pretty clear suddenly my right upper sideburns has got hit somewhere along the time. so my question is just if i can do anything about this.
I have no idea where this came from, i never noticed it until today.

Screenshot 2021-10-05 at 10.58.57.png

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8 minutes ago, Gatsby said:

If your before surgery pics of this area (which is your temple point) is thicker then it may be a result from shock loss. It will usually rectify itself over the next few months. Do you have any loss in the donor region, etc?

No nothing in the donor region at all - just suddenly discovered this today.

Here is a picture of that same side on August 4th, as you can see there it's not effected - https://www.dropbox.com/s/4z8tvhx00tgye20/IMG_1587.JPG?dl=0

So seems like a new thing, i don't know if it's related to the FUE I had on Sept 3rd

But saying that, they did they hair from my sides too, not sure if that was a full donor area

Edited by londonhairlossvictim
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Blew up your linked picture and labeling. Were you using any hair dye to darken your grey hairs before? The pic on the right has almost no grey hairs. The thinner vellus hairs we all have that are almost invisible or cannot see except when real close up, along with the thicker grey hairs are going to be alot more visible when they are dyed black. 

If you haven't been dying your hair and its suddenly greying, could be a sign of alot of stress, nutritional, sleep, etc issues, that could also cause thinning. If that's the case, fix the lifestyle and stress issues. Either way, this area is one of the more common places to thin out earlier than later. Minoxidil with microneedling can help you hang on to it as long as possible. 

image.thumb.png.3d9ee19b4a55427ceb9d2c241cfa475a.pngBlew up 

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7 minutes ago, ciaus said:

Blew up your linked picture and labeling. Were you using any hair dye to darken your grey hairs before? The pic on the right has almost no grey hairs. The thinner vellus hairs we all have that are almost invisible or cannot see except when real close up, along with the thicker grey hairs are going to be alot more visible when they are dyed black. 

If you haven't been dying your hair and its suddenly greying, could be a sign of alot of stress, nutritional, sleep, etc issues, that could also cause thinning. If that's the case, fix the lifestyle and stress issues. Either way, this area is one of the more common places to thin out earlier than later. Minoxidil with microneedling can help you hang on to it as long as possible. 

image.thumb.png.3d9ee19b4a55427ceb9d2c241cfa475a.pngBlew up 

Ooooo yes I was dying my hair, since my FUE - 4.5 weeks now of course havn't died my hair.
So you think because of the color dye it looks more "full"?



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1 hour ago, londonhairlossvictim said:

Ooooo yes I was dying my hair, since my FUE - 4.5 weeks now of course havn't died my hair.
So you think because of the color dye it looks more "full"?



Yea I think the dye and shorter hair length blend to help give an overall fuller look. I'd give it another dye session and cut it to the same length for an accurate comparison. The dye is going to highlight and help make more visible all those hairs, from the thinner lighter colored 'vellus' hairs we have all over our body including the finer hairline and temple point areas, to the thinning terminal hairs, to the full terminal hairs that are not thinning. And the shorter length helps too because the vellus hairs don't grow as long as the terminal hairs.




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1 minute ago, ciaus said:

Yea I think the dye and shorter hair length blend to help give an overall fuller look. I'd give it another dye session and cut it to the same length for an accurate comparison. The dye is going to highlight and help make more visible all those hairs, from the thinner lighter colored 'vellus' hairs we have all over our body including the finer hairline and temple point areas, to the thinning terminal hairs, to the full terminal hairs that are not thinning. And the shorter length helps too because the vellus hairs don't grow as long as the terminal hairs.




wow your right i totally overlooked that, makes much more sense now!

but do you recommend i still apply minoxidil there and try also dermarolling there?

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1 minute ago, londonhairlossvictim said:

wow your right i totally overlooked that, makes much more sense now!

but do you recommend i still apply minoxidil there and try also dermarolling there?

Yea it looks like its thinning overall regardless. At least minoxidil, if you are a great responder that may be enough. And the dermarolling can help enhance the minoxidil absorption. Alot of guys will get their top hair fixed with a good strong hairline while the sides keep going back, it doesn't look natural overall and is one of the dead giveways that a guy's had some work done. And its a difficult place to restore if you try to get it fixed with tranplanted hair. From finding a doctor with enough experience and skill, to having enough softer fine hairs in other parts of their head or body to put there that will look natural. 

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